Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1591: Taixu Tower!

"Junior Brother Qin, go!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Cheng Qi hurriedly told Qin Fei to leave.

He took Qin Fei to the back door and told him to leave as soon as the other party couldn't find anyone.

Qin Fei also knew that this was not the time to be aggressive, and Yu Sandao was able to tell Deputy Hall Master Zhang to arrest him, and there would be a big trouble staying.

But it was too late for him to leave. At this time, Yu Sandao, Deputy Hall Master Zhang and others had already rushed in. The people who brought them huffed and surrounded Qin Fei and Chengqi. Zhong Shanqiang chased in from outside and shouted: "Deputy Hall Master Zhang, you can't do this, Qin Fei is my Futang disciple, how can I take away the remaining three swords?"

Deputy Hall Master Zhang glanced at him and said, "Old man Zhong, what are you? How dare you talk to Lao Tzu in this tone? He is a Fu Tang disciple, but he shouldn’t provoke Yu San Dao. He comes to me. Tang arrested him and ventilated with me beforehand, which has given us Fu Tang great face."

Qin Fei secretly said that Yu Sandao was a disciple of Qitang, and his status was the same as Futang's third-class status. Why was it so valued by Deputy Hall Master Zhang? Could there be someone behind him?

Zhong Shan angered: "You let him take Qin Fei away to lose my Futang's face! How can our people allow them to do anything wrong?"

Deputy Hall Master Zhang squinted and said: "What? Are you determined to prevent us from taking Qin Fei? Old man Zhong, don't you be ignorant, believe it or not that I've destroyed you?"

Zhong Shan said violently, "No one is allowed to take him away today. Anyone who is in my virtual talisman will not do it. Deputy Hall Master Zhang, if Qin Fei violates our Futang's rules, I have absolutely nothing to say, but an outsider. People who come to catch me, I absolutely will not agree!"

Qin Fei was very touched, this old man Zhong is really good.

Seeing Zhong Shanqiang's insistence on this, Deputy Hall Master Zhang couldn't help being annoyed.

At this time, Yu Sandao smiled coldly, and said: "Vice Hall Master Zhang, it seems that your authority is not strong enough. It is surprising that even a small branch office dared to prevent you from doing things!"

Deputy Hall Master Zhang was so excited by him, he was furious, and said: "Old man Zhong, don't you know good or bad, do you know who Yu Sandao will be in the future? He has been selected by the first-class punishment hall and will be in the future. Both his identity and identity far exceed us. If this kid offends him this time, wouldn't it make Futang a bad person?"

Zhong Shanqiang was shocked, looked at Yu Sandao who was smiling smugly in surprise, and frowned slightly.

But he just hesitated and said, "No! What about the people in the penalty hall? Anyway, today he can't take my people away!"

Deputy Hall Master Zhang said angrily: "Damn it! Toast or not eat your fine wine! Today I exempted you from the position of chief of the virtual talisman on the spot. Come, take him down and lock him up immediately!"

After finishing speaking, some people gathered around Zhong Shanqiang, and Zhong Shanqiang wanted to resist. The deputy hall master Zhang coldly looked at Zhong Shanqiang with a fist, preparing to injure him and take him away.


At this time, a loud voice sounded, and a middle-aged man with a burly figure and a majestic face walked in.

"Hall Master Li!"

When the people present saw the visitors, they saluted, and Deputy Hall Master Zhang also hurriedly closed their fists.

"What's the matter? What kind of style is it so noisy?" Hall Master Li's eyes swept across everyone's faces, majestic.

Deputy Hall Master Zhang said anxiously: "Hall Master, that's what happened. This kid named Qin Fei from Xufutang provoked Yu Sandao from Qitang, and Yu Sandao came to arrest someone."

Hall Master Li snorted: "Catch people? Come to my Futang to catch people? Yu Sandao? You are not brave!"

Deputy Hall Master Zhang hurriedly added: "Hall Master, according to the news, he is going to the penalty hall soon..."

Hall Master Li's expression changed when he heard it, and then he pondered for a while, and said: "This matter can't be a big deal, otherwise, how can I keep Futang's face? Who is Qin Fei? Come to me!"

Deputy Hall Master Zhang hurriedly pointed at Qin Fei.

Qin Fei walked up to Hall Master Li. Hall Master Li glanced at him, and then said to Yu Sandao: "If you come here, I will arrest people in Futang. Naturally, I won’t just let you take it away. Face, it's better to make an appointment for a public challenge, so I will urge him to fight, and this will not lose my Futang reputation."

Yu Sandao nodded. Although he was proud, he knew that he couldn't be forced, and said coldly: "Okay! A life-and-death battle in the stone forest after ten days. If he should not fight, I will find you Futang!"

Hall Master Li nodded indifferently, and said, "No problem, Qin Fei, can you challenge?"

Qin Fei hesitated for a moment. It might not be easy to defeat the remaining three swords in ten days. The remaining three swords changed his life to eightfold, which was a double realm.

But the matter was over, he had to agree, but nodded helplessly.

Yu Sandao left, and the deputy hall master Zhang and the others hurried out to see each other off.

Hall Master Li looked at the wagging dog-like figure of Deputy Hall Master Zhang, frowned slightly, and snorted to express his dissatisfaction.

Zhong Shanqiang looked at Hall Master Li anxiously and said, "Hall Master, why did you agree? How could Qin Fei be Yu Sandao's opponent? Isn't this the same as death?"

Hall Master Li said in a low voice: "Old Zhong, this is also a decision that cannot be helped. Yu Sandao is about to become a disciple of the penalty hall. You should know what rights the people in the penalty hall have better than those of us present. Once you provoke them, you will definitely Qin Fei, although we have met for the first time, I hope you can understand that we Futang can’t afford to provoke Yu Sandao. It’s not easy to buy you ten more days. , You can do it yourself!"

After speaking, he went straight away, Zhong Shan slapped the table fiercely, and said angrily: "Yu Sandao is so deceiving!"

Qin Fei smiled bitterly. He didn't expect Yu Sandao to be so powerful and become a member of the penalty hall. It is understandable for Hall Master Li to do so. He and himself are not relatives, and he has just come to Futang. In the human world, it is considered as benevolent and righteous for others to do this, and they have to rely on themselves for these ten days.

Cheng Qi said worriedly: "Don't we have any other way?"

Zhong Shan took a strong sip of wine and snorted angrily: "There is no way, Qin Fei, there is nothing we can do!"

Qin Fei nodded and said gratefully: "Old Zhong, Brother Seven, you can help me Qin Fei in this way, I am very grateful!"

Cheng Qi said, "Junior Brother Qin, what should I do next? Ten days is too short. Yu Sandao itself is a life-changing eightfold. His sword skills are very powerful, only three styles, but it is shocking, even at the same level. It’s also extremely difficult to guard against the people. If you fight him, I’m afraid there is no chance of winning. Why don’t you find a chance to leave Li Tianzong!"

Zhong Shanqiang shook his head and said: "It is impossible to leave here. Deputy Hall Master Zhang will send someone to keep watching Qin Fei!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a sound of footsteps outside. As expected, Deputy Hall Master Zhang led the people back and shouted loudly: "I'm taking him prisoner. If he escapes, I will ask you!"

Qin Fei smiled bitterly, and Zhong Shanqiang really got it right.

"Well, you can practice with peace of mind for these ten days. Don't use it for work. We will give you all the resources of this period of time. I hope I can help you!" Zhong Shanqiang made a decision.

Qin Fei shook his head and said, "Thank you Zhong Lao for his kindness. Qin Fei can't accept it. In ten days, even if I use all of your resources, it will be extremely difficult to succeed. Let me find another way!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't wait for Zhong Shanqiang and the others to say more. When he walked out of the hall, the person sent by the deputy hall master Zhang immediately followed, for fear that he would escape.

Qin Fei had his own plan. In ten days, if he cultivated with all his strength, it would be no problem to break through to the seventh level of life change, but the deputy hall master Zhang would definitely not let him leave the sect for half a step.

Therefore, the only way now is for him to go to the Taixu Tower mentioned by Chengqi and find his notes, so that he can deal with Yusandao with full confidence.

He went straight to the Taixu Tower, and the people in charge of monitoring him were shocked! Someone hurried back to find Deputy Hall Master Zhang to explain the situation.

The deputy hall master Zhang heard that Qin Fei was going to the Taixu Pagoda. He dismissed him with a smile and said: "This kid is definitely trying to fight to the death, trying to find a way in the Taixu Pagoda to deal with the Yusandao, but he doesn't weigh his own abilities. , Is he able to break into the Taixu Tower? That's good, it's best for him to die directly in the test!"

He let his people stare from a distance, and let him do whatever Qin Fei does, as long as he doesn't leave the sect and escape.

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