Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1527: Youkai!


The starburst shot, the star knife accurately cut down on the wolf demon sky spirit cover, only hearing the crackling bone cracking sound, the wolf demon's forehead was directly split in half, completely extinct.

The Xingchen Knife stopped, only an inch away from the demon pill in his head, and his strength was controlled just right.

Song Hui couldn't help but praised: "Junior Brother Qin is good at swordsmanship!"

Qin Fei said modestly: "Brother Song is brilliant in archery!"

Song Guo haha ​​said: "Don't be polite, if it weren't for the powerful fire whip of Junior Sister Li, how could we easily kill it?"

Qin Fei smiled and looked at him, this guy would not spare any time to please Li E.

Song Guo went to pick up the demon pill and wanted to give it to Li E. When Li E took it, he laughed from ear to ear, but Li E immediately changed hands to Qin Fei, and Song Guo was depressed.

Song Hui said that it seems that the tactical coordination of the four of us is still very tacit. Let's go back. From now on, the four of us will fight like this!

Qin Fei asked Song Hui on the way back, what was the specific arrangement?

Song Hui said that according to the situation in previous years, Brother Xue and Sister Du are still leading. We will cooperate on the sidelines. Then, as long as we attack the monsters according to the current cooperation method, there will generally be no major problems. We must follow their instructions when entering the place. , Don’t act privately, otherwise Senior Sister Du will get angry.

Seeing that he was a little scared when he talked about Du Yu, Qin Fei was very curious, Du Yu's prestige was very high.

Song Hui seemed to see through his mind, and whispered to remind Sister Du that Sister Du is very good, very good when she is good to others. If anyone offends her, she won’t have any good fruit. This time the matter is very important, she and the refiner The elder brother of the hall is competing for the position of the deputy hall master, and this experience period is the final battle for them in the hall! Whoever hunts the best demon pill will win the post of deputy hall master! So we must not do it this time! At least we can't hold her back.

Qin Fei thought to himself that this was the reason, the role of deputy hall master? Du Yu said that her master is the deputy hall master. Could it be that there are many deputy hall masters in this refining hall?

Song Hui nodded and said that it was true. There is only one main hall master for a hall entrance, but there are as many as eight deputy hall masters. Six months ago, the main hall master successfully broke through into the inner door, and the deputy hall master has already won one after the competition. I became the main hall master, so the deputy hall master left a vacancy. The disciples underneath had already been fighting for half a year ago. It was finally determined that Du Yu and the senior brother Lin Zhi were fighting for this one. After dozens of tests, they are not even close to each other, so the results of this training period are the most important.

Qin Fei asked, did you always mix with Sister Du, or did you form an alliance this time?

Song Hui said that it was this experience that our brothers decided to form an alliance with Sister Du. She promised to give us benefits that we couldn’t refuse. As for Hu Yi, they seemed to be willing to do something profitable. It’s not clear what the threat is. Anyway, the situation is very complicated. Only Xue and Wei are willing. We all know that he is pursuing Sister Du. No matter what she has, we will do our best to help.

Qin Fei sighed, Xue and Wei are really infatuated.

Song Hui snorted, he was infatuated with a fart, his eyes were higher than his eyes, no one only knew that it was profit. He chased Sister Du just because of her beauty and the power behind him. Anyway, I don't believe that he really has feelings for Sister Du. Brother Qin, you must remember that you should not believe anyone except your relatives when you are in the Dao, otherwise you will not know how to be sold! I have seen too many conspiracies.

Qin Fei smiled. Song Hui spoke directly. With a smile, then I can't believe you?

Song Hui smiled and said that he really couldn't believe it. If there are enough benefits, I will definitely turn my face and deny people. Of course, I also have self-knowledge. You must be the one I can't provoke, and I would rather suffer a loss than never fight with you. !

Qin Fei laughed. Wonderful man, Song Hui speaks happily and not pretentiously. People with this personality are best to get along with.

In fact, what he is talking about is also a normal phenomenon in the world. In many cases, even your relatives may betray you, let alone other people.

People like Song Hui are so-called true villains, and they are better than those hypocrites.

Back in the valley, the other team has also returned. Du Yu and Xue and Wei said it was almost time to go to the real battle! They have received the news that the big brother Lin Zhi has taken someone there an hour ago.

Along the way, everyone looked very serious, and even Song Guo, who was looking after picking up girls, didn't make the beauty laugh beside Li E.

Qin Fei observed everyone along the way, and Xue and Wei were indeed pursuing Du Yu as Song Hui said. His attention was all on her and he didn't even bother to look at other people.

The couple Liang He and Luo Hua never forget to show their affection at any time. They also hold hands on the road. They are reluctant to separate. From time to time, they look at each other with affection, which makes people get goose bumps.

Hu Yi didn't have any special performance, and he was also a person who didn't like to talk, but Qin Fei noticed that this guy would glance at Luohua quickly from time to time, and then quickly retracted his gaze, as if he had something to say about Luohua.

The place where he went was called Monster Mountain. According to Song Hui, this area of ​​experience was originally the territory of monsters. It was occupied by the master of the Holy Spirit Sect, and then the monsters were sealed with secret methods so that it could be used as a disciple of the clan to experience it. Use, the monster mountain is the place where the life of the monster beasts is the most concentrated. During each experience period, when the formation is opened, the monsters come out, and the powerful monsters will gather in the monster mountain. It is the most dangerous place, but it is also the most dangerous place to obtain the monsters. If Du Yu and Lin Zhi wanted to win in the place with the highest level of pill, they had to go there to hunt monsters. Qin Fei wondered, why do Monster Beasts like to gather in Monster Mountain? Isn't this a one-pot meal?

Song Hui smiled and said that this is the home of monsters. They must be homesick. They come back once a year. Can they not stay at home?

Among them, he also mentioned a phenomenon that the monster beasts in the monster mountain are very desperate in battle, and would rather die than leave.

This made Qin Fei secretly pay attention to this phenomenon, thinking that this phenomenon is very unusual. First, even if the monster comes out, even if it is homesick, it is impossible that there is no powerful monster besides the monster mountain. Mountain? Second, they would rather die than leave the Demon Mountain. In addition to protecting their home, would there be more things they need to protect?

Three hours later, the Demon Mountain appeared in Qin Fei’s line of sight. This Demon Mountain surprised him because it was so familiar. It was on this mountain that the Great Sage trained the monkeys. At that time, the Great Sage liked this mountain. In addition to the excellent environment, he also said that there is a feeling that he is very familiar with. He thinks that because this mountain is very similar to the Huaguo Mountain where he lived in the past, he also named it Xinhuaguo Mountain, but he did not expect it. This will be Demon Mountain.

He secretly communicated to the great sage in the profound spirit cauldron, and asked him what he had found in Demon Mountain?

The Great Sage said that he didn't find anything, he just felt that he had a feeling of returning home, which attracted him, so he decided to move there.

Qin Fei was about to continue to ask him, Du Yu called everyone to stop, seriously Dao Lin Zhi, they have already entered the Demon Mountain first, they must have achieved a lot of results, if you want to surpass him, you must work harder. That's it, so she agreed with Xue and Wei. This time she will enter the Demon Mountain and go straight to the depths, specifically selecting the eight-fold demon beast to start with. According to reliable information, there are also ten people on Lin Zhi's side. Up and down, so they can only choose eight-fold life-saving monsters at most. According to his cautious character, they will not find the monsters that live in groups. This gives us the opportunity. We will pick monsters living in groups and take them. The first time is won back by the number of demon pills.

Qin Fei kept his lips secretly, looking for a group of monsters, isn't this going to die?

Hu Yi objected on the spot, saying that it was not appropriate. There were as few as three or five monsters living in groups, and as many as a dozen. How could they be opponents?

Du Yu said that she had considered this matter of course, so she would have to obey the instructions at that time. Xue and Wei will be responsible for leading away the other monsters, and then everyone will follow her to make every effort to defeat them in the shortest time, so that they can succeed. .

This method made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. It would be easier if Xue and Wei drew other monsters away.

Qin Fei glanced at Xue and Wei, secretly asking if this guy has any special skills?

Entering the Demon Mountain, Du Yu first observed and made sure that Lin Zhi had gone to the north, so he led everyone to the south, so as to avoid encountering each other.

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