Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1658: Simple and honest is also fun!

Chapter 1658 The honesty is also fun!

Niu Yao is honest and honest, he only wants to cultivate, but he has one of the biggest advantages, the most righteous, who is bullied, he likes to help, he feels that the great goal of his cultivation is to help people!

He was not confused by the beauty of the fox demon. He was only tempted by her being bullied by others and came to help him. Since the other party was willing to come to him for help, it showed that he was worthless and could help others. He felt that he embodied his own value. .

Moreover, how the fox demon is also a woman, he felt that the guy who bullied the woman should give a lesson.

The fox demon never expected that his beauty didn't fascinate the bull demon, and he got the other party right after asking for help. It's really honest and honest.

The more so, she became more tempted by the bull demon, and felt that she had no need to find the elephant demon. The bull demon was the perfect male partner in her mind. He had no problem dealing with that human being. Once the human was killed, he would Live happily with him, stay and live together, and live a life like a fairy!

Thinking of this, her eyes were watery like two pools of spring water. Taking a few steps closer, the fragrance of fox on her body passed into the nose of the bull demon.

She said softly, "Brother Niu, the person who bullied me is a human being. He killed my sister and I am not his opponent, so I specifically came to ask you for help! If you can help me kill humans, I am willing to serve you for the rest of my life!"

The bull demon was even more furious when he heard it, human beings are actually human!

He is a monster race, and like other monster races, he is inherently hostile to human beings. There is only one result when he encounters it, life and death!

Now that he heard that the fox demon was a human being, he felt even more that he should take action.

But he didn't understand what the fox demon suggested to serve him. He is a great hero, so why should someone serve him?

"My old ox can take care of himself and don't need to wait, this matter has been fixed for you, and you don't need to repay it!" He said honestly.

The fox demon knew that he certainly didn't understand what it meant to serve, she smiled charmingly, walked up to the bull demon, looked up at him like a thick tower, and looked at the tall muscles under the bronze skin. Softly, said softly: "Brother Niu, I'm not talking about serving as you know. Would you like to try?"

The bull demon became even more confused when he heard it. He didn't wait for him as he understood it. What was it? What technology did she say? Does she still want to fight with herself? Can't compare?

He shook his head hurriedly and said: "My old cow doesn't bully women, you are definitely not as good as me, or don't!"

The fox demon smiled and said, "How do you know that I am inferior to you..."

The bull demon's strong body shook suddenly. This was the first time that a woman was so close to him. It felt like being shocked. It made him breathe quickly, and his mind was blank. I only felt that the fox was the one he had seen in his life. The most beautiful woman ever, the most beautiful thing in the world is her. A psychedelic scene filled his mind, and he was groggy and drunk.

There was a strong idea deep in his heart. Anything this woman said or asked him to do, he had to believe and execute it with unparalleled firmness. She was the person he trusted the most.

From then on, she will be with her in this life, even if she is the enemy of the whole world!

This kind of strong thought filled his body and mind, and every word and deed of the fox demon affected his thought and behavior.

She is her own goddess, he is the object of her life to obey, will not doubt, will not refuse! The fox demon looked at the changes in the bull demon's expression very satisfied, knowing that he had accepted him, and it seemed that his charm was really infinite. No matter how strong the bull demon, how could it withstand her temptation, and fell down on his own unwillingly. What about the pomegranate skirt?

The bull demon was very satisfied. He found that besides practicing and being a hero, there was another interesting thing, that is, being with the banshee, no matter what he did, it was so pleasant and beautiful, as happy and comfortable as rising to an immortal.

He couldn't live without the fox demon now, so he felt that he should do it as soon as possible if she wanted to help him. After he got the **** human being, he could play with the fox demon all day long.

He was just about to ask where the fox-monsters had gone. Suddenly, there was a loud bang from the distance below the mountain. The bull-monster frowned and said displeasedly: "Which two guys are fighting again and interrupting my old cow's rest!"

The fox demon is now so tired that his whole body is weak, and he scratched the bull demon's chest with his hand, and said coquettishly: "Brother Niu leave it alone, let them fight. Let's rest for a while and wait for them to recover. Take revenge!"

"Where is that human?" The bull demon tried to lower his voice, fearing to startle the beauty in his arms.

The fox demon said: "I don't know yet, but we, the fox demon, have a special way to find him. When I recover my strength, I will cast a spell to find out his trace!"

The bull demon nodded, then looked at the beauty in his arms with a bewildered look, and said, "You didn't consume much energy just now. Do you still need to recover?"

The fox demon looked at him charmingly, showing a shy look, and said softly: "Also, why don't people consume physical strength?"

As soon as the bull demon heard that the beauty was tired, he immediately felt that she was right, rest and rest is absolutely necessary.

He hugged the fox demon and asked how she and the humans became enemies. When he heard that the fox demon said that an equally charming and beautiful sister had been killed by the humans, he was extremely angry. The humans are really hateful. Killing the beautiful and charming fox demon sister kills it, isn't this a waste of the best things in the world?

So his determination to kill humans is stronger.

The two demons just talked and talked, what the sea is dry and the rock is rotten, the land is cracked, the mountain is inhospitable, the king is born, I am not born, and the king is dead, I am not dead. Anyway, what vows are the most tiring and the most infatuating stuff. Spit it out, it was more solemn than the wedding ceremony.

At this time, Qin Fei was still fighting with a python demon in the west. The python demon has four levels of power, and it is unlucky to meet Qin Fei, but the python demon also has his own skills. Qin Fei has not been able to do anything about it. After winning the opponent, he was chasing and fleeing in the mountains and forests. The demon python was flexible and dodged in the woods, making Qin Fei feel helpless for a while.

Qin Fei actually took a fancy to his flexible posture, and wanted to see exactly how he did it, so there was no real killer. If he really wanted to kill the opponent, the Blood Sea God Orb and the Universe Sword could easily be anything. Destroy this demon.

The body style of the python demon is very advantageous in fighting in the woods. Qin Fei looked at it as he liked it, and he evolved in his heart so that he could use it for himself.

After half an hour, the python demon's body technique slowed down, because of lack of spiritual energy, Qin Fei also saw thoroughly, the python demon's body technique can be summarized into five steps in general, and he has read it more than a dozen times. , I have already kept it in my heart, and it has evolved successfully. I can easily use it in combination with my own situation, so I won't tease the python demon anymore. As soon as his body skills unfolded, he began to officially fight against the python demon.

The python demon saw that he was familiar with the body technique he used, and when he took a closer look, he instantly understood that it was completely evolved from his own body technique. The other party made some improvements and it was suitable for human cultivation. This is terrifying, this human being. What a genius!

Thinking of this, he had no intention of fighting again. Knowing that it was not the human opponent, he immediately jumped from the tree and transformed into a human form. He knelt down with a thump and shouted: "Master, please be forgiving, the little one knows it is wrong, and I am willing to follow. You are willing to be a cow or a horse!"

Qin Fei was surprised. This python demon actually took the initiative to beg for mercy. Like the Eagle Demon in Feiya Lake, it seems that the monster clan is not all hard bones!

He stopped ten meters away from the python demon, staring at each other with his eyes, and said solemnly: "You really want to?"

The demon nodded straight.

Qin Fei stretched out his hand and said: "Okay, bring your demon pill, and spare you not to die!"

The demon demon trembled, but Qin Fei didn’t expect Qin Fei to know that he wanted a demon pill. This was the most powerful means to control the demon clan. If the demon clan himself was willing to surrender, he voluntarily divided his demon pill and gave it to his master. If you dare to betray the master, the other party only needs to crush the demon pill, and you will be completely destroyed, and you will not live beyond life.

This method was also the method that the Eagle Demon took the initiative to tell Qin Fei. At the beginning, the Eagle Demon had no way to go to the sky, no way to the ground, and the Eagle Demon surrendered, but Qin Fei didn’t believe it, so he volunteered to tell the secret of how the Demon Race was controlled by others. When he came out, he had only one purpose in doing this, begging Qin Fei not to kill him.

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