Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2051 Ye Xinghe fell into the beast tide

His eyes swept across the battlefield and fell on the corpses of many disciples, deliberately making a look of regret.

"It's a pity that many outstanding disciples in the sect also died here!"

Chu Qingqiu suddenly thought that Ye Xinghe had also come here.

She glanced around.

"Where's Ye Xinghe? Why isn't he here? Did he leave for something?"

She didn't think that Ye Xinghe would die in this beast wave, what kind of strength and character he had!

Xie Yuanqiao and Tang Hanyun looked at each other.

Tang Hanyun came out and said respectfully: "Reporting to the sect master, just now when the first line of defense was retreating, Ye Xinghe was attacked by a monster and could not escape."


He paused.

"I'm afraid that I have already fallen into the beast tide!"


Chu Qingqiu trembled slightly.

Her expression changed instantly.

At this moment, Xie Yuanqiao, Zhu Qingtan and others suddenly felt a feeling of palpitations in their hearts.

They have known Chu Qingqiu for so many years and have never seen such an expression on her face.

It was an expression of extreme anger, extremely violent murderous intent, and extremely sad expression!

At this moment, there were even countless lightning disasters around her body!

It's small, but each one has terrifying power.

Chu Qingqiu stared at Tang Hanyun, his face as cold as snow.

She gritted her teeth and said word by word: "Tell me again, what happened to Ye Xinghe!"

Tang Hanyun was scared, but there was nothing he could do at this time.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and said in a trembling voice: "Ye Xinghe is only afraid that he will die among the beasts at this time."

At this moment, he suddenly felt a little regretful.

"Is this Ye Xinghe so valued by Chu Qingqiu?"

"Why did the sect leader have such a big reaction?"

Chu Qingqiu suddenly fell silent, no longer angry, and even his face became very calm.

But there was a bit more death in her eyes, as if her heart was dead.

She suddenly felt an unspeakable sadness welling up in her heart.

I haven't experienced that feeling in many years.

The first time seemed to be when my sister died.

The second time was when the master died.

And this time, she felt it again.

There is no greater sorrow than the death of her heart. She felt that her heart was dead.

She looked at the wave of beasts dissipating in the sky.

"With Ye Xinghe's cultivation level, how can he survive if he falls into this kind of beast tide?"

"Ye Xinghe, are you no longer in this world?"

After a moment, her heart was ignited by endless anger.

At this moment, she had only one thought in her mind.


"Ye Xinghe, I want to avenge you!"

Tang Hanyun breathed a sigh of relief when he saw her expression softening.

She said solemnly: "However, Lord Sect Master, there is no need to worry about it. Ye Xinghe's behavior is despicable and he deserves to die!"

Chu Qingqiu stared at him.

"What did you say?"

Before Tang Hanyun noticed anything strange, he told him the story he had just made up.

Chu Qingqiu's expression remained calm.

"is this real?"

Tang Hanyun pointed at the disciples around him.

"With them as evidence, everyone can see it with their own eyes!"

He is confident.

"Anyway, Ye Xinghe died without any evidence. No matter how much Chu Qingqiu attaches importance to him, what can he do to himself?"

Many of the disciples were as quiet as cicadas.

But at this time, Liu Shengyao suddenly spoke.

"Master, I have something to say!"


Chu Qingqiu stared at her.

Liu Shengyao said loudly: "I testify that Ye Xinghe did not violate the sect rules. When we were fighting under the city wall, I was not far away from him. I came earlier than him, and I could see him the whole time."

"He did not kill other sect disciples for no reason, nor did he rob other people's things, and."

She pointed at Tang Hanyun and said loudly: "I saw clearly just now that when the yellow wind monster arrived, everyone else retreated."

"When Ye Xinghe was about to retreat, he was attacked by Elder Tang and was directly blasted into the yellow sand. He was never seen again!"

Tang Hanyun suddenly turned pale!

He never expected that Liu Shengyao would suddenly speak.

Chu Qingqiu said with a serious expression: "Tang Hanyun, is everything she said true?"

Tang Hanyun gritted his teeth, forced a smile on his face, and still denied it.

"Sir, Sect Master, you can't just believe one side of the story, she is making a false accusation!"

Chu Qingqiu slowly pushed towards him.

"I think what she said is true. As a disciple, I never lie!"

She glanced at the other disciples.

Several of the disciples could not bear the condemnation of conscience after all.

He stood up and shouted loudly: "What Liu Shengyao said is true, we also saw it!"

"good very good!"

Chu Qingqiu nodded slightly.

Xie Yuanqiao winked at Tang Hanyun at this time.

Tang Hanyun understood that he had to take matters into his own hands.

But he has nothing to fear. He is just receiving some punishment, so what will happen?

He gritted his teeth and said: "Sect Master, I admit it, I am willing to be punished!"

"Okay, just admit it!"

Chu Qingqiu smiled slightly.

"If that's the case, then go die!"

After saying that, he slapped Tang Hanyun with a palm, and thunder coiled around his fingertips.

Tang Hanyun was extremely horrified.

He never expected that Chu Qingqiu would actually kill him!

He actually wanted to kill me for a new disciple!

Xie Yuanqiao's face also changed, and he tried to stop him.

"Master, you can't do this, this is not in line with the sect's rules!"

What a joke!

Tang Hanyun followed his instructions. If he couldn't even protect Tang Hanyun, how could he survive in the future?

Chu Qingqiu said lightly: "Tell me, what are the sect's rules."

Xie Yuanqiao vaguely felt that something was wrong, so he had to bite the bullet and said:

"In theory, he made a mistake, he should be taken to the Law Enforcement Hall first, and after the Law Enforcement Hall finds out the truth, he will be punished according to the sect's rules." Chu Qingqiu showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"But after he enters the Law Enforcement Hall, most likely after a few months, your Law Enforcement Hall will report it. Although he did something excessive, it is excusable. At most, he will be punished to close himself for a few months, or some resources will be fined."

"I'm right, right?"

Xie Yuanqiao said with a hard head: "According to the sect's rules, it's like this."

Chu Qingqiu's voice suddenly rose.

"Then according to the sect rules, who will pay for Ye Xinghe's life!"

"Ye Xinghe died today, who will decide for him!"

After saying that, he slapped Tang Hanyun with one palm and said sternly: "There are no sect rules today, what I say is the rule!"

"If you dare to kill Ye Xinghe, I will make you pay for his life!"

Xie Yuanqiao still wanted to stop him.

Chu Qingqiu said sternly: "Then kill you too!"

The attack fell without hesitation.

Xie Yuanqiao was so scared that he peed and pissed, and quickly hid aside.

Zhu Qingtan suddenly spoke at this time.

"Master, I'm afraid this is not appropriate!"

Chu Qingqiu looked at him.

"You want to die together too, right!"

Zhu Qingtan's heart was shaking wildly. At this time, Chu Qingqiu's palm had already fallen on Tang Hanyun's head.

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