Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2073: This place of peace is my hometown

Chapter 2073 This place of peace of mind is my hometown!

But they all felt their shoulders were cold, and then a burst of pain came.

It turned out that their left arms had been severed!

Several people covered their arms in pain and screamed repeatedly.

But it's not over yet.

Ye Xinghe struck a few more times, and the cultivation levels of several people were directly destroyed, and the Dantian was shattered.

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "Originally, if you just occupied this cave, I would just punish you and let you continue to practice."

"But you injured my friend and ruined your cultivation. I'm convinced!"

"Be convinced! Be convinced!"

How could these people dare to say even half a word?

"I'll give you a quarter of an hour to clean this place up, otherwise I'll kill you!"

Ye Xinghe said coldly.

These few people escaped with their lives and were grateful and kowtowed repeatedly.

He quickly got to work, and in just a few moments, the place was cleaned inside and out.

The leading new disciple nodded and bowed: "Senior Brother Ye, can we, can we get out?"

Ye Xinghe waved his hand.

Several people literally lay on the ground and rolled out like gourds.

Instead, the ground was mopped again.

Zhang Hongyuan grinned and watched this scene from the side.

I didn't know what to say for a moment, I just smiled and felt happy in my heart.

"Senior Brother Ye seems to have become stronger again after this trip, and his temperament seems to be more refined."

But he suddenly felt that the gap between the two seemed to be getting wider and wider.

Ye Xinghe doesn't have much use for himself anymore.

But think about it, isn’t this normal?

He didn't feel anything uncomfortable or sad.

Hasn’t Senior Brother Ye always been like this?

It was a gift of genius back then, and it was at a high level.

It is unmatched by all of them.

Ye Xinghe looked at him, a rare warmth welling up in his heart.

Zhang Hongyuan looked sharp at the time, but in his heart, he was a good man who valued love and justice.

Three months.

There are countless people who think they are dead.

There are countless people who are adding insult to injury and taking pleasure in others' misfortune.

Only he is still here, guarding a trace of his thoughts.

Ye Xinghe looked at his expression and knew what he was thinking.

He patted him heavily on the shoulder: "Good brother!"

Zhang Hongyuan was stunned at first, and then laughed.

That sense of distance also disappeared without a trace.

The two chatted for a long time, and then Zhang Hongyuan took his leave.

He didn't want to disturb Ye Xinghe's cultivation.

Ye Xinghe suddenly stopped him. Take out a pile of various elixirs,

He also found several magical powers from the treasure of the silver giant ape and handed him two magic weapons.

Zhang Hongyuan still wants to refuse.

Ye Xinghe glared: "Does this mean you don't regard me as a brother?"

Zhang Hongyuan smiled and accepted it directly.

Ye Xinghe looked at his back, thoughtfully.

In fact, Zhang Hongyuan's talent is better than he imagined.

He has already broken through to the third level of the Outer World Realm, which is very slow compared to Ye Xinghe.

But the problem is, what a monster Ye Xinghe is!

In fact. Zhang Hongyuan’s speed. in all new ones. It's pretty good.

It's just because the new disciples who occupied his cave were the strongest among all the new disciples.

That's why he was beaten so miserably.

Everyone has their own destiny.

If he can make good use of what Ye Xinghe gave him, he will probably rise up and become the strongest among the newcomers!

Ye Xinghe sighed leisurely.

He was lying on the ground, suddenly feeling indescribably comfortable and comfortable, and feeling particularly relaxed.

Where is the fairyland?

Is it the Cangqiong Continent or the Cangming Realm?

Or is it the Xuanhuang World?

Or nowhere.

But in the ambiguity of his own life experience.

He shook his head to dispel his thoughts and fell asleep.

This place of peace of mind is my hometown!

The moon was high in the sky, and Ye Xinghe also woke up quietly.

"Now it's time to go do some work!"

About an hour later, he came back and looked toward the back mountain and sneered.

"Zhu Qingtan, I don't know what you are thinking about right now?"

Zhu Qingtan felt a lot of pain in his heart at the moment. The pain was so extreme that it made him unable to sit still and trembled all over!

It turned out that after he came back from the square, he hurriedly started to contact An Jupeng.

I want to ask him how things are going over there.

In the end, no matter what kind of connection it was, whether it was a magic circle or a rune.

It even took two people a long time ago to mix their blood together and write two yellow talismans.

Each person holds one and lights one to contact the other person.

But it’s useless, none of them have any effect!

So a quarter of an hour later, Zhu Qingtan had to accept the reality dejectedly.

That is, An Jupeng is dead!

Now that An Jupeng is dead, one can imagine the fate of the hundreds of other Law Enforcement Hall disciples he sent out!

At this moment, Zhu Qingtan was really panicked!

No matter how good Ye Xinghe was before, in his opinion, he was like an ant.

Even if he worked hard to make flowers, he couldn't escape his control.

As long as you really want to. You can crush him to death!

But this time Ye Xinghe returned and had already cultivated the Xuanhuang divine power, which made him feel completely different.

Ye Xinghe has only been in the industry for more than a year, and has already become a strong man who has cultivated Xuanhuang's divine power without ever entering the outer world.

What if I gave him another year?

Give him another three years, five years, ten years!

He knew that the hatred between the two could not be resolved!

He had already deeply felt the threat from Ye Xinghe.

Zhu Qingtan said softly: "Ye Xinghe must be killed!"

"If you want to kill Ye Xinghe, you must first kill Chu Qingqiu!"

Xie Yuanqiao said in a muffled voice.

"It's not like you don't know that in this situation, if you and I take action, we can kill Ye Xinghe!"

"But among us, except for you and me, no one else can pose a threat to Ye Xinghe!"

"But now Chu Qingqiu is staring at us, she is waiting for us to take action against Ye Xinghe!"

"When the handle falls into her hands, I'm afraid the two of us will die without a burial place!"

"She is the leader of the sect, and her righteousness is suppressed. How can we resist her?"

Zhu Qingtan was silent after hearing this.

Indeed, as Xie Yuanqiao said.

The two of them are now in a very awkward situation.

That is, in this wave of people, unless the two of them take action, no one else can deal with Ye Xinghe.

But the problem is that if the two of them take action, then Chu Qingqiu will be watching them.

Xie Yuanqiao suddenly said: "Where is the Supreme Elder Yun Haokun? What if he takes action?"

Zhu Qingtan shook his head.

"Impossible, the Supreme Elder is a person of the same generation as our master and uncle."

"Don't forget, besides him, there are two Supreme Elders in the True Inheritance Courtyard!"

"He supports me, but others may not support me. The three of them check and balance each other, and no one can take action rashly!"

In fact, the last time Yun Haokun appeared, it had already caused dissatisfaction with the other two people.

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