Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1606: Bloodthirsty Ants!

It's okay. Of course Qin Fei wouldn't take the initiative to find trouble. After the group of people left, Qin Fei asked Liu Xi what they thought, saying that it was dangerous and it was better to go alone.

Liu Xi refused and said that he must go with him. The other three hesitated. They didn't want to do the death. They apologized and said that they didn't want to go. Qin Fei understood their thoughts, so the three of them caught up with Dantang's team. Only Qin Fei and Liu Xi were left.

Liu Xi stamped his feet with anger and scolded the three of them for ungratefulness.

Qin Fei smiled and said: "Don't scold them. Everyone has their own choices. I think they chose the right way. It is human nature to seek good luck and avoid evil!"

"Huh! The seventh brother is so good to them in vain. At this time, I don't want to help more, but run away!" Liu Xi said angrily.

Qin Fei smiled bitterly: "This is normal, human nature! Okay, let's stop complaining, let's go, it will take three days to go, we have to hurry up!"

Liu Xi nodded, knowing that it would be useless to complain about those people at this time. On the contrary, he added to his heart and didn't think about it. Following Qin Fei, there was a trace of expectation and excitement on his face, and he stared at Qin Fei's slender back. , Secretly cheering.

The environment here is bad, and you can’t drive too fast, because you don’t know what you will encounter next stepping out, maybe it’s quicksand, maybe it’s a hidden invisible swamp.

On this day’s journey, the dangers did not miss. Three waves of monsters appeared. Qin Fei solved them as quickly as possible. He didn’t even search for the monuments. It took only three days to reach Lieyang Ancient Fort. Time is tight. , He must arrive within two days, otherwise he won’t be saved in seven.

At the end of the day, Qin Fei felt that he could not go on like this, otherwise he would not be able to catch up to the ground within time, and Liu Xi would slow him down, so he decided to let Liu Xi enter the profound spirit cauldron and let him and the Great Sage get to know them.

Liu Xi is trustworthy, and he probably won't tell his biggest secret.

When he told Liu Xi of this idea, Liu Xi was very surprised. He did not expect that there were so many people around him.

He had no objection to Qin Fei's putting him in the profound spirit cauldron, and he said that he was honored to know Qin Fei's family.

In this way, Qin Fei was the only one left on the road. He didn't rest even after nightfall, and hurried at full speed. On the way, he ran into a monster clan or something, so he avoided it without daring to delay a moment.

At noon the next day, I saw a sword-like mountain thrust into the sky from a distance. This should be the seventh most dangerous place, Sword Spirit Peak!

Qin Fei took a long look and left, not daring to provoke him.

On the evening of the third day, he saw an old castle standing on a high mountain in the distance. Even if the night was approaching and the surroundings were dimmed, the old castle exuded the rays of the scorching sun, shining everywhere, which was very eye-catching.

Qin Fei was overjoyed, this should be Lieyang Castle!

There is a strong flame here, reflecting half of the sky.

He came to the foot of the mountain and didn't rush up the mountain to rush into the old castle, because a huge condensed fog appeared on the mountain in front, covering the way forward.

Judging from this scale, the monster race inside is very powerful, and the number of monsters is probably even more numerous. To go to the ancient castle, he must first destroy all the monsters here!

As soon as I stepped into the condensed fog, I was spotted by the monsters. The monsters roared all over the mountains and gathered together. Qin Fei's eyes condensed. There are no fewer than twenty kinds of these monsters, tigers, wolfs, leopards, lions, and so on. All get together.

Counting this, there is more than one monster race here, there are as many monster races as there are!

He slaughtered, the demons and beasts fell, and the mountain and sea divine bead exerted tremendous power to sweep a large area of ​​invincible opponents.

The monster beasts fell in pieces, and the corpses on the mountain ran across the wild, finally letting the lurking monsters take action. A tiger demon was killed from the east, accompanied by a violent wind, with great power, and a bear demon came from the west, running while the mountain Shaking the ground, a leopard demon appeared in the south, as fast as a gust of wind, bringing up a series of afterimages, blurred, and in the north, there was a series of harsh whistling sounds, and a golden figure rushed forward, like a golden one. lightning.

Qin Fei sneered. These four monster races are very powerful. They have reached the ninth level of change of life. They have been replaced by others. As that person said, dozens of people are not opponents at all. This should be Lieyang Ancient Fortress. It is called the cause of the top ten dangerous places, but Qin Fei is not afraid. Ten more such opponents are also scum. Unless the number is large enough to achieve a qualitative change, it will not be a threat to him.

He didn't need to do it himself at all, the mountain and sea **** beads brought up an afterimage, and the golden figure that ran the fastest was directly suppressed into meat sauce. He didn't even look at it clearly, and he didn't know what kind of monster race it was.

Following the other three demon races also followed in the footsteps, Qin Fei was brave and energetic, looking at all beings in the world.

"Humanity, die!"

At this time, there was a roar from a distance, and a group of figures appeared. Qin Fei was stunned. Nima was really hit by himself. At this time, hundreds of monster races appeared, all of them changed their lives, the blood sea god. Zhu couldn't be killed at all. He aimed in one direction and rushed towards the direction of the ancient castle. The Blood Sea God Zhu opened the way in front, unstoppable, the spiritual cave was guarded behind him, and he rushed towards the mountain.

Soon after passing through a forest, I came to the middle of the mountain. The castle was nearly 100 meters away and was about to arrive soon. At this time, a strange scene happened. The monsters who were chasing after them stopped at the edge of the forest and did not chase. Then, he stared at Qin Fei angrily, but didn't dare to take a half step forward, as if there was something in front of them that made them scrupulous.

Qin Fei was surprised and said, "Everyone, why don't you chase it?" A bear demon snorted coldly, "Boy, you have broken into the forbidden area and you don't know it? Wait for it to be torn into powder!"

Qin Fei was shocked, the underground suddenly vibrated, and the rustling sound continued. I saw the underground soil squirming, and then one after another caves appeared. The black bloodthirsty ants came out and surrounded him in the blink of an eye. He has nowhere to go.

These bloodthirsty ants flock to Qin Fei like a tide, and Qin Fei understands why the bear demon said he would be torn to powder.

The suppression of the Blood Sea God Orb killed tens of thousands of bloodthirsty ants in an instant, but it was useless at all. The number of these guys was too large, and the spiritual cave could not play much role.

"Haha, **** human beings, do you know how powerful it is now? Between the woods and the ancient castle, all are their sites, you have no way to escape!" The monsters laughed wildly, and watched Qin Fei happily. sleepy.

Qin Fei sneered: "Really?"

With a wave of his hand, dozens of talisman papers appeared instantly, various formations exploded, a sea of ​​fire shielded him, and then countless needle awns shot at the bloodthirsty ants, each of which was pierced and nailed to the ground.

The talisman stopped the bloodthirsty ant's attack, and Qin Fei turned his head back to the group of demons and said, "Sorry, I won't play with you!"

Having said that, he walked towards the castle, the flames followed him, and the bloodthirsty ants backed down, not dare to touch the fire.

None of the demons expected that Qin Fei would pass the most dangerous place so easily.

The bear monster seemed to be the leader of the group of monsters, and said angrily: "The treasure in the castle can't be monopolized by him, let's go too!"

A tiger demon hesitated, "Boss can't do it, how can we get there?"

The bear demon's eyes flashed fiercely, and said: "We can only make sacrifices, let the children come first!"

The monsters seemed to understand what he meant, and ordered the monsters underneath to rush out of the woods. The monsters refused to go, knowing that they were going to die. They were furious and killed some monsters with their own hands. The beasts had to rush out, chasing Qin Fei crazy, but they were not so lucky. In an instant, a large number of beasts were swallowed by the bloodthirsty ants, but there were many beasts and their size was huge. It takes a while for the bloodthirsty ants to swallow so many monsters, which is enough for the monsters to step on their bodies.

A hundred meters away soon, Qin Fei stood on the square in front of the old castle. The bloodthirsty ants seemed to have been banned here, and he didn't dare to catch up. He looked back at the crazy behavior of the monster clan and frowned slightly. The guy is willing to pay for the capital and let his little brother die.

Can't bear him to think too much, he rushes to the castle quickly, can't let the monster race catch up, otherwise he will be worried about his life!

On the square stood stone sculptures of unknown age. As soon as Qin Fei stepped onto the square, the stone sculptures shook off the dust from his body, and they came back to life.

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