Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2000 Returning Strongly

Wu Zhaoting had been pressing down on Ye Xinghe just now, and there was already a sense of contempt in his heart.

"Elder Zhu is exaggerating. It turns out that the older you get, the less courageous you become!"

"Before I came here, I was told in many ways that Ye Xinghe was not someone to be trifled with and I had to be careful."

"Haha, that's all. No matter how strong you are, you are just a new disciple. What are your abilities?"

But at this moment, he was faced with extremely powerful panic.

Wu Zhaoting realized that he was wrong, how wrong he was!

Just now, I was able to suppress him and fight just because I had a sneak attack and gained the upper hand.

It proves nothing at all.

In fact, Ye Xinghe's strength is far stronger than he thought!

He could feel that this sword could kill him!

But he was also an extremely smart person, and he snarled loudly while avoiding.

"Ye Xinghe, please stop now. I am the Qingpao elder of the sect. If you kill me, you will make a big mistake. Do you want to be an enemy of the sect!"

He saw that he was no match for Ye Xinghe, so he simply took out his sect to suppress Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe sneered.

"Why didn't you say this when you killed me just now? Now you know it's too late to move out of the sect!"

He gritted his teeth, broke the sword without a name, and dropped it hard!

The giant sword energy was also slashed down crazily.

Wu Zhaoting fired seven or eight swords one after another, hitting the giant sword energy, but it was useless.

The giant sword energy was still extremely firm and pressed down heavily, destroying all his offensive moves!

Wu Zhaoting let out a shrill roar.

The high-grade magic weapon in his hand was pushed hard by him.

Try to block it for a moment and give yourself a chance to escape.

But it's still useless!

The pressure of the giant sword directly smashed his longbow into pieces.

Then his desperate eyes fell on Ye Xinghe.

"Zhu Qingtan is right, Ye Xinghe is indeed very powerful!"

This is the last thought in Wu Zhaoting's life.

Ye Xinghe took a breath and flashed.

The short sword was raised and Wu Zhaoting's head was cut off directly.

Looking into his unblinking eyes, he said coldly: "You have become someone else's chess piece and you are so proud of it. You are not worthy of being my opponent!" "What I am looking for is the person behind it!"

He took a short break.

At this time, the benefits brought by Qinglian Sword Intent are highlighted.

He is still able to move, there is no need to hide, it will take him a day or two to recover!

But being delayed by this incident, Ye Xinghe found that he seemed unable to return to the sect on time.

He smiled coldly, picked up Wu Zhaoting's head, and quickly walked towards the sect.

At this time, all the disciples, except Ye Xinghe and Jiang Haoyan, were present in the sect's main hall.

Even the sect leader Chu Qingqiu, the red-robed elder Zhu Qingtan and other elders are already here.

There was only a quarter of an hour before noon, and everyone was a little anxious waiting.

Several elders were talking in low voices, looking quite dissatisfied.

After a while, a disciple walked in quickly.

He reported to Zhu Qingtan: "Elder Qi, there is no one in Jiang Haoyan's cave. I don't know where he went. I asked the disciples around but no one knows."

Zhu Qingtan responded calmly: "I understand."

Jiang Haoyan has not completed his mission. In his opinion, it has lost value.

So he didn't care about his whereabouts.

He then asked: "Where is Ye Xinghe?"

"I heard from the disciples in the Mission Hall that Junior Brother Ye took over the mission yesterday and went to the Yudao Peak in the Great Sumeru Mountains. He hasn't come back yet!"

The disciple reported it ten times.

An elder in green robe next to him snorted coldly: "It's just an exploration mission, simple. If you haven't come back for so long, you clearly don't take the sect seriously!"

This big hat was immediately taken off!

Zhu Qingtan looked into the distance with relaxed eyes.

Thinking about it, Wu Zhaoting has already taken care of things.

He said calmly: "It's not yet noon, isn't it? There's no harm in waiting a little longer."

"I believe that Ye Xinghe is not a person who does not understand the rules."

Everyone was stunned.

For some reason, Zhu Qingtan, who had always been at odds with Ye Xinghe, now excused him.

But at this time, there was a sneer.

"Yes, Elder Zhu knows me very well!"

Hearing this, Zhu Qingtan's expression suddenly changed.

And along with these words, they were carried into the main hall by the wind.

There was also something dark and bloody.

The thing was thrown directly into the hall and dumped in front of everyone.

When everyone saw it, their faces suddenly showed shock.

It turned out that what was thrown into the hall at this time was actually a head!

And the most important thing is that this person is quite powerful in the sect, and they know him.

Isn’t this Wu Zhaoting!

"How come he was killed and his head was thrown into our sect's main hall? This is a provocation!"

"What son of a bitch dares to provoke me like this from the Divine Sword Sect!"

The grumpy elder stood up in a fighting stance and looked towards the door of the hall!

Chu Qingqiu also stood up slowly, with a cold look on his face.

"Which sect dares to provoke me like this from the Divine Sword Sect? Those who want to kill me come to my door!"

A tall figure slowly walked out of the palace door, covered in blood.

It was actually Ye Xinghe!

Everyone was stunned, what's going on?

Ye Xinghe pointed to the head on the ground and said lightly: "I killed him."

In an instant, everyone in the hall was in an uproar!

Everyone's first reaction was disbelief.

How could Ye Xinghe be so powerful? How could he kill Wu Zhaoting?

The grumpy elder shouted sternly: "Little brat, are you going to bully your master and destroy your ancestors!"

"How dare you offend me and kill the elder!"

Ye Xinghe didn't even look at him, he just looked coldly and spoke slowly.

"Yesterday I was in the mission hall and accepted a mission to explore the strange movements of the beasts deep in the Great Sumeru Mountains."

"On the way back, I was suddenly attacked by Elder Wu Zhaoting, who brutally killed me. He must kill me quickly!"

"I had no choice but to kill him!"

Before he could finish speaking, the green-robed elder who had spoken just now shouted.

"What the hell are you farting? With your little strength, you can kill Wu Zhaoting. You are so frustrated and crazy!"

Ye Xinghe frowned and glanced at him.

He didn't even know this person, but this person repeatedly jumped out and suppressed and insulted him.

However, now is not the time to ignore him.

He stared at Zhu Qingtan and smiled coldly.

"Yesterday's mission was a round, today's ambush was a round, and it was also a round that prevented me from returning to the sect to receive the reward!"

"Someone set up a trap and asked me to go out to do a task, and then wanted to kill me on the way so that I couldn't come back smoothly!"

The green-robed elder who had scolded him disdainfully laughed.

"What the hell are you? Do you deserve someone to set up a trap against you?"

Ye Xinghe ignored him. When he said this, his eyes kept staring at Zhu Qingtan.

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