Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2041: If you do it, do it

Qingxu stepped forward and said with a smile: "Master Patriarch, Ye Xinghe really doesn't know how to appreciate praise. You want to accept him as your disciple, but he is still unwilling. I will go out to find someone and find a way to kill him. You always vent your hatred!”

Master Na Dan looked at him deeply and suddenly smiled.

"How many years have you been following me?"

Qingxu smiled and said, "It's been more than three years!"

"It's been three years, so why don't you understand me so well?"

With a smile on Zhenren Dan's face, Fuchen swung out and smashed Qingxu's head into pieces.

He said calmly: "Throw it into the alchemy furnace and make it a consumable."

A look of pride flashed across Tong Mingyue's face, but she quickly suppressed it.

He said respectfully: "Yes, Grandmaster!"

Then without hesitation, Qingxu's body was thrown in.

"From today on, you are pure."

Master Dan said calmly.

Then he waved and a man walked out of the apse.

He is also a handsome young man wearing a Taoist robe.

He said to this person: "From now on, you are the bright moon."

Through the half-open door, you can see that there seems to be an underground cave behind the door.

There were hundreds of people inside, each of them handsome and wearing Taoist robes, with respectful and gentle smiles on their faces.

"He is back?"

Zhu Qingtan turned her back to the person who came to report, and her voice was calm.

The man nodded and said: "I'm back and followed the sect leader to the place where Master Dan lives!"

"It seems that it went well for him, but not so well for me."

Zhu Qingtan whispered indifferently.

He waved away the crowd and slowly walked into the back hall.

In the back hall, eleven soul lamps have been extinguished.

On the futon in front, a person closed his eyes and was unconscious.

It was Zhao Zhichun.

That day, after Zhao Zhichun was seriously injured by Yan Tianxing, he no longer dared to stay in the Great Sumeru Mountains and quickly returned to the Divine Sword Sect.

He was seriously injured and unconscious.

Zhu Qingtan loved him very much. He was his beloved disciple, so he healed him himself!

Looking at the unconscious Zhao Zhichun, at this moment, Zhu Qingtan even felt a little regretful.

"If I had not targeted Ye Xinghe at that time, I would not have ended up in the situation I am in now."

"I may have obtained the ancient bronze monument, and I may have broken through the bottleneck."

"These good disciples of mine don't need to be injured or die, and my nephew won't be killed either!"

My heart skipped a beat, and I was horrified.

He suddenly discovered the source of all the pain he had endured for such a long time.

It all stems from that afternoon, the hostility and suppression of Ye Xinghe!

But then, Zhu Qingtan's eyes became cold and hard again.

"If you do it, then do it!"

He knocked on a wooden fish next to him.

A moment later, Xie Yuanqiao strode in, his expression equally gloomy and ugly.

He knew all about Zhu Qingtan's plan.

They thought everything was safe this time, but Ye Xinghe slapped them hard in the face.

Of the twelve strong men sent out, only one returned and the others died.

Even Zhao Zhichun, a peak expert at the ninth level of the Outer World Competition, was seriously injured and fell into a coma!

They didn't even know the inside story, and they were filled with speculation and suspicion.

"I saw Zhao Zhichun's injuries. It was someone from the Ten Thousand Beast Sect who did it. I think it was Ye Xinghe who colluded with others."

"His strength is not strong enough to kill twelve people with one person. It is still within the controllable range."

Zhu Qingtan stared at Xie Yuanqiao with a cold voice.

"This time, if you do it yourself, you will never let him survive again!"

Xie Yuanqiao gritted his teeth and bumped his fist hard.

"It should have been like this a long time ago, don't worry!"

Ye Xinghe returned to his cave in Lingxiao Peak.

When passing by Jiang Haoyan's cave in the middle, I saw that the door was covered with spider webs.

Jiang Haoyan's death was without waves or waves.

In the entire Excalibur, it seems that he has been forgotten, and no one has mentioned him.

Ye Xinghe suddenly thought that if one day he died.

Will it be so peaceful? After a few days, everyone will forget about themselves.

After returning to the cave, Ye Xinghe slept soundly for three days.

This replenished the energy consumed during this period.

The body can continue to recover from stress, but mental fatigue is difficult to disappear.

He was awakened by the ringing of a bell.

A voice echoed above the divine sword.

"Disciples, a small wave of beasts has appeared near the sect."

"Disciples, if you are interested, you can come to the mission hall to sign up."

"A team of twenty people sets out to exterminate the monster beasts. The rewards are generous. Every time a monster beast is killed, you can get the corresponding reward, and all the gains from the monster beast are at your own disposal!"

"Every team of twenty people will be led by an elder from the sect's Martial God Realm!"

"Note that only disciples of the seventh level and above of the Outer World Realm can sign up. There are many monsters and they are powerful. Don't let them die easily!"

After hearing this, Ye Xinghe's heart suddenly moved.

He knew about the arrival of the beast tide before.

But it seems that the main force of the beast tide has been wiped out by the sect leader and others.

There is still a small wave of beasts wandering around, but it is also causing a lot of trouble.

From the looks of it, the sect took this opportunity to let many disciples practice in order to exterminate the beast tide.

He immediately stood up and went straight to the mission hall.

After going through the constant fighting, fighting, escaping and recovery in the Great Sumeru Mountains.

All the elixirs in Ye Xinghe's body were exhausted, and he was in urgent need of replenishing them.

Moreover, if you kill the monsters, all the harvest will belong to you. This is also an excellent deal.

What's more, each team has an elder in charge, so the risk is even smaller.

Of course, He Zhihai died among the beasts.

Ye Xinghe absolutely didn't believe the lie that He Zhihai had advanced rashly and been swallowed up by the beast tide.

He has long wanted to invade the beast tide and look for clues.

He Zhihai is very important to him, and he must find his traces.

For myself, for He Zhihai and He Sixuan!

But if he goes alone, he will undoubtedly die, and now is a good opportunity!

Soon, Ye Xinghe arrived at the mission hall.

The place is already crowded.

Only then did Ye Xinghe realize that the Divine Sword Sect had a profound foundation.

There are over a thousand disciples just appearing here now!

You know, according to the rules, you must be a strong person at the seventh level of the outer world and above!

After asking, I found out that the reward for this mission was very generous.

Killing a sixth-level outer world realm monster will reward you with one hundred Great Heaven and Earth Pills.

Killing the seventh level monster will reward you with 500 coins, and the eighth level will reward you with 1,000 coins.

If he could kill the ninth level monster in the outer world, that would be a total of 10,000 Great Heaven and Earth Pills!

Ye Xinghe couldn't help but feel excited after hearing this.

He had already broken through to the eighth level of the outer world realm before. The next goal is to hit the ninth level, and then the half-step Martial God realm!

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