Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2027 Why is it missing?

There was a hint of ridicule on Ye Xinghe's face, and he suddenly smiled.

"But don't you think that if you still stay put after I know you are here, it can explain a lot of problems."

Hearing this, Sun Fenlang was stunned for a moment, and then an extremely dangerous feeling surged in his heart.

He immediately stopped his forward momentum and quickly retreated.

But it's too late!

The next moment, Ye Xinghe launched his Feiyun Divine Step and moved forward rapidly, arriving in front of him in the blink of an eye.

The nameless broken sword drew a mysterious arc.

A green lotus flower suddenly appeared above the sword's edge.

The difference from when Ye Xinghe was refining his sword before was that the petals were blooming quietly at this moment!

In an instant, endless cyan destructive power spurted out from the petals.

It directly enveloped Sun Fengliang!

Ye Xinghe felt it very clearly.

This is the purest, most tyrannical power of destruction!

Everything in front of me seems to be destroyed by it!

All that can limit it is his own strength.

When he is weak, he can destroy a person or a tree.

If it is stronger, it can destroy a city or a mountain.

And if I were stronger, I could destroy a world!

Ye Xinghe now realized the true meaning of Qinglian’s destruction of the world!

There was no tyrannical movement, but that silence, but the extremely powerful cyan power of destruction.

It destroyed Sun Fengliang's offensive defense, destroyed his generous long sword, and entered his body!

Sun Fenlang felt that his life was passing rapidly.

The next moment, he will die!

He shouted in horror: "It turns out that you have another breakthrough in strength. You can actually kill the ninth level of the outer world!"

"No wonder, no wonder you dare to wait for me here!"

But at this moment, Ye Xinghe suddenly thought of something

In an instant, the sword power was withdrawn, and the tyrannical destructive power disappeared immediately.

The green lotus closed again.

At this time, Sun Fenlang was seriously injured and fell to the ground, unable to resist anymore.

But he wasn't dead yet, especially on the surface, he seemed to be unscathed.

But he knew that his body was almost completely destroyed.

"You, what are you going to do!"

Ye Xinghe smiled slightly, took out all the things on his body, and knocked him out with one punch.

Heading towards the position of the thousand-year-old golden scale flower stamen again!

The lazy lightning golden leopard was lying on the bluestone basking in the sun.

Its bloodline is quite strong, so it doesn't require much training. As long as it sleeps every day, its strength can be steadily improved.

Of course, if you can take more spiritual herbs, elixirs, and various spiritual treasures, your strength will increase faster.

This is the talent of a monster with a high-level bloodline. You can't accept it.

It yawned again and felt its eyes were a little sore.

"I'm sleepy again, let's sleep a little longer."

Just now it vaguely sensed a snooping aura, lingering nearby.

However, it didn't care and released a little of its pressure.

Sure enough, the breath disappeared.

Lightning Golden Leopard thought with disdain.

"That blind bitch wants to steal my treasure again!"

It has long been accustomed to this.

Although it is the overlord here.

But within a radius of 100,000 miles, there are some other monsters with similar strength to it.

It knows a few of them and is always spying on its elixir.

But now this elixir has matured, and after another month, it can be taken directly.

So at this time, it was guarded very carefully and would not leave for a moment.

I just concentrated on waiting for more than an hour, but the aura didn't appear again, so it must have gone away.

Feeling a little sleepy, the Lightning Golden Leopard decided to take a nap.

But before going to sleep, it took a look at the ten thousand-year-old golden scale flower stamens.

This is his favorite thing and cannot be missed!

But just this one glance made all the hair on his body stand on end!

It straightened up violently and let out an earth-shattering roar, full of rage.

It turns out that the thousand-year-old golden-scaled flower stamen has disappeared!

It was stolen right under its nose!

It roared wildly, straightened its body, and its consciousness spread outward at an extremely fast speed.

This thing was there a moment ago, why is it gone now!

He believed that the man could not escape and could not escape far.

Soon, it discovered an ant in its consciousness and ran away frantically.

It flashed and turned into a bolt of lightning in the air.

With a 'boom', it instantly shot out several thousand meters, directly into the jungle.

Then it saw that at this time, a person was facing it.

The man leaned against a boulder and looked at him with a look of horror on his face.

It seemed that he was frightened by the sudden arrival of this powerful monster.

His face was pale, he couldn't speak, and his body was trembling.

At this moment, there was a translucent jade box leaning in his arms.

The figure of a thousand-year-old golden scale flower stamen was clearly revealed in the box.

"A human being?"

The Lightning Golden Leopard tilted his head, but didn't care.

Are there not many humans who are killed by me every year when I come here and try to steal spiritual herbs and elixirs?

A bloodthirsty and cruel smile appeared on its face.

Without any nonsense, he straightened up and rushed over.

Still like lightning, it bit the human warrior in one bite.

The bloody mouth as big as a table opened, and it wanted to swallow him directly.

What surprised it was that the human warrior was surprisingly weak.

He had no power to resist at all, and was bitten by it.

As long as it closed its mouth at this time, it could bite him in two.

"No, how could this human be so weak?"

"If he was so weak, how could he successfully steal the ten thousand year old golden scale flower stamen?"

Such an idea suddenly flashed through the mind of the Lightning Golden Leopard.

It was not stupid to begin with.

On the contrary, this kind of monster was quite shrewd and cunning.

It was just because of the deep sleepiness and rage that it didn't think so much for a while.

At this time, it came back to its senses.

At this moment, a green sword light flashed.

In the sight of the Lightning Golden Leopard, a lotus appeared, and it bloomed brilliantly at this time.

The next moment, the green destructive power rushed towards him.

It rushed into its mouth through its open mouth.

It instantly invaded its teeth, tongue, mouth, and flesh.

Then, it fiercely penetrated its internal organs with an unmatched and unstoppable posture.

Instantly, the entire body of the Lightning Golden Leopard froze.

It felt an extremely severe pain coming from its body!

Its internal organs seemed to be destroyed at this moment.

The next moment, its body suddenly bounced up and twisted into a weird angle in the air. It screamed miserably, and blood gushed out of its mouth and nose.

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