Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1684: Bai Liang's worry!

At that time, Bai Liang was not as frantic as he is now, thinking that Qing Song had once played with his senior brothers, and he still set a grave for him.

Now Su Lan came here, looking at the grave of her lover with grief.


There was a sound of footsteps, and a young man in a small servant robe walked out of the woods behind the grave. He was carrying a baggage and seemed to be ready to travel.

"Senior Sister Su, it seems that you have already met Senior Brother Hua!" The young man whispered, and glanced around with alert.

Su Lan stopped crying, looked at him sadly, and said, "You are the brother Niu Wu who helped Junior Brother Huaxing in the dungeon?"

Niu Wu nodded, and said: "It's me, Brother Hua had a difference in thought at the beginning. I believe you already know it in the letter. He made two-handed preparations. Now please follow me to leave Yanshan Jianzong. Let's go to Li Tianzong and take their The conspiracy tells Sect Master Lu!"

Su Lan nodded and said: "Okay, go to Li Tianzong!"

Huaxing’s letter has explained everything. Bai Liang betrayed the lord, threatened him to grasp the whereabouts of the lord, the conspiracy of the Qiushan Temple, etc., all made it very clear. Huaxing confessed what he did in the letter. He was not stupid and did both. Prepare to record all the conversations with Bai Liang with reflection stones.

Niu Wu showed the reflection stone to Su Lan on the road. She understood everything and forgave Hua Xing from the bottom of her heart. People may make mistakes. As long as they repent, it is not a bad thing.

In the reflection stone, all the scenes of the meeting between Bai Liang and Huaxing are recorded. This is iron evidence. As long as it is handed over to the Li Tianzong, Bai Liang's death period will come!

Su Lan placed the Mirror Stone, her expression suddenly changed, and she lost her voice: "Oh, my earrings fell there!"

The earring was the one that Bai Liang gave her. This was the token Qing Song gave her at the time, and she must get it back.

Niu Wu stopped her and said anxiously: "Sister Su, we have already left more than ten li now. If we go back, what if Bai Liang comes after him?"

Su Lan didn't hold on after thinking about it. The earrings were important, but if Bai Liang found out that she was gone, wouldn't she have thrown herself into the trap when she found it, and how could she avenge Qingsong if she wanted to leave?

She made a clear distinction between who was more important and who was less. He Niu Wu continued on his way, changing his fate and still unable to fly. In order not to be found by the masters who might be able to send by Bai Liang, they chose the most concealed route so that they could reach the sky safely. Zong.

On Jianfeng, in the hall of the Sect Master, Bai Liang saw Qiu Wuxiu, and Qiu Wuxiu gave him a time limit. Han Pozong prepared to initiate a rebellion in Yanshan Jianzong after a year. Bai Liang naturally agreed, and Qiu Wuxiu also raised one thing. , In order to ensure the success of the action at that time, from now on, Han Pozong will arrange some masters to enter the Yanshan Jianzong from time to time to train the people of Yanshan Jianzong.

After Bai Liang sent off Qiu Wuxi, his expression was excited, and he was about to attack Li Tianzong in a year. At that time, his power would be greater, and he could hold more people's life and death in his hands.

But no matter how excited, there is no excitement about what to do next. I played Sulan in front of Huaxing before, and then he will play again in front of Gaoshou to see this former number one in Yanshan Jianzong. A genius, how did Gao Shouhui, who has been stealing the limelight, react?

His current psychology is getting more and more abnormal. He is no longer the original Bai Liang. He just wants to play Su Lan in front of Huaxing and Gao Shou, let them die, and let Su Lan completely become his **** and slave!

When he came to the dungeon, he was stunned when he saw Huaxing's cold body, and Su Lan was gone. What happened after he left? He hurriedly called the guard and asked where Su Lan had been. The guard said that he had seen Su Lan leave an hour ago.

Bai Liang looked at Huaxing's body and secretly said something was wrong. It must be what Huaxing used to let Su Lan know something, otherwise, how could he commit suicide here, and why would Su Lan disappear?

His excitement sank to the bottom of the valley, hurriedly rushed out of the dungeon, and asked the whole family to search for Su Lan. An hour later, all the people who went to search came to report, but he did not see Su Lan. One of the guards said that she had seen her heading down the mountain. And go!

A cold light flashed in Bai Liang's eyes, took hundreds of people, rushed down the mountain, and told them to search along the way, and be sure not to miss any inch of land.

He himself came to Qingsong’s grave, looking at the messy footprints in front of the grave, his face turned blue, and when he found that there was more than one person’s footprints, he was even more furious and slashed at the grave head. Reached out and stopped immediately, bent over and picked up an earring, which was the one that Sulan had dropped.

Bai Liang personally gave these earrings to Su Lan. He is now sure that Su Lan must know everything, otherwise he would not leave, let alone come here.


He cursed with hatred, returned to the sect, immediately gathered all the hall master elders for a meeting, and personally went to invite the Taishang elders. For this matter, he must first ventilate with the Taishang elders, otherwise the consequences will be difficult. material.

"How did you do it? Actually let her know the secret, what are you doing?" When the elders heard him explain the situation, they were furious, and one of them was itchy and cursing Bailiang.

Another elder snorted coldly: "You fool around with Su Lan this woman in the Sect Master's Palace. You have long been fascinated by her, and you have said that you are greedy and mischievous!"

Bai Liang said bitterly: "Dear elders, the disciples know that they are wrong, but now is not the time to investigate these things. The top priority is how to get her back!"

"Catch it back for what? Just kill it if you find it!" An overlord elder said coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Bai Liang's heart trembled, and he was a little bit reluctant to kill Su Lan. During this time, Su Lan allowed him to enjoy everything that a man should enjoy.

However, he immediately thought, what is a Sulan? As long as this crisis is resolved, there will be women in the clan who are more beautiful than Sulan, so why not enjoy them?

He gritted his teeth and said: "The elder is right, as long as you see her, you will kill him!"

"Okay, I know you are reluctant, but in this situation, she must be killed! lest she goes around talking nonsense and causing chaos in the clan, you go to a meeting with other people first, we will set out to find Sulan, since she knows the secret , The only option is to go to Litianzong to inform, we will go to Litianzong, intercept along the way, and will not let her appear in Litianzong! As for you, ask people in the clan to search in other directions, it is difficult to guarantee that this woman is not It will defraud the other direction and detour to leave Tianzong! Also, send someone to report to Qiu Wuxi, to explain the situation, this kind of thing cannot be concealed, if Han Pozong is willing to kill Sulan, This matter is more certain!" The boss of the Taishang elders, that is, the master of Yan Beixing made the decision.

Each set off, and Bai Liang returned to the Sect Master Hall. The important figures in each hall were all here. Naturally, he said to everyone differently. He only said that Su Lan left the sect for no reason, and asked everyone to send his disciples to investigate. She killed her on the spot, no need to talk to her, she was solved immediately!

Everyone acted separately. Bai Liang was sitting on the throne. He only felt upset and irritated. Su Lan's defect made him feel a strong crisis. If this action fails, his death will be a small matter, and he will be ruined. Now he But I understand, heroes are not so good, sometimes people don't understand!

At this time, he still felt that everything he did was for the peace of the monk world, and he was everyone's hero.

When he was upset, he felt that he should find something to do. He called Xiaosi, and ordered people to call all the stunning female disciples he had always wanted to possess to the Sect Master’s Hall, and use their bodies to vent their feelings towards Su Lan. Dissatisfaction and panic deep in my heart.

He is now the Sovereign, and the female disciples naturally dare not have any resistance. They come here obediently and take the initiative to wait on him, let him temporarily put his troubles aside while looking at the charming women. He felt that Su Lan wasn't that charming anymore. He had known that he should find these women first and kill Su Lan as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it was too late to regret. Su Lan already knew everything, and now he had to resign.

The more this happened, the more he felt that he couldn't waste his time in vain. If one day he would die, why not enjoy it as soon as possible?

So after he got the girls, he started aiming at other goals again. He wanted to play with all the beautiful young women in the clan in the shortest time, even if he died by then!

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