Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1960: Rongrong!

Rong Rong smiled and nodded, and said, "The flower seeds are the things of the Overlord, and should be taken back! Now we have received your Overlord's power to help us, and we have recovered our strength, and we have enough power to deal with the Ice King and the Ice Demon King! Conquer these rebellions!"

Qin Fei was full of confidence, and said, "Okay! Let's have a showdown with them now!"

Since entering the ice sheet, he has been cautious, for fear of being discovered his domineering power, now he is fine, with the help of Chu Yange so much, he is also afraid of a bird, it is Gan Te Niang's!

The hiding place of Chu Yan Pavilion has been rushed away by the Overlord Force. Qin Fei and Chu Yan Pavilion appeared on the ice field. He immediately released the vast overlord power, waiting for the Ice Plain King to find trouble.

According to Rong Rong's meaning, it was to kill the ice king's lair directly, and after a pot was served, Qin Fei thought about it, and thought it would be better to wait for the other party to come to their lair, why would they not be prepared to go to their lair rashly? Is this not asking for trouble? The so-called good time and place, Qin Fei has to plan well!

He has confidence in his own territory. This is not because he is afraid of the opponent, but Qin Fei does not want to lose too much on his side. After all, the main enemy is not the Ice King or the Ice Demon King, but the one who is more powerful outside. The demons, the fewer people on the ice field die, the better, you have to keep it to deal with real enemies!

He led the people from Chu Yange back to the Axis Mansion. Xiao Xun saw that he suddenly brought back countless stunning beauties. He didn't say much. Instead, he gave a warm reception, and soon became mingled with Rongrong and the others, calling his sister and sister. .

The men in the Axis Mansion were even more happy from ear to ear. Of course, the more beautiful women, the better, but soon everyone was not happy, because they found that these new women are very proud, although they look at Qin Fei’s face was fairly polite to them, but the arrogance in his bones was involuntarily exuding, making them feel afraid to approach them. These women were only respectful to Qin Fei. Although they were kind to them, the invisible temperament made them feel good. They retreat and feel ashamed.

Chu Yan Pavilion used to be a capable man of Chu Yan Pavilion. In the previous Ice Field, when Chu Yan Pavilion was absent, Chu Yan Pavilion’s people managed the entire ice field. Whether it was an ice demon or an aboriginal, it was under the jurisdiction of Chu Yan Pavilion. Within the scope, they were originally superior, even after the King Chu died and Chu Yange was forced to put himself in a different space by the Ice Demon King and the Ice Plain King, their arrogance still did not weaken by half, they had long been accustomed to being superior. This kind of mentality cannot be changed in a short while. Qin Fei is also very aware of this. He did not ask them to change anything. There is no need to change. Everything on the ice sheet should be operated in the same way as before. He didn't want to. Intervene, in the monastic world, there is a hierarchical system in human places. This is unavoidable. Even if he has this idea, he will never change. The system and rules are everywhere and indispensable. Once broken, On the contrary, there will be chaos in the world, and people always have to manage to be able to exert their greatest ability.

Under the world, there is absolutely no great unity and no co-prosperity. This is impossible in any period in history.

The ant still has the honor of the ant king, let alone someone who knows how many times stronger?

He asked Kuangshuai to move the Shenfeng Pavilion to the Axis Mansion, enlarged the scope of the Axis Mansion by a thousand times, and built fortifications to do a good job of defense.

Kuangshuai, Qiuwang and others felt that there was no need to expand the scope to such a point. This was because they felt that they should compress the line of defense and concentrate their strength in one place.

Qin Fei recruited all the people in charge, and released his dominance in front of them. Everyone was shocked. They knew the dominance. They knew who the former lord of the ice sheet was. , The absolute overlord, the one who possesses the overlord power, owns the ice field, this has been passed down for a long time.

"Everyone, I don’t hide my identity anymore. I am not from the ice field. I come from the outside world. Today, the outside world is being invaded by the demons. The demons have no mercy on humans. And the demons never die! Humans are in danger. I came to Bingyuan to seek help. As long as Bingyuan joins the human anti-devil army, the victory will be ours!"

After Qin Fei finished speaking, he looked at everyone and waited for their reply.

Qiuwang was the first to raise his arms and shouted: "I am willing to lead everyone to follow the overlord! Get rid of the demons!"

Kuangshuai said excitedly: "The little brother is willing too! Haha, it's been a long time since I had a fun battle!"

Others agreed. Qin Fei possesses overlord power and is ultimately the lord of the ice field. Following him, he will definitely not suffer a loss. In the future, he will make achievements and have a bright future!

Qin Fei's eyes lit up and said: "Okay, now my overlord power has spread all over the ice field, and all parties need to respond! First, the Ice Field King and the Ice Demon King must obey the orders, but according to their temperament, they will definitely refuse. It’s a **** wind! I don’t want to see the Bingyuan people kill each other, so I need you to set off and go everywhere to talk about the Ice Demon and Human Race. Those who are willing to follow me Qin Fei will forget the blame and refuse to follow. It is our enemy, kill without mercy!"

He wants to send people to various parties as lobbyists, and win more people to join his side to compete with the Icefield King and the Ice Demon King!

In fact, he is not afraid of the Icefield King and the Ice Demon King anymore. There are people from Chu Yan Pavilion, so it’s not a problem. The Icefield King forced Chu Yan Pavilion to self-proclaimed and dare not set foot on the icefield because of their strength since King Chu died. They were sealed, and until Qin Fei appeared and lifted their seal with his overlord power, the Icefield King was no longer a threat.

It’s just that he doesn’t want to see too much loss of combat power on the ice sheet. These are all very precious. To die is to die in the war with the demons, not to die under internal fighting. People have to die as valuable. Not to lose his life in vain and fight for the survival of mankind is the embodiment of the best value of a monk's death. So he wants Qiuwang to go out and contact the monks everywhere. Those who are willing to surrender will naturally accept it, and those who are not willing are not his own, so he will get rid of them together, so as not to have time to fight with the demons. These The guy is making trouble again!

It took a long time for Qiuwang and the others to disperse their actions. During this time, Qin Fei did not let everyone sit idle, and arranged various formations around the fortifications, waiting for the enemy to attack.

In the Icefield King’s palace, the Icefield King stomped with anger, and said to the tall Ice Demon King, "Brother Demon, what do you say? I didn’t expect that we hadn’t decided the victory or defeat, but Chu Yange jumped out first. Now that they have the inheritance of the Overlord, they are all very powerful. We must join forces to fight the enemy!"

The Ice Demon King agreed deeply and nodded: "Yes, the battle between you and me is still the battle within our ice sheet. Now someone from the outside wants to **** the ice sheet. I don't follow this principle! We used to be the ice sheet. The overlord of Chu, the king of Chu is here, we have to listen to him, but now, why should a kid ask us to follow orders? This time he must fight him to the end and kill him!"

One person and one demon make a decision and discuss countermeasures.

At this time, someone came to report with a very anxious look, and said, "Bingyuan King, the big thing is not good! The Qin Bawang of Chu Yan Pavilion has sent a large number of people to lobby all parties. Many forces have joined Chu Yan Pavilion and are rushing to reunite!"

The Icefield King was furious, and just about to curse, an ice demon rushed in again and shouted: "My king, something is not good! Chu Yange also sent people to various tribes of our tribe to lobby, and many demon tribes have already visited them. there."

The Ice Demon King was also furious when he heard it, his eyes were almost falling out, and he said to the Icefield King: "Icefield King, let's not waste time here. The longer it is, the more disadvantaged it will be against us. Now I will go back and gather them. Centaur, kill that kid!"

The Icefield King nodded and said: "Okay, demon brother, go quickly, I will also recruit people and horses immediately, twenty hours later, I will meet at the glacier ridge 500 miles east of the axis mansion!"

The Ice Demon King left quickly. The Ice Plain King sat down, frowning, thinking about something. After a while, the order went on: "Send someone to contact Qin Bawang and say that I have something to discuss with him!"

Twenty hours later, the Ice Demon King led millions of Ice Demon to the Glacier Ridge, but he did not see a half-person figure, and the Ice Demon King never came.

It is a little puzzled, is it possible that the Icefield King has delayed something?

It's not right, according to the personality of the ice king, it is impossible not to be punctual, then the only possibility is that he does not agree with this alliance, but has another plan!

Thinking of this, the Ice Demon King's expression changed drastically and immediately ordered the army to retreat.

But it was too late, and dense figures appeared around the glacier ridge, surrounding the ice demon group.

The Ice Demon King looked at the three people who came out of the crowd, gritted his teeth with anger, and the one on the left was his ally waiting for the future, the Icefield King!

And the person in the front, a kid, although he has not seen him before, it is not difficult to guess the identity of the other party, because as the pavilion master of Chu Yan Pavilion, Rong Rong stands respectfully beside that kid. Low eyebrows look pleasing

Qin Bawang!

The Ice Demon King gritted his teeth and looked at the Ice King, roaring: "You bastard, you don't speak credit!"

The Ice King sneered, and said, "Ice Demon King, you are just a beast. What qualifications do you have to ask this king to be credited with you? Don’t forget, you’re just a demon, I’m a human, don’t you understand the different ways of a demon? You Do you think I will betray the Human Race at this time? I fight you because of different races, and Qin Bawang and I are of the same race. If I don't listen to him, who will listen to?"

The Ice Demon King laughed wildly: "Despicable and shameless! Don't think that you are clever, this king is stupid! This king guessed that you are a shameless person, so today you must die, not me!"

The Ice King was shocked, wondering why the Ice Demon King still had such a tone at this time. Isn't he really afraid of death?

He hurriedly turned his head and said to Qin Fei: "Overlord, please also order the killing of the ice monster clan!"

Qin Fei nodded, but suddenly hit him with a punch...

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