Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1867: Sunshine!

Qin Fei faintly looked at the two of them, and said, "How? Are you still thinking about revenge from me? Tell you, if you want to take revenge in the future, I will accompany you at any time. The Bloodscale Demon has been idle and has nothing to do. I really like someone to go in. Play with them!"

Shui Wuchang laughed more ugly than crying, and hurriedly said: "Don't, we won't take revenge. There is no silly person in there. Let's write off all the grievances we had before, and promise that we won't trouble you anymore!"

He felt his heart tingling when he thought of the torture he had suffered inside, and he vowed to never go in again in the future. Going once is equal to one death. He couldn't bear it!

Huo Lietian also hurriedly smiled: "Yes, this will never happen again in the future, don't hesitate to say what you want, we promise to do everything without saying anything!"

You Mingzi was shocked while watching, what have these two guys gone through? Why does attitude change so fast?

However, it is inconvenient for him to ask more, if Qin Fei is offended and asked him to go in and experience it by himself, wouldn't it be death?

In any case, the two must have been tortured by inhumans, otherwise their attitudes would not change so quickly.

Qin Fei nodded in satisfaction and said, "It's very simple. In fact, I didn't mean to hurt you, but I want to give you a great advantage!"

Speaking of benefits, the three of them smiled bitterly for an instant, and it's strange for them to get the benefits.

Qin Fei saw that they didn’t believe it, so he was too lazy to say it, and said directly: “Before tomorrow morning, I want you to be responsible for fixing the falling moon, so that she can’t use her strength. If she goes to Cangshengzong to help chase the sun, you Just take over the army, and then Cangshengzong will be managed by the three of you from now on! Of course, it will be managed for me!"

The three of them listened to Qi Qi quietly and stared at him incredibly, Nima, this is too simple to say, get the moon? Just three by yourself? What kind of strength is Luoyue, what strength is he? The three of them can still be distinguished. Isn't this asking them to die?

You Mingzi hurriedly shook his head and said, "You said too lightly. Luoyue is not a simple person. She can stab us to death with a single finger, so we dare not provoke her!"

Qin Fei sneered: "Don't tell me that you follow her sincerely, didn't you think about using her to deal with the chasing sun first, and then attack her with black hands?"

You Mingzi smiled bitterly: "It's correct to plan like this, but you have to wait for the time. If you don't have a perfect preparation to provoke her, none of us can survive!"

Shui Wuchang nodded straight in agreement: "Yes, yeah, Luoyue is very powerful, and the three of us can't hurt her half of her hair without taking out the strength of breastfeeding. You are asking us to die!"

Qin Fei didn't bother to pay attention to their complaints, and said coldly: "That's it, I will see the results tomorrow morning. No matter what you think of, you can get things done!"

After finishing speaking, he left directly, not giving the three a chance to find a reason.

The three of You Mingzi glanced at each other, their expressions bitter.

He asked Shui Wuchang: "Brother Shui, what should I do?"

Shui Wuchang looked at Huo Lietian and said, "What do you think?"

Huo Lietian frowned and said, "This is not easy to handle! But we have to do it. It is 10,000 times better to die in the hands of Luo Yue than to die in the hands of those bloodscale demons! It is not impossible to deal with Luo Yue. Maybe, as long as we serve him this thing, her strength will be greatly reduced, and then we will take care of it!"

Shui Wuchang looked at the green grass that suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand, and said in surprise: "Do you have this thing too?"

You Mingzi's eyes tightened, as if he had seen a ghost: "Brother Huo, you are really hidden, you can also get this peerless poisonous weed!"

Huo Lietian smiled triumphantly: "Of course, how can I mix it without any preparation? You all know the performance of this poisonous weed. If it is dropped in the tea of ​​the moon, she will become a waste less than an hour after drinking it. , Then we can do whatever we want! Qin Fei just told us to deal with her, but did not say that we should not do other things! Do you believe that you are as interested in her as I am? If she becomes a useless person, we What should I do?"

Shui Wuchang's eyes lit up, he laughed, and screamed: "Of course it's playing with her, grass! The first time I saw her, I was thinking about playing with her body when I was happy. I didn't expect to dream today. Come true!"

You Mingzi has gotten old bones, and his interest in women is still unabated. He smiled and said, "It's really great, Luoyue is such a showy woman. It must be very exciting to play. When the time comes, the three of us will be together. "

Huo Lietian nodded and said, "You are right. This woman has always looked at us wrongly, so let her taste our greatness! After keeping her cool, she won't forget us!"

The three of them discussed with excitement.

Soon, the three of You Mingzi went to look for Luoyue. There were a large number of guards around Luoyue. Only the three of them could come and go freely and approach each other easily. They would have physical changes when they saw Luoyue. Strip her naked, then press on the bed to conquer.

While happy, suddenly there was another person in the tent, and the three of them hurriedly shut up, their faces straightened.

Qin Fei has gone and returned!

He stared at the three people coldly and said: "What are you happy about? Tell you, Luoyue can't help you be presumptuous. If you let me know that she was touched by one of you, just wait to die!"

After speaking, he left again.

Shui Wuchang and You Mingzi are completely out of mind, Huo Lietian has no color and courage, and muttered: "What is he doing? Isn't it a waste of such a beautiful woman to be upset?"

Shui Wuchang bitterly persuaded: "Brother Huo, don't worry about this. It's better to follow his words. You don't want to stay there anymore, right?"

Huo Lietian hurriedly shut up, with a look of fear in his eyes.

You Mingzi was aroused and hurriedly said, "What have you experienced inside? Is it convenient to talk about it?"

Shui Wuchang and Huo Lietian shook their heads at the same time, and said in unison: "Don't even think about it!"

In the depths of the sunset plain, Qin Fei appeared on a small hill, opened the space crack, and asked Ji Li, who stuck his head out: "You did a good job, but I'm very curious, what have they experienced inside?"

Ji Li smiled honestly and said: "It's nothing, just let the female devil in our clan play with them, and then they succumbed!"


Qin Fei suddenly realized that the two of them were so obedient. The Bloodscale Devil was also big, bigger than the male, like a mountain, and extremely ugly, with a strong smell of blood. Qin Fei still remembered There were two in the first group of Bloodscale Demon, and when I approached them unintentionally, I almost didn't get scared to death. Shui Wuchang and Huo Lietian were forced to play shame with them, and I must collapse!

But this is also weird. They shouldn't be so obedient?

Ji Li seemed to have guessed his doubts and added: "We also told them that after they entered the Bloodscale Demon Realm, they were infected with our breath. They can go out to find them at any time. They can't escape wherever they go, as long as they dare not. If you listen to your master, let the female devil accompany them. If it doesn't work, they will compromise, and swear that everything will be yours!"

In the army of Luoyue, as the three guardians of Luoyue, the three of You Mingzi went to see Luoyue together. Luoyue met them, and Huo Lietian presented a bottle of wine, saying that the spies were sent to a single Cangshengzong. What was called Lieyangchun what the disciple snatched from!

When Luo Yue heard the setting sun and spring, her beautiful eyes were bright, and she hurriedly called to offer the wine, and then drank it, wiping tears while drinking, saying that she hadn't had this kind of wine for a long time, and she missed it very hard!

This Lieyangchun wine was the idea of ​​Huo Lietian. He knew that before Luoyue was a person from Cangshengzong, she was a woman who chased the sun. Lieyangchun was a famous wine of Cangshengzong. Only they could make it. It has a unique taste. When Yue sees this wine, she will like it and drink it immediately. The poisonous weed juice is already in the wine, and the toxicity will quickly occur. Luoyue will not feel it. When she wants to exert her strength, the toxicity will be revealed. , So that she could not exert her strength.

The task was basically completed, the three of them retired and left, leaving Luo Yue there to drink and drunk alone, looking like a man who is homesick and wants to chase the sun!

The next day, they reported the situation to Qin Fei. Qin Fei didn't praise them first, because they had to wait to see if they were effective.

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