Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1613: Valley of Souls!

These people have attacked the fortress formation for nearly half an hour, all of them tired enough, but they have not made any progress.

Ouyang Qing was a little anxious. He wanted to get the treasure in the old castle, so that he would have a strong power, no longer need to be afraid of Qin Fei, Qin Fei's rapid progress made him very anxious, eager to want revenge!

At this time, seeing that the castle couldn't break the defense for a long time, he was so angry that he cursed others, and he couldn't do his best to curse other people. A group of waste caused everyone to feel uncomfortable, but he did not dare to refute. Everyone knew Ouyang Qing's identity and strength , Can't afford to offend!

"Everyone, do you want to come in?" Qin Fei appeared on the wall of the old castle at this moment, smiling at the people who were fighting hard.

When everyone heard the voice and looked up, it was actually Qin Fei, and they were shocked. They were surprised that Qin Fei was in the castle. This was enough to show that Qin Fei had already made the first step!

When Ouyang Qing saw Qin Fei, her eyes flashed in horror, and she cursed unlucky secretly. Why did she meet Qin Fei again? Is this guy his own nemesis? Every time I run into him, there is no good.

Before he could speak, the disciple with the benefit of the heart said: "Qin Fei, it turns out that you are the ghost! You have a share of the historical treasures, so don't you quickly open the formation and let us go in and share some treasures?"

Other people also uttered their voices, and they all had to be divided into treasures.

When Ouyang Qing saw that everyone was so united, he immediately had a bottom line. He had lost at Jianling Peak before. He thought it was because of the small number of people. Now there are three times more people here. Are you afraid of a fart?

So he became brave again, and said to Qin Fei: "Qin Fei, you have already obtained the treasure of Sword Spirit Peak, but you can’t take advantage of it all by yourself. Let the treasure of Lieyang Ancient Fortress share it with everyone. Come on! Otherwise, I will die today!"

As soon as he said this, everyone was greedy, and the sword spirit peak was broken by Qin Fei, so there must be a lot of good things on him, how can he let it go?

Qin Fei didn't care about Ouyang Qing's tricks at all, and said with a smile: "You can come in if you want a baby. As long as you have the ability to come in, I can give it to you!"

Ouyang Qing said loudly: "Qin Fei, you don't know what is good or bad. Although we can't enter for the time being, you don't dare to come out. Don't forget, this is just the prison of the nine underworlds. The real world is still outside. Wait here. At the end, as soon as you go out, do you think you don't give the benefits to everyone now, will we let you go? When the time comes outside, we have some ways to kill you, if you are aware, quickly withdraw the formation!"

"That is, you don't give it to us now. When you get out of here and get outside, I will tell my master to kill you! My master is a realm of God!" Someone agreed.

All of a sudden, many people began to threaten Qin Fei. Everyone's masters were masters at the realm of divinity. Isn't it just a matter of fingertips to clean Qin Fei?

Everyone felt that although Qin Fei was strong, he had to compromise in the face of the threat of the strong in the God-Sound Realm!

Just when everyone thought that Qin Fei would compromise, Qin Fei snorted and said, "You idiots, dare to threaten me with the God-passing Realm behind you? I, Qin Fei, has never been threatened by others, so in order to avoid If you come back in the future, you all have to die here!"

When the words fell, the blood sea **** orb appeared above the crowd, colorful rays of light burst out, and the scriptures of the mountains and seas appeared and turned into thousands of rays of light, forming various forms of attacks, falling towards the crowd.


The screams were repeated at the scene, and hundreds of people were killed instantly, no one could stop them.

The rest of the people ran down the mountain in horror, and at this moment they wished they could have more legs or pairs of wings to fly.

How could Qin Fei allow them to escape, since he decided to kill, of course he would not let anyone go!

With a thought on his mind, the spirit hole came out of his body and shot away, piercing the escaped people.

The screams were endless, and one by one fell down. Ouyang Qing ran the fastest. Looking back, seeing everyone dying tragically, her face turned pale in fright, and she rushed desperately.

Qin Fei gave a cold snort, and the Lingdong forced Ouyang Qing to stop one after the other. Ouyang Qing looked terrified and knelt on the ground with a thump, and kowtow to Qin Fei on the ancient castle. , I promise that I won't tell you what happened today, you spare my life, I will listen to you in the future!"

He was terrified, and at this time he only hoped that Qin Fei could be moved by his own words and let himself pass.

How could Qin Fei listen to him, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the Lingdong suddenly passed through Ouyang Qing's body, completely extinguishing the other's vitality.

Ouyang Qing did not stare at him, he never thought that he would die here.

After scouring everything on his body, Qin Fei did not let others go. He put away all the good things and gave them to Duan Ruoyan for use.

Today's Duan Ruoyan and other women have soared in strength, and they have become masters of fate change, and they are enough to create a new school!

Then he activated the formation, attracted the bloodthirsty ants in the sand, and swallowed all the corpses without leaving any traces.

Back in the blood **** castle, Cheng Qi woke up, watching his changes excitedly, he had reached the ninth fate, and he was already ranked as a master in the outer door.

Soon Liu Xi also woke up, feeling the breath of change of life eightfold, very happy.

Now that Qin Fei knew that everyone else had gone to attack the dangerous place, he decided to go to the Valley of Souls to find Zhong Shanqiang's daughter and fulfill his promise.

The Valley of Souls is one of the top ten dangerous places. Cheng Qi knows the place. It is nine hundred miles away from the Blood God Castle. It takes nearly a day to go all-out to drive.

The three set off immediately, and the dawn came one day later, outside the Valley of Souls. This is a huge canyon that stretches for hundreds of miles. The sky is covered by condensed fog. There are fierce battles everywhere. It is obvious that humans are fighting against the monsters. Fighting.

The Valley of Souls has always been a forbidden place for the disciples of the outer sect. This time everyone was driven by profit to venture into the valley. Just watching the huge condensation fog almost enveloped the entire canyon, you can know that there are so many monsters inside. What a point!

Qin Fei didn't rush in in a hurry. Since someone was taking the lead, he was willing to wait. He waited until these people and the demon clan could fight for the victory or defeat. Anyway, it would consume the strength of both parties, and it would be much easier for him to make his own moves.

For his strength, there is no trouble at all, and it can be easily broken, but of course it is good to be able to save a little effort. If there are free thugs, wouldn't it be difficult to live with yourself?

The battle in the condensed fog lasted for three hours, and the human voice became thinner and thinner. It can be inferred that humans might have fallen behind and are not opponents of the monster race.

Soon someone rushed out of the condensed fog, covered in blood and wounds everywhere. Seeing Qin Fei and the three people, he hurriedly asked for help, but before he ran far, a giant python flew out from inside and shot him Entangled, then swallowed in one bite.

The giant python saw Qin Fei, its green eyes brightened, and it flew quickly, opening its huge mouth in the blood basin, revealing sharp fangs and long snake letters, and wanted to swallow the three of them in one bite.

Qin Fei didn't make a move, and it moved in seven. The green sword flashed and disappeared. The python split into two from its mouth to the tail and fell heavily to the ground with a bang.

Then more people ran out, wanting to escape, but the monsters inside would not let them go, and they became food for the beast belly.

After another half an hour, the screams inside ceased. Humans should be dead. Qin Fei had no expression on his face. Cheng Qi and Liu Xi didn’t say anything. Every time they entered the Nine Underworld Prison, they would die a lot. People, this is nothing strange at all, and it is not worth paying attention to. This is a world where the weak eats the strong, and there is no psychological burden on the three!

The condensed fog calmed down, the **** smell quickly dissipated, and everything was calm again.

Qin Fei said lightly: "It's our turn! Let's go!"

After speaking, he first rushed into the condensed mist, and saw all the stumps and degenerates. The corpses were incomplete. Some had their heads swallowed, some opened their stomachs, and the intestines flowed all over the floor. After being dug out, the other half of his arm was stuck to the ground with muscles and muscles. The tragedy was shocking.

Of course, there are corpses of monsters and monsters mixed with human corpses, none of them are complete.

When someone broke in, a roar of beasts sounded around, and the three of them were quickly surrounded by a group of demons, and the smell was puffing.

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