Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1681: Strike again!

Nine Underworld Prison, Ten Thousand Demons League.

Standing outside the door, Xiang Lin listened to the fox demon's mesmerizing, crying, and gasping, a ruthless look flashed in his eyes, and his body was trembling slightly.

It has been half a month since the search for humans came back. He told Xiang Chong all of the fiasco this time, hoping that he could send more teams to search for humans immediately.

But Xiang Chong did not do this. Instead, he punished him severely, saying that he was not doing well, not how strong humans are, but because his brain was too stupid and he followed the human way. After all, everyone knows that human strength has just begun. How could it be possible to kill so many tongshen six masters? It must be the carelessness of Xiang Lin and the members of the team.

Xiang Lin, who had been punished for half a month, came to visit Xiang Chong, but the defendant was told to wait outside the door. A familiar voice came from inside. Fox sister was happy with Xiang Chong.

Thinking of killing him outside and being punished when he came back, he felt like he was enjoying the body of a beautiful woman with ease, and he felt angry.

After nearly half an hour, the voice inside stopped, and he took a long breath, his expression returned to normal, and his attitude became submissive again.

Squeak, the door opened, and an elephant rushing voice came out: "Come in!"

Xiang Lin walked into the door, his heart trembled, and there was a strong smell in it. This was the smell left by the fox sister and the Xiang Chong after their joy. There were places he was familiar with and some places he disgusted.

The long dress of the fox demon draped messily on her body, and could not conceal the graceful spring scene. Xianglin tried her best not to make herself look at her, so as not to show her feet for Xiang Chong to see.

Xiang Chong hugged the fox girl with a contented expression, and in front of Xiang Lin, one hand was placed on her chest and the other was clamped by her slender hands, both hands were moving.

He looked at Xianglin and said, "How is it? Do you know where you went wrong now?"

Xiang Lin nodded, and said with a remorse: "The subordinates know they are wrong!"

Xiang Chong nodded with satisfaction, and said, "It's good to know what went wrong, a little human, you have made such a mess. If it wasn't for the beauty to help you intercede, I would have dismissed you from your position and let you continue. To be the lowest member, the beauty has said a lot of good things to you. I am happy to serve you, so please spare you! I will send the ninth team to chase and kill humans with you, but this time You can't take the lead. Everything is under the command of the Nine Team Captain Yu Mo, understand?"

Xiang Lin nodded, expressing willingness to obey.

Xiang Chong told him to go down. Before he stepped out, he heard the fox sister's tender voice and Xiang Chong's **** and laughter again, knowing that another round had begun.

Half a day later, the remaining monsters of the third team and the people of the ninth team met. When Xianglin led his men to see the monsters of the ninth team, the opponent's No. 100 monster laughed mockingly at them under the leadership of Yu Mo. Yu Mo even looked at Xianglin without any shame, and said: "Xianglin, you are too useless, because a human has lost so many members, this time it will be handed over to our ninth team. Let you see how good we are!"

Xiang Lin was angry, but his face showed a simple and honest look. He smiled and said, "Then thank you brother Yu!"

"Haha, good to say! By the way, Xianglin, when will you bring a **** fox back again, let me have a taste of Yu Mo, so that I can also cover you like the hall master!" Yu Mo smiled. .

This is the naked, naked, and naked mockery of Xianglin. Everyone in the hall knows that Xianglin can be the captain of the third team because he gave the hall master a wonderful fox demon, so all the team leaders look down upon him. Elephant forest.

Like Lin Qiang holding back the anger in his heart, he knew he could not be angry, he had to bear everything, and when the time was right, he would make these guys pay a heavy price for their previous remarks. Then he would make them regret their current madness and ignorance. At that time, he will play all their women again, let them know the fate of offending themselves!

He followed Lu Mo's words with a simple smile, and said: "No problem, as long as Brother Yu likes it, I will try my best to get this thing done!"

"Haha, a minion is a minion. There is no growth at all. Okay, let’s go, let’s go. By the way, let me use your two hands. They are the first to find traces of human beings. Help!" Yu Mo pointed to the Great Sage and Niu Hengkong behind Xianglin.

Xianglin signaled them to go to Lumo's side, Dasheng and Niu Hengkong hesitated for a moment, and whispered: "Elephant team, we belong to the third team, how can we go to their side?"

Xiang Lin was very moved when he heard that, his good men are so loyal.

In an instant, he decided that Dasheng and Niu Hengkong were his most trustworthy subordinates, and his liking for them had reached an unprecedented level. However, this joint operation seemed to rush to the order and let Yu Mo be the master. He could not refuse. At the request of Yu Mo, he said cheerfully to the Great Sage and Niu Hengkong: "I know your loyalty, go, listen to him this time, and come back when the matter is over!"

Dasheng and Niu Hengkong then moved towards the ninth team.

Yu Mo waved his hand, "Go, capture humans!"

After getting off the Ten Thousand Demon Mountain, the team marched towards the place where Qin Fei was first discovered. When they arrived at the stationing point, Yu Mo pointed to the shape of a mountain and divided the ninth team into ten groups according to the method that Xianglin had used before. Stationed in various places, waiting for news.

Originally, Xiang Lin kindly reminded him that it is improper to do this. All personnel must be gathered together and never act alone. He said in disdain, what would a human being afraid of doing this? The people in the third team were too stupid, and the people in his ninth team would never be defeated by humans.

Seeing that he insisted on doing this, Xiang Lin didn't bother to persuade him, but he didn't let the third team separate and gathered in one stronghold.

Yu Mo called the Great Sage and Niu into the tent, looking high above him, and said: "Now tell me, where did that human appear in the first place?"

Dasheng He Niu Hengkong said it in detail, and Yu Mo thought for a while, and said: "It seems that this guy is still a bit clever, but that is also your third team is too stupid, this time I met him and couldn't eat it. Go away!"

Soon, a team member came to report that there was a battle in the east stronghold and they were asking for help.

Yu Mo was taken aback. He didn't expect to find the humans so quickly. He hurriedly led the men and horses towards the stronghold. When they reached the ground, there was only one monster corpse waiting for them. The ten team, all dead, Yao Dan Have been taken away.

Yu Mo frowned, and he was secretly shocked, he was really accurate by the fellow Xianglin, it was really so powerful!

After another message came from the other side for help, he hurriedly took people there, but the result was still the same, only a corpse in one place was waiting for them, and he had just died soon!

Yu Mo also saw the opportunity quickly, and hurriedly issued an order to his opponent: "Hurry up and notify all the teams, and go back to the stronghold to gather immediately!"

He knew very well that if this continued, the other teams would be dead, and they had to follow Lin's words.

In the end, only six teams rushed back, and the third team also arrived. Many of them gathered together, but they were not attacked by Qin Fei.

Xiang Lin is secretly happy now, not at all sorry for the heavy losses of his allies, but instead feels that this is retribution. Who told Yumo to not listen to him? Do you know how good it is now?

But he still felt sad, because Qin Fei's speed was faster this time, and he was obviously a huge improvement compared to the last time. Could it be that this human being has increased his strength?

However, he was not going to remind Yu Mo, who told this guy to taunt him in front of so many people, and he wouldn't be reconciled if he didn't let the other party show any more blood.

Although Yu Mo knew that humans should not be underestimated, he was never prepared to give up. He did not discuss with Xiang Lin, and decided to increase his efforts this time and set up an ambush.

His plan was to separate two ten-person teams and return to the stronghold, and then he and Xianglin led other team members to ambush around the stronghold. Once the humans attacked the stronghold, they would swarm in to ensure that the humans could be dealt with.

Xiang Lin thinks his method is good, so he secretly scolded himself that he hadn't thought of it at first?

The plan started. Two elite teams were separated and returned to the stronghold. The others lie in wait for the humans to enter the urn.

Their plan, if Qin Feizhao used the previous method to attack, would definitely be surrounded, and it would be more auspicious, but Xianglin would not have thought that there was a traitor on his side. Qin Fei knew their plan right away. How could it be possible? In their ambush?

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