Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1616: Underground world!

Qin Fei frowned. He was very pleasantly surprised when he saw Zhong Yuting. His heart would not disappoint Zhong Lao's instructions and he could successfully complete the task. How could he know that Zhong Yuting had told him such bad news.

It's true after thinking about it. If Zhong Yuting could really leave the Valley of Souls by relying on the Imperius Bow, why should she stay here for so long?

So he was sure that what the other party said was true!

The clock Yuting said again: "To get out of here, I tried all kinds of ways! But none of them succeeded! But I saw that you actually cultivated a spiritual cave. I wonder if you have the same strength as the Tongshen Realm? "

Qin Fei said, "What's the difference?"

Zhong Yuting smiled and said: "Of course there is a difference! In fact, it is not impossible to leave here. We work together to obtain more Sunburning Fruits. With sufficient preparation, it is not difficult to leave here. It is just that the Sunburning Fruits grow here before. The underground magma center at the bottom of the valley is extremely difficult to obtain. I have tried many times, and I can’t bear the terrifying power there. It can only be done by the strongest of the gods! So do you think you can bear it?"

Qin Fei split his mouth and smiled: "I don't know, but how can I know if I don't try? Why don't we go now?"

Zhong Yuting shook her head and said, "Wait until it gets dark before going. The strength inside will be weakened, otherwise it will be even more uncertain!"

There are still more than three hours before nightfall, Qin Fei listens to her, after all, she must know more things than herself after staying here for so long.

"Find a place to practice, restore your strength to the best state, and strive for a success!" Zhong Yuting said, then got up and walked to the left.

Qin Fei was wondering what she was going to do there. She suddenly turned around and said, "Turn around, don't take a peek!"

He didn't understand what to peek, Yiyan turned around and sat on the altar to practice, and then heard the sound of water coming from the place where Zhong Yuting was, he couldn't help but looked back, dumbfounded, only to see a big stone jar there. The tank was filled with water. Zhong Yuting took off his clothes with his back on his back, revealing a snow-white body and graceful back. She was bending over to scoop water to wash the sweat on her body. Qin Fei's look was just when the other party was bent over. The snow-white, round, buttocks suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and the hidden places in the middle thighs and grooves were clearly visible.


He hurriedly turned his head back, his heart beating wildly, and he was gasping for breath. He was so shocked that this woman took off her clothes and washed herself so casually, wouldn't she be afraid of being a gangster?

He misunderstood Zhong Yuting. She has lived like this for a long time. She loves to be clean and takes a bath every day. For so long, she has been the only one here, so there is no taboo, plus only here is there no addiction. Blood Flying Ant, she doesn't wash it here and she has nowhere to go. She made the stone jar deliberately. Whenever it rains, the stone jar is filled up, enough for her to use it for a while.

She had just washed a bit, and then remembered that there was already a man here. She was so scared that she hurriedly clamped her legs and protected her chest. When she looked back, she was relieved to see Qin Fei carrying herself obediently, but she was still A sentence was added to threaten Qin Fei: "If you dare to look back, I will goug your eyes!"

Qin Fei nodded straight behind her back, and promised that he would never look back again.

There was an extra man, Zhong Yuting washed very quickly, washed the sweat in twos or twos and put on clothes again, and walked back to the altar. Qin Fei smelled the charming body fragrance wafting from her body, his heart beating wildly.

Zhong Yuting didn't notice his reaction, thinking that he really didn't look back, looked at him with satisfaction, and said with a little shyness: "I saw two people next to you before?"

Qin Fei uttered a cry, and his thoughts moved. He glanced at the Sunraging Firefruit on the pillars. The heart became seven and absorbed the Sunraging Huoguo, and asked him to come out to practice. Maybe there would be unexpected results. He hurriedly released Chengqi and Liu Xi. , I met with Zhong Yuting, and Zhong Yuting was very happy to hear that they were all from Futang.

The four of them started to regain their strength in their own practice. As soon as Cheng Qi practiced, they shouted in excitement and said, "It's so cool, I'm recovering quickly!"

Qin Fei smiled and said, "It must be because you had absorbed Sunfire Fruit before!"

Zhong Yuting said in surprise: "You actually absorbed the Sunburning Fire Fruit. It is a miracle. I haven't been able to absorb one for so long here!"

Qin Fei said: "He got a blessing in disguise by relying on the fruit of the sun and fire!"

Zhong Yuting nodded and said, "So, the energy of the corpse energy and this fruit will change before it can be absorbed by humans. Under normal circumstances, humans cannot absorb the energy of the sun-burning fruit, and can only borrow it! Look! We have a better chance to leave the Valley of Souls this time!"

When night fell, all four of them recovered to their best condition. Zhong Yuting asked everyone to walk off the altar, and then hit it with a punch in an inconspicuous place. The altar creaked and shook for a while, then moved to the left. Go, revealing an underground passage, the stone-built ladder extends out to the ground, and there is no end in sight!

"This is the entrance to the underground magma. Be careful along the way. You follow me and don't make a mistake!" Zhong Yuting grabbed the longbow on the stone frame and entered the passage first. Qin Fei and the three followed her. Qin Fei was the closest to her. Seeing her swaying hips and hips in front of her, the beautiful scenery of her bathing in the daytime always appeared in her mind, and her mouth was dry.

When Zhong Yuting stepped on the stairs, she stepped very lightly. She urged everyone to cross two steps in one step, otherwise it would stimulate the formation here and it would be troublesome!

Everyone followed her instructions and walked down. They descended about five hundred steps before they came to a huge underground cave. The temperature here increased sharply, and all four of them shed big and big sweats, so that their clothes were wet and clinging to their bodies. As a result, Qin Fei felt even more unbearable. Zhong Yuting, who was walking in front, got wet all over his clothes. Qin Fei hurriedly looked away from his graceful body, with curving curves and unshakable buttocks. Qin Fei hurriedly looked away, not daring to stare at her, and Cheng Qi behind felt that Very embarrassed, looking away, Liu Xi didn't have any scruples at the end. He didn't seem to treat Zhong Yuting as a woman at all, his eyes were very clear, without the slightest embarrassment.

Obviously there are formations in this cave. Zhong Yuting walked very carefully, and from time to time she told everyone to follow the steps she took, and don't go wrong.

But her instructions didn’t work this time. Qin Fei and Cheng Qi made a mistake before they walked 100 meters, because their eyes didn’t dare to look at Zhong Yuting, which made their steps wrong, and there was a creak of organs around them. The inverted stalactites suddenly broke apart and shot at the four people at a rapid speed. Each force was enough to contend with the change of life.

Zhong Yuting was shocked and hurriedly said: "What's the matter with you? You still go wrong like this? Hurry up! Don't resist, the more you resist, the stronger the formation!"

The four rushed forward, and after more than 300 meters, they stopped. Looking back, they were covered by countless stone tips. If they were slower, they would definitely be pierced by these sharp stalactites.

Zhong Yuting blamed Qin Fei and Cheng Qi, and asked them how to walk well?

Qin Fei smiled bitterly, and in order not to be a scapegoat, he had to point to her clothes and said: "Sister Zhong, you can't blame us for this! We also respect you!"

Zhong Yuting looked down, couldn't help humming, and hurriedly protected her chest and under her body, and said in embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I usually come here by myself. I haven't noticed this. You didn't watch it much, right?"

Qin Fei and Cheng Qi hurriedly said: "No! I definitely didn't look at it too much! As soon as we found out, we immediately looked away, otherwise, how could we make a mistake?"

Zhong Yuting blushed and hurriedly took out her armor and put it on. Although it was very uncomfortable to wear, it would not expose her spring and light!

She didn't care too much and moved on. This time everyone did not go wrong. Liu Xi glared at Qin Fei at the end, making him inexplicable, what did she do?

Wait, why is Liu Xi strange? His clothes are also wet, and his chest is pressed tightly. I really don’t see it. This guy’s pectoral muscles are quite developed, a little higher than ordinary people. If you only look at his breasts, it will be because he is a woman, but The breast of a real woman should be taller and bigger than his.

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