Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2043 Do you dare to go to the stage of life and death?

"As for you."

Ye Xinghe patted Lin Yuntao's body.

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you too!"

Seeing him so arrogant, Chen Zeyu and others were stunned.

"Is this newcomer so arrogant? How dare he provoke a senior disciple like Lin Yuntao!"

"Yes, Lin Yuntao has experienced the eighth level of the outer world, how can he compare with Lin Yuntao!"

"That's so crazy. Does he have someone to rely on behind him?"

"I think he just doesn't know the heights of the world!"

They were discussing and looking at Ye Xinghe as if they were looking at a madman!

A mere newcomer who dares to challenge an eighth-level expert in the outer world is risking his life?

Lin Yuntao sneered and said: "Ye Xinghe, don't think that you can scare me by bluffing here."

"Do you think I don't know? They were killed by you colluding with outsiders!"

"With that little bit of strength you have, you are worthy enough to kill him!"

"If you didn't use external force to bully the minority, one finger of my brother would be enough to crush you to death!"

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, so that's what they said!"

He waved his hand.

"Whatever you think."

Lin Yuntao looked at Ye Xinghe and suddenly roared angrily.

"Ye Xinghe, do you dare to go to the stage of life and death with me? I want to avenge my brother!"

Everyone was in an uproar.

Lin Yuntao, a senior disciple of the Divine Sword Sect, is a strong man at the eighth level of the Outer World Realm.

He actually launched a challenge to Ye Xinghe, a new disciple, and it was a life and death fight!

"He definitely doesn't dare to get involved. Who would want to die on their own!"

"How could Ye Xinghe dare to fight Lin Yuntao? He was afraid that he would be destroyed by Lin Yuntao with just one finger!"

Everyone whispered.

And Lin Yuntao thought the same way.

In his opinion, Ye Xinghe would never dare to challenge.

My mind was spinning, thinking about how to force him.

A scene that shocked him happened.

Ye Xinghe walked out quickly.

Lin Yuntao asked instinctively: "What do you want to do?"

Ye Xinghe turned back.

"Aren't you going to go to the stage of life and death? Come on, go now."

Lin Yuntao was stunned.

He didn't expect that Ye Xinghe would agree so easily.

The next moment, a burst of ecstasy surged in his heart.

He touched his fist and said ferociously: "This is what you said!"

Ye Xinghe frowned.

"Where does all this nonsense come from!"

After a while, the two of them arrived on the stage of life and death.

Many people who had witnessed this scene in the mission hall also followed suit.

They all wanted to watch the scene where Ye Xinghe was killed by Lin Yuntao.

Many people were very unhappy with him.

Why is this new disciple so arrogant!

Why do you have the strength of the seventh level of the outer world!

This made them feel jealous in their hearts, but naturally they would not admit that they were jealous.

At this moment, Lin Yuntao taught Ye Xinghe a lesson for them, which made them feel very happy.

"It's time to deal with this new disciple severely, just to let him know that we senior disciples are not easy to mess with!"

"Don't think that if you have some relationship background and forcibly raise your level, you can be on par with us!"

"He doesn't know the heights of the sky, let's see how miserable he will be dealt with later!"

Everyone was talking excitedly.

In their opinion, Ye Xinghe, a new disciple, had some background, got a lot of resources, and forcibly improved his level.

So he was very arrogant and overbearing, and he didn't take senior disciples like them seriously.

But after a while, he will cry for mercy and realize how powerful these senior disciples are!

Lin Yuntao has achieved his goal and is very proud.

He said harshly: "Ye Xinghe, I will make you miserable later and let you know the price of killing my brother!"

Soon, a disciple from the Law Enforcement Hall arrived.

Every life-and-death fight must have a law enforcement hall disciple standing by as a referee to observe and record the fight. Only then does it count.

The law enforcement hall disciple saw the familiar figure of Ye Xinghe on the life and death stage.

Suddenly he covered his forehead in depression.

"Why is it him again!"

During this period of time, Ye Xinghe has become a celebrity in their law enforcement hall.

Everyone knows that he is extremely powerful and domineering, and has been on the stage of life and death several times in a short period of time.

The most important thing is that in every life and death battle, his opponent is very miserable!

When the law enforcement hall disciple came to the life and death stage, Lin Yuntao immediately greeted him.

It turned out that the two were acquaintances and had a good relationship.

The law enforcement hall disciple walked up to him and lowered his voice and said, "Lin Yuntao, are you sure you want to fight this battle? Think twice!"

Lin Yuntao was stunned for a moment and understood the meaning of his words.

He thought to himself: "What does he mean by this? He doesn't want me to fight Ye Xinghe?"

"Is it possible that Ye Xinghe's background is that he is an elder of the Law Enforcement Hall, so he said this to protect Ye Xinghe?"

The more he thought about it, the more so.

"That must be the case, otherwise, how could he, a disciple of the Law Enforcement Hall, remind me!"

At this time, the law enforcement hall disciple also winked at him.

"You know what I mean!"

"I see!"

Lin Yuntao gritted his teeth and said: "But he killed my brother. This hatred is irreconcilable and must be avenged!"

"You don't need to say anything anymore. If there are any problems later, I will bear the consequences myself!"

The disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall were all dumbfounded. They didn't expect that he would give them such an answer.

But then, he came to his senses.

Realizing that Lin Yuntao had misunderstood, he cursed in his heart.

"Idiot, I'm not here to protect Ye Xinghe, I'm here to protect you. Do you know how terrifying his strength is!"

Ye Xinghe said with a half-smile but not a smile: "You two have talked a lot, can we start now?"

Lin Yuntao also smiled ferociously.

"Are you so impatient to die?"

That law enforcement hall disciple. Shake his head.

"Good words can't persuade a damn ghost. Since you're seeking your own death, you can't blame me!"

The gesture of the Law Enforcement Hall disciples just now confirmed their previous guesses in their eyes.

"As expected, Ye Xinghe has quite a background. Even the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall are protecting him and don't want Lin Yuntao to fight with him!"

But little did they know, they couldn't be more wrong!

As the law enforcement hall disciple waved his hand, he said sternly: "The battle begins. It's a matter of life and death!"

Lin Yuntao also roared and couldn't wait to kill Ye Xinghe.

He punched out with both fists, with the force of a dragon, entangled forward.

Suddenly, it split into eight paths in the air.

Some are forward, some are top-down, and some are bottom-up.

Some circled behind Ye Xinghe and charged forward fiercely.

But it shrouded Ye Xinghe in all directions.

There was no way for him to hide or escape, as if he could only close his eyes and wait for death.

Lin Yuntao's proud laughter resounded. "My Great Heavenly Dragon Fist is enough to kill you with one punch. You can't escape!"

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