Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1536: Virtual plan!

According to Du Yu's analysis, Qin Fei already had the ability to fight the Nine Masters of Zhiming.

After the golden giant had finished his cultivation, he looked at Qin Fei and said that he would send the four of them out of here now. After going out, Qin Fei must remember the promise.

Qin Fei solemnly stated that he would do his best to obtain the God-swallowing gourd, but the sea of ​​people is vast and the world is boundless. Even Cangshengzhou is probably hard to find. He hopes that the golden giant can provide him with more information. Convenient to find the God-swallowing gourd as soon as possible.

The golden giant thought for a while, and said that a thousand years ago, the Heaven-Swallowing God Gourd had appeared in the hands of a man named Chasing Sun on the east side of Cangshengzhou. After Qin Fei went out to Cangshengzhou, he could inquire about this person's whereabouts.

Qin Fei wondered what to do if he died?

The golden giant said he could not die! Thousands of years ago, he was already a powerhouse with a life span of thousands of years. Now his strength is probably stronger and he is absolutely impossible to die unless he meets someone who can kill him, but he has the **** swallowing gourd in his hand, who can Can you kill him?

Qin Fei was speechless, and lived for thousands of years. This was an old monster.

The golden giant smiled and said that you know that your fate can now live for five hundred years, and you can live for a thousand years if you change your fate. This is the way we pursue longevity, so people who live for several thousand years are actually very common. You don’t need to be surprised. , Now you all get out of here!

When the words fell, a golden light burst from his body, causing Lutan to attack him again. A golden glow enveloped the four of them, protecting them and rushing into the passage. The formations on both sides started rapidly, but they couldn't catch up with them. , In the blink of an eye, the four had already appeared in the cave.

After sending away the four of Qin Fei, the golden giant's breath was weaker than ever, and his body trembled violently. This time he was exhausted, and he sighed and said to himself that he hoped to bet this time, otherwise the thousand-year repair Because it was wasted!

On the top of the demon mountain, the demon beasts gather together. At this time, the demon beasts are full of all kinds of demon beasts, forming an orderly array. All the demon beasts look at the top of the mountain with a human face and a cat body and three ears. One more monster beast with vertical eyes grew on the back of the turtle's tail, and his expression was extremely respectful.

Two elephant demon standing on the left and right of Xuhekong, the left elephant demon said in a deep voice, and all the six-fold and above-familiar ones have arrived!

Xu nodded, showing solemn expression, saying that we can start!

The elephant demon on the right is a little puzzled, Dao King. What use is this for us?

I glanced at it and said that this is the demon mountain. Thousands of years ago, countless powerful predecessors of the demon race gathered here. It is said that there is a green pool of demon blood formed by the blood of thousands of powerful demon races in the mountain. If you can find the demon lake here, With the blood of the predecessors, we will all gain powerful strength, and then we will be able to regain our freedom and no longer be used by the kings and **** of the Holy Spirit Sect as the prey of the hateful human monks!

It looked at the group of demons under the mountain, and said loudly that you have listened well, release all your powers and must find the demon pond. The four humans disappeared in the cave. It is very likely that they have found other channels. It may be where the Demon Lake is located, and we will cover the entire Demon Mountain!

All the monster beasts got excited and burst into the sky. Standing on the top of the mountain, their three ears were erected, their body suddenly enlarged, the vertical eyes on their backs suddenly opened, and all the monster energy gathered on it, causing It exudes an aura of terror.

Sora gave a faint glance at Xu with a very dissatisfied expression. It really didn't have a good impression of this cheap father who suddenly appeared. As soon as they met, he arrested his master Qin Fei. It was useless to intercede, and felt that this cheap father. Don't value yourself at all.

It was very angry and angry, especially when Qin Fei and the others had disappeared and disappeared in the cave. This made it hateful.

Seeing Xu was accumulating the power of other monsters at this time, of course it refused to let go of the opportunity, and was ready to destroy Xu's actions so that it could do nothing.

As soon as it moved, it was caught by the elephant's nose on the right. No matter how hard it struggled, it couldn't get rid of it. The turtle tail moved towards the elephant's trunk, only to find that the surrounding space was under virtual control.

He gave it a false look and said, "Don't make trouble, my son, when Dad finds the Demon Lake, the first one will let you increase your strength."

After that, it continues to accumulate strength regardless of Kong's reaction.

Soon, the accumulation of power reached its peak, and the space around it began to twist, and he let out a deep cry: "Move the mountains to the sea!"

With a bang, the entire Demon Mountain trembled, and the virtual incarnation became thousands of ways, and escaped into time and space, covering the entire Demon Mountain, and the space produced strong fluctuations, as if to move the entire Demon Mountain away.

At this moment, a golden light shot into the sky, followed by Qin Fei and the four rushed out of the cave. The group of demons looked at them in surprise.

When Xu saw Qin Fei and the four people, his expression was shocked, and Wandao Incarnation returned to the body. This was not its clone, but a phantom formed by the power of time and space. In this world, the clone does not exist.

Xu looked at Qin Fei with a grinning smile, and you finally came out. Tell me where have you been? Did you find the demon pond that my demon clan senior left behind thousands of years ago?

Qin Fei didn't bother to pay attention to it. Seeing Kong was entangled in the nose by the elephant demon, he furiously let it go!

The elephant demon looked at him disdainfully, and didn't move.

At this time, Xu said grimly boy, this king is asking you something, dare to ignore this king and look for death!

When the words fell, it turned into an afterimage and charged towards Qin Fei.

It is the Ninth Level of Zhiming, and I think it is easy to clean up Qin Fei!

Qin Fei yelled well, then punched out, smashing into the empty face.

The expression of the emptiness changed greatly, and the vigor and speed of Qin Fei's punch made him feel shocked, and it turned out to be the same as his own strength.

It was wondering, Qin Fei had already smashed his fist on its face, and flew out with a sullen hum. After landing, he looked at Qin Fei incredulously, saying that you are only a master of fate, you can beat me?

Qin Fei sneered, there are more things you didn't expect!

Then he rushed towards the Xiang Yao. Xiang Yao hurriedly tried to resist, but he was kicked and successfully saved the sky. Then he threw it into the profound spirit cauldron. Then Qin Fei unfolded all his strength, punching and kicking it. Beating the two elephant monsters so that they couldn't get up, they rushed to call other monsters to besieged Qin Fei, and by the way, they surrounded Du Yu and the others.

Qin Fei sneered, and the star knife came out from the sky, swept across the army, and instantly split several demon beasts that knew their lives.

He now possesses golden blood and transparent aura, and his true strength has already reached the 9th level of Zhiming. During the battle, he also discovered that the combination of golden blood and transparent aura is actively absorbing the aura between heaven and earth at any time, which makes him With inexhaustible power, fighting against opponents in the same realm has taken a huge advantage. Although these monsters are powerful, they are far behind him.

Half an hour later, hundreds of monster beast corpses lay down on the top of the mountain. The monster beasts at the bottom of the mountain made birds and beasts. They gritted their teeth with hatred, and rushed towards Qin Fei. Its silhouette flashed and displayed the power of time and space. At this point, Qin Fei frowned. This guy’s attack method was weird and difficult to deal with. He hurriedly called Xia out, let him think of a way, and said the master, although I am your little brother, he is always my father. Now you are all right, let's forget it, we can just ignore it.

Although it doesn't want to recognize this cheap father, the blood-linked family affection makes it unable to deal with its own father, so it feels that it is the most appropriate to turn the fighting into a jade silk.

Qin Fei also understood its thoughts, as soon as his eyes rolled, he would make you feel wronged!

He lifted the empty tail, hung it upside down, and said to Xu in a loud voice that if you don't want your son to die, stop immediately and let us leave the Monster Mountain safely.

Void sees the sky being threatened, he came out to gritted his teeth, Dao kid, dare to hurt him a hair, the king and you are endless!

Qin Fei smiled and said if you want to fight with me again, how about how many vellus I hurt?

After he said that he was going to pull the hair out, he hurriedly said: Stop, I will listen to you, don't hurt it, don't be afraid of my son, Dad will protect you.

Then it gave some of the monster roads that were still running away, let them leave here, and were not allowed to attack.

Qin Fei nodded in satisfaction and winked at Du Yu and the three of them. They walked through the herd together and came to the foot of the mountain, with all the beasts behind them. Leave it to me, my son, and finally find it, we can't separate anymore.

Qin Fei looked at Kong and asked what it meant. Kong said that the master and father did not want to separate.

That's not easy? If Qin Fei really cares about empty space for you, why don't you submit to me too.

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