Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1543: Bear demon!

It's normal for Xuan Ling'er and the others to want to come out to help. They haven't been idle for a month.

Qi Kong gave Qin Fei countless resources to practice, but Qin Fei didn’t use it much. He could practice very well with the blood of gold and transparent aura. To be honest, those resources could not be compared, so he couldn’t. It was wasted, and they were all used.

He has thoroughly mastered the operation rules of spiritual energy, and the blood of gold has made him understand the rules of heaven and earth more and more thoroughly, so he taught them all these experiences, so that they can quickly transform the profound energy in their bodies into Reiki, in the past month, the cultivation of the girls has improved a lot, all have reached the supreme state, Xuan Ling'er has the strongest comprehension, and is already the supreme eighth level, it will not be long before breaking through the fate. .

But Qin Fei didn't dare to show them. Qi Kong had a bad heart. He certainly hadn't fully believed his words yet, so he had to guard against it. He didn't want Qi Kong to know that there were so many people around him, otherwise Qi Kong would definitely meet him. If you make other crooked ideas, you will be restrained everywhere. Ever since the Nether Demon Emperor threatened him with his family, he has been wary, and his family must not be exposed.

After a night's rest, Qin Fei had been cultivating, and fighting against the bear demon benefited him a lot. His cultivation level had improved a bit, and he felt that he should not be far away from changing his life.

The next day, the bear demon took the initiative to bring the group of beasts and asked Qin Fei to continue fighting.

Qin Feile is now, this guy is really cute enough, take the initiative to send it to the door, then fight.

Another day has passed. Although Qin Fei has made some progress in his cultivation, he is still not an opponent of the bear demon. He is still beaten miserably. When it gets dark, the bear demon voluntarily leaves again and agrees to fight again tomorrow.

The bear demon had a very comfortable life, fighting with Qin Fei during the day and enjoying delicious honey in the evening. This kind of life has not been enjoyed for a long time.

It hopes that the longer it will be, the better, and it doesn't want to be trapped in a barren place by the formation. It doesn't even have honey, which is really unhappy.

The night passed quickly, and Qin Fei met with the bear demon again. This time, Qin Fei did not fight with each other at the beginning, but said hello with a smile, greeting him how well he slept last night?

The demon bear also asked politely, one person and one bear look like enemies, but they are clearly friends.

After chatting for a while, Qin Fei moved his hands and feet and said to do business.

The demon bear also became serious, and the two fought together again. The demon bear slapped it out, and Qin Fei caught it. This time, he only stepped back ten meters and then stopped. He did not vomit blood, his face was as usual, and the demon bear was surprised Do you improve quickly.

Qin Fei smiled and said that at the loss of your help, we will come again!

On this day, Qin Fei made great progress, only taking ten steps back each time. The bear demon felt the pressure. Only three days have passed. Qin Fei has progressed to this point. This makes it very annoying. It was not in the mood to eat honey, and felt that it could not go on like this, Qin Fei's speed, I am afraid that it would not take long to defeat it, and then he would have to be locked up again, which could not be allowed to happen.

Therefore, it decided to cultivate and increase its strength, and it must not allow Qin Fei to beat himself.

This night, it dispersed the group of beasts, looking for elixir everywhere, and swallowed it, and the body was full of spiritual energy and confidence greatly increased.

After daybreak, Qin Fei was fighting with it again. Qin Fei was surprised. Yesterday’s progress was gone. This bear demon actually became fierce all of a sudden, slapped and slapped it again. Flying him a hundred meters, this makes him very depressed, it seems that he has to work hard to cultivate.

After half a month passed, Qin Fei suffered a lot every time, feeling that he had not made any progress.

The bear demon was actually not easy either, so that night the demon beasts came back empty-handed, saying that the elixir was gone, and it was all eaten up during this time.

The bear demon sighed and finished speaking. If this continues, Qin Fei may be able to break through the destiny change in three days, and then send himself back to the formation to live a hard life.

A beast asked why he was so sure that Qin Fei could break through and change his life?

The bear demon said that during this period of time, the great king only relied on the support of his spiritual energy to suppress him, but this is also to help him and help him to improve. He is improving day by day, and because the great king pressured him, so He is more diligent in his cultivation. Now that there is no elixir and my advantage is gone, he will suddenly discover that his strength has improved in the first battle tomorrow. With this effort, he can easily break through to the state of changing his fate. This is all in the relationship of mind and nature. , If you want to break through to change your fate, you must have this kind of character!

Some of the beasts understood, some did not.

On the second day, Qin Fei found a surprise as soon as he fought with the bear demon. The opponent's strength seemed to be reduced. Of course, this must be due to his own cultivation base, so he was full of confidence. On this day, he was only caught by the bear demon. Take eight steps back and make great progress.

Day by day, seven days later, after daybreak, Qin Fei looked at the bear demon spirited and arrogant, while the bear demon was utterly depressed, as if very upset.

Qin Fei laughed as soon as he touched him. The Demon Bear slapped it, and he easily blocked it. At the same time, in this state, the spiritual energy in his body circulated wildly, and the demon bear flew out, followed by a loud noise. It came out from the body that he had reached the first stage of changing his life.

As a result, he became more confident, and took the initiative to rush towards the monster bear. Knowing that he was not his opponent now, the monster bear hurriedly said to suspend today and fight again tomorrow!

After speaking, it quickly left with the little brothers.

Qin Fei was ecstatic, and now it was time to change his fate, and he was a big step closer to the goal.

The bear demon returned to the top of the mountain, sighed, and the straights were troublesome. Tomorrow, he would lose in the first battle, and then there would be no use value. Once the formation was opened, he would be trapped again.

A tiger demon strode to it and said, King, don’t worry, we can break through and change our lives to become a real demon clan, and help you fix him!

The monster bear looked at it and the seven-headed monster beast behind him, surprised, really?

The tiger demon nodded. Seriously, we all have a premonition. Since you said that the character of changing life is very important, we have paid attention to it. Today, it happened that humans broke through, and it gave us an epiphany, and we will definitely break through tonight.

Bear demon Dale, say okay, you hurry up to practice, it’s really cool, so we won’t be trapped for the time being.

After daybreak, Qin Fei looked at Demon Bear with full confidence. After greetings, he was about to do something. Demon Bear stepped back, saying that today we are going together. Can you dare to fight?

Go together? Are monsters useful? Qin Fei looked at it doubtfully.

The bear demon smiled triumphantly and said that of course it wasn't just me, nor was it a monster, but a monster like me.

When the words fell, the demons with eight animal faces and human bodies stood up and looked at Qin Fei together, full of fighting spirit.

Qin Fei was surprised and said that you all broke through to change your lives all at once?

Tiger demon is full of confidence. Of course, a few of us will play with you today, so be careful!

After speaking, the eight monster races rushed towards Qin Fei, with an aura.

Qin Fei's self-confidence was instantly reduced by more than half, and Nima changed his life to beat him by eight. Isn't this bullying?

The result was obvious. He was immediately beaten by all the demons and retreated with a disgraced face. He was doing reviews all night. With one-to-eight, this matter could not be pleased. If it were not for the other side's mercy, he would have died. Up.

Although the blood of gold and transparent aura can make him have four times stronger power and speed than ordinary people, but the opponent has eight, which is still a difference of 50%. If he is not dead, people only care about playing with him. The result of the killer.

Qin Fei felt the pressure, and felt that this matter was not trivial, and that he had to go all out.

He carefully studied the scenes of the Eight Demon fighting with him dozens of times, trying hard to find out the flaws of the opponent. When it was almost dawn, he gave a wry smile, and there was nothing to gain. In a hard fight, he can only resist, don’t There is no other way.

There is no way, just fight hard. If you don't fight, there is no chance to improve.

After dawn, the sun was high, a rare good weather, Qin Fei looked at the demons excitedly and said, come on.

The Tiger Demon pounced first, followed by other demon races, surrounding him round and round, and the murderous aura became solid, like a giant mountain pressing on him, it couldn't be more powerful.

Qin Fei and the Eight Demons fought against each other, and their bodies flew upside down. To their surprise, they only retreated 80 meters this time, indicating that progress had already begun.

He jumped up again excitedly, and the tiger demon hurriedly greeted the other monster race to catch his offensive.

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