Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2047 You underestimate me

It is normal to upgrade one level or two, and your strength will make a qualitative leap.

In the eyes of this giant eagle monster, Ye Xinghe's body was filled with vitality, like a little sun.

Rong Zikang is simply incomparable.

Its eyes were full of greed.

"As long as I eat this human race, I'm afraid I can break through to the half-step demon-god realm!"

"Eat him, eat him!"

At this time, there was only this one thought in its not-so-smart mind!

The next moment, the giant eagle pounced directly on Ye Xinghe.

The two legs made the ground tremble, and the speed was extremely fast, and they were already close in a blink of an eye.

A strong sense of pride flashed in Rong Zikang's eyes.

In his opinion, this monster beast at the eighth level of the Outer World Realm can be regarded as a leader-level existence among these monster beasts.

It will definitely kill Ye Xinghe!

"You were arrogant with me just now! Didn't you slap me in the face? Aren't you awesome!"

"See how I deal with you!"

At this moment, Rong Zikang was hiding in the distance and looked over with resentment on his face.

Ye Xinghe looked at Rong Zikang, his eyes flashing with pride and resentment.

Ye Xinghe suddenly understood.

This monster must have been deliberately lured here by Rong Zikang in order to kill him with the monster's hands!

Ye Xinghe suddenly felt murderous intent in his heart.

"I spared you once, but you still want to die on your own, so don't blame me!"

He turned around and looked at Rong Zikang and said coldly: "Are you very proud? Do you think that your trick of borrowing someone to kill someone worked?"

"Do you feel that I have no time to take care of myself when facing this monster, so I can only fight to the death to resist it, let alone you?"

Rong Zikang was stunned.

Ye Xinghe has spoken out all the thoughts in his heart.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Actually, you did a good job, but it's a pity."

He turned around and growled.

"You underestimated my strength!"

With one strike of his sword, he slew the giant golden eagle.

With one slash of the sword, Qinglian destroyed the world, shocking her talent and beauty.

The overwhelming power of destruction directly swallowed up the golden eagle!

This powerful man, who was equivalent to the ninth level of the world outside the human race, let out a shrill scream amid the destructive power.

Its figure began to melt rapidly.

Rong Zikang's face was full of astonishment.

"This, this monster, which is equivalent to a ninth-level powerhouse in the outer world, is no match for him. Is this person so terrifying?"

At this moment, he suddenly realized that he had made a huge mistake!

Ye Xinghe turned around.

At this time, the monster beast had not yet completely melted, blocking the view of everyone on the city wall.

For a moment, there were only two people in this space, Ye Xinghe and Rong Zikang.

Everyone else was isolated by the body of this monster beast.

At this moment, Ye Xinghe suddenly turned back to look at Rong Zikang, with a cold murderous intent in his eyes.

"Senior Brother Rong, I don't seem to have provoked you. You first provoked me, then you stole my monster beast, and you also wanted to fight with me."

"Now that you want to kill me again, what do you think I should do to you?"

At this moment, Rong Zikang felt an unspeakable fear in his heart.

He suddenly realized that Ye Xinghe really had the courage and strength to kill him!

He swallowed and begged: "I, I'm sorry, this junior brother, I will never dare to do it again. I'm sorry, please forgive me this time!"

Ye Xinghe laughed, walked directly in front of him, and slashed out with a sword.

Rong Zikang was directly killed by him!

Then, Ye Xinghe took advantage of the fact that no one was watching.

He shook the body and threw it into the mouth of the monster nearby.

The monster made a 'click' sound in its mouth and swallowed it directly.

It can be regarded as destroying Ye Xinghe's body and eliminating traces. No one knows that he killed Rong Zikang.

Even if I knew it, I couldn’t find any evidence!

And Ye Xinghe has already obtained his space container.

After scanning it, there was nothing valuable inside, only about twenty monster inner elixirs.

These things are great wealth, and can also be used as evidence of reward after war.

Of course it's Shiner.

At this moment, the huge golden eagle fell heavily to the ground.

Ye Xinghe took out its inner elixir and charged forward again.

At this time, everyone suddenly heard a low roar coming from behind the beast tide in the forest.

Following this low roar, hundreds of demonic beasts that were above the eighth level of the Outer World Realm suddenly appeared.

In an instant, the number of high-grade monsters in the beast tide doubled or tripled.

Many disciples suddenly felt tremendous pressure.

Among the several demonic beasts that were originally faced at the same time, there might only be one that was at the eighth level of the Outer World Realm.

But now it suddenly became two or three.

So in an instant, several disciples were directly killed by monsters.

Next to Ye Xinghe, a female disciple in a white dress like snow suddenly screamed.

Behind her, a monster that was no more than three feet long and looked like a giant beetle bit hard.

He bit her directly on her left shoulder.

There was a ‘click’ sound.

The bones of cultivators with this level of strength were directly chewed to pieces by it, and their blood was blurred.

What's more important is that this black beetle has a blue body.


The blue light on the surface of its body suddenly flashed

The woman in the white dress screamed and felt instantly. A stream of venom was injected into the body.

Full body paralysis, unable to move.

Looking at the bloody mouth of the monster in front of her, a look of despair appeared on the face of the woman in the white dress.

He had to close his eyes and wait for death.

But the death she expected did not come.

When she opened her eyes in shock, she saw a tall man in green clothes standing in front of him.

The long sword in his hand pointed forward, and a green lotus bloomed.

The demonic beast at the eighth level of the Outer World Realm was directly killed by his sword.

Then Ye Xinghe turned around and drew the nameless broken sword in his hand.

The huge beetle that was biting the woman in the white dress was cut into two pieces by his sword.

Then the sword turned in a circle, digging out the rotten flesh from the wound on her shoulder, and blood spurted out instantly.

"It's you!"

The woman in the white dress suddenly recognized her.

She had met Ye Xinghe twice before, following Chu Qingqiu.

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "Don't be stupid there, hurry up and continue killing monsters!"

With that said, he threw a handful of antidote pills to her.

The woman in the white dress hurriedly swallowed it, and immediately felt that her injuries had recovered a lot, and the toxins had faded away.

This woman in white dress is named Liu Shengyao, and she is one of Chu Qingqiu's disciples, but she doesn't seem to be taken seriously.

Ye Xinghe had met her twice before and felt that she was very taciturn.

He had a good impression of her and rescued her.

Liu Shengyao had a rather taciturn temperament, so she thanked him and followed him silently to kill the monster.

And just when the two sides were at war with each other, suddenly, after the beast tide, a low roar came from the forest.

The sound was not loud, but it made everyone tremble in their hearts.

There seems to be special spiritual power in it. After everyone heard this, they were all upset and nauseous.

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