Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1629: See the broken skin again!

"Haha, fight against Lao Tzu, you are so tender!"

Zhang Yuan laughed wildly, and the conspiracy succeeded. He was too happy to look at Zhong Yuting with lust, squinting, and squinting, his eyes scandalously scanning her full and full chest, as if taking her down.

Seeing him laughing wildly, Zhong Yuting didn't understand what he meant, especially his eyes clearly showed what he meant, and said angrily: "Zhang Yuan, what do you want to do?"

She understood that Zhang Yuan could save Qin Fei and the others, but he did not save them on purpose.

Zhang Yuanxie smiled and said: "What are you doing? Don't worry, you'll know soon, I will let you taste what **** and immortality are!"

He did not continue to care about Zhong Yuting, but looked at that Xuebao, with a greedy look in his eyes. The beauty is already in control, and he will slowly enjoy it later. Now the top priority is to subdue Xuebao first, his ice and fire can support It won’t be long before we have to do business quickly.

He walked up to Xue Bao, completely ignoring the violent lightning around him. Under the protection of ice and fire, the cold had no effect on him at all!

The ice and fire in his hand were dazzling, the blue light soared into the sky, wrapped Xuebao round and round, and reached out to grab it. Xuebao obviously didn't want him to get it easily, and launched a crazy counterattack. The lightning retracted and gathered on the surface of Xuebao, wanting to resist. Zhang Yuan's ice and fire, however, the ice and fire and its power mutually restrained each other. The lightning did not work at all. In the end, Zhang Yuan grabbed it in the palm of his palm.

Zhang Yuan put away Xuebao, his face was full of joy, he looked at Zhong Yuting triumphantly, and said with a wicked smile: "Beautiful, don't worry, Xuebao won't hurt you anymore. When Lao Tzu thoroughly refines it, he will come. Stay with you, stay will make you cool!"

While talking, he walked up to Zhong Yuting, looked at her full, full chest, thinking that it would not be too late to pass the hand addiction before refining Xuebao, and reached out to her chest, feeling very excited, Zhong Yuting His figure is very hot and beautiful as a fairy. He believes that the beauty's chest must also be full of elasticity and warmth. This one grabs some interest.

Zhong Yuting was restrained by his ice and fire, unable to move, very anxious, but could only watch the dirty hands of this disgusting **** grab her chest.

Just as Zhang Yuan was about to succeed, he had already smelled the fresh body scent from Zhong Yuting's body, suddenly he grabbed it from the void with one hand, grabbed the Xuebao in his palm, followed by a kick. Zhang Yuan couldn't avoid it at all. He was kicked out and hit the stone wall fiercely. He dizzyly watched Qin Fei and the three of them come out of the void, Cheng Qi grabbed the Xuebao, and Qin Fei was taking it back. Feet, it is clear that Qin Fei rewarded him with that kick just now.

Zhang Yuan was horrified, and said unbelievably: "How is it possible? You guys have obviously been killed by Xuebao..."

He was both frightened and angry. He saw Qin Fei and the three people disappeared by lightning. Just like the Snow Wolf King, there is no chance of surviving. But now Qin Fei and the three are standing in front of him alive and robbing them. Leaving Xuebao.

What's even worse is that the opportunity to blaspheme beauty also disappeared!

He reacted very quickly, and he understood in an instant. Before Qin Fei could answer him, he immediately changed his words: "Misunderstandings and misunderstandings. It is great that you are not dead. I want to protect her. Those words just now were just a joke, you guys. Don't take it seriously!"

Qin Fei didn't bother to look at him, but said to Zhong Yuting: "Senior Sister Zhong, how do you think you should clean him up?"

Zhong Yuting was ashamed and angry. What was ashamed was that he was almost humiliated by Zhang Yuan. What was angry was that Qin Fei and the others were fine. Why didn't they come out early? Make myself suffer such humiliation.

She looked at Qin Fei angrily and said, "Why don't you come out earlier?"

Qin Fei smiled bitterly: "I think too, but Xuebao hasn't been subdued by him, so it's useless for me to come out!"

Zhong Yuting was not an unreasonable person either, she glared at Qin Fei, then stared at Zhang Yuan with a pale face with bitterness, and said cruelly: "If you don't kill you, it's hard to dispel my hatred!"

Zhang Yuan was so scared that he hurriedly begged for mercy: "Don't kill me, I'm a ghost, I'm confused for a while, it's really not intentional..."

How could Zhong Yuting give him a chance to explain. He raised his palm and wanted to kill him. Zhang Yuan was very anxious. He huffed and took out all kinds of cultivation materials like small hills from the ring in his hand, and said: "Don't kill me, I have a lot here. Baby, I can give it to you, just beg you not to kill me, I know I was wrong, give me a chance!"

Zhong Yuting was very disdainful, she didn't take these things in her eyes, and was about to do it, suddenly Qin Fei said, "Wait..."

Zhang Yuan was overjoyed when he heard that, thinking that Qin Fei was greedy for money, and hurriedly said, "I will give you everything. I will be a good man in the future, and I am willing to be a cow or a horse for you!"

That's what he said, but what he thought in his heart is to wait. When the opportunity comes, Lao Tzu must take revenge. When the girl has enough play, he will find dozens of strong men to round her...

However, Zhong Yuting knew that Qin Fei would not covet Zhang Yuan's resources at all, and looked at him with some doubts, not understanding why he called and so on. Didn't he say that he would let himself deal with the **** Zhang Yuan?

The reason why Qin Fei called wait is because when Zhang Yuan took out those things, he saw a few pieces of scraps. It was precisely when he got unknown scraps from Wang Wu, he didn’t expect to be able to do it here. See you.

He walked to the pile of resources and picked out a total of five fragments. Upon closer inspection, there was a broken gold thread on each fragment.

Seeing Broken Skin, Liu Xi's eyes were filled with joy. He walked a few steps and said in surprise: "I didn't expect it to be here too!"

Zhong Yuting saw the broken skin but didn't recognize it, and said strangely: "Isn't it just a few broken skins? Maybe it was the monster he killed and left behind. Why are you so strange?"

Cheng Qi couldn't figure out the situation, and looked at the broken skin curiously.

Qin Fei handed the scraps to Liu Xi and smiled, "Since you like it, you should hold it!"

Liu Xi was not polite, and put the scraps away and said: "I will keep it first, and I will give it to you when you want it!"

Qin Fei smiled and didn't care. He walked to Zhang Yuan and said, "How did you get that scrap?"

Zhang Yuan was frightened. To tell the truth, he didn’t know what it was. It was obtained by killing an opponent before. Seeing that the opponent had put it in hiding, he thought it should be something important, so he put it away. Later, after a long time, I almost forgot about this stuff. Unexpectedly, Qin Fei would take it so seriously. His eyes turned straight and said: "I can tell you how you got it, but you have to save my life!"

Qin Fei didn't hesitate at all, and said, "No problem! As long as you speak out, we promise not to kill you!"

He sneered in his heart, he was not a good man and a believer, he would definitely kill Zhang Yuan after he finished speaking. There is no need to be credited with such a villain, otherwise he would be the one who would end up harming himself.

Zhang Yuan made a look of trying to remember, and after a while, he said, "I found this accidentally in an unknown cave in the Han Pozong area. At that time, I was chased and killed by my enemy and ran into that cave. It’s very hidden. I also broke in accidentally. When I found these scraps, I put them away. I didn’t think about what they do. I still remember the cave was very deep. I was just close to the entrance of the cave. Found at the location of, there must be these scraps inside. If you leave here, I am willing to take you to find that cave."

Qin Fei coldly snorted, "You still want to lie to Lao Tzu at this time?"

Zhang Yuan hurriedly said: "I didn't lie to you, I can swear!"

"Hmph, I don't believe it! It seems that you really don't want to live anymore! Senior Sister Zhong, do it!"

Qin Fei turned around coldly, Zhong Yuting glared pretty at the words, and slapped Zhang Yuan's left calf with a palm, and it was all broken below the knee!


Zhang Yuan let out a scream, and screamed: "I really didn't lie to you, I swear here!"

Qin Fei ignored him at all. Zhong Yuting continued to slap his right calf. Zhang Yuan still yelled, but he did not let go, because he knew very well that this was most likely to test himself. If he changed his course, it would definitely be a dead end!

The reason why he made up a lie to deceive Qin Fei is naturally to deceive Qin Fei into Han Pozong's territory. Then it will be a chance for him to take revenge. Anyway, there will be death on both sides. It is better to fight and insist!

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