Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2083: Boy, you are crazy

Chapter 2083 Boy, you are crazy!

Wang Zhihua looked at the crowd and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, I invite you here this time because I want to tell you about some of the dangers this time."

He said in a deep voice: "Although the Chu people are now in decline, they actually have quite a lot of heritage and should not be underestimated."

"There are at least three hidden masters in the Chu clan who are at level eight or above of the Outer World Realm!"

When everyone heard this, they were all awe-inspiring.

"This strength is not low, but don't worry, everyone!"

Wang Zhihua smiled and said: "My royal family has not accumulated in vain these years. These top masters will be dealt with by my royal family. You only need to clear out the rest of the family!"

After hearing what he said, everyone felt a little relieved.

Wang Zhihua explained some of the key points in detail to everyone.

Everyone listened very carefully.

You know, if you pay more attention now, you might be able to save your life by then!

Wang Zhihua finally said: "After you go back, you can buy more medicines and magic weapons to restrain mental attacks. I can collect any empty Xuanhuang coins from me!"

Everyone was shocked.

Psychic attacks are ethereal, but extremely powerful, and have always been feared by everyone.

One of them said: "People from the Chu Clan are not good at it, but back then, the ancestor of the Chu Clan who was in the Martial God Realm was said to be very good at it!"

Everyone nodded suddenly.

Ye Xinghe's heart moved as he thought about resisting mental attacks.

This thing in my hand is probably not as good as anything else!

Sure enough, Ye Xinghe's calculation during the day worked.

In the evening, Wang Maoyi invited the royal family to discuss.

Ye Xinghe knew that if he hadn't shown his strength during the day.

Only then will they be invited to the core and decision-making level of the royal family.

Otherwise, the news would not have been known.

And these messages are extremely useful to him!

It is very likely that I can save his life next!

Then everyone dispersed.

But after everyone left, he left Ye Xinghe behind.

He looked at Ye Xinghe and said with a smile: "Brother Ye, you are indeed very powerful. When Wang Maoyi told me before, I didn't believe it!" Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "The master of the family is so ridiculous!"

Wang Zhihua lowered his voice and said, "I hope brothers will put in more effort in a few days!"

"Don't worry, we will increase the reward to 20,000 Xuanhuang coins. What do you think?"

Ye Xinghe laughed and naturally agreed and accepted it.

After returning to his residence, Ye Xinghe was quiet. Open the jade box and take it out.

The brainworm god whispered to him for a long time.

After confirming a few things, I put it back and sealed it again.

Three days passed quickly.

Early in the morning on the third day, a burst of noise spread throughout the royal courtyard.

Wang Maoyi's voice came from the door.

"I also ask Mr. Ye and everyone to come with me!"

Ye Xinghe took a deep breath.


The group of people walked out of the other courtyard and gathered together with Wang Maoyi.

Soon, everyone arrived in front of the Royal Square.

The number of teams appearing here has reached more than twenty.

Obviously, in the past few days, the royal family has not been idle and has recruited many good players.

Wang Zhihua appeared in front of everyone and said loudly: "Everyone, I won't say any unnecessary nonsense. I have already explained everything that should be explained before." "This time there is only one sentence!"

He suddenly raised his voice and pointed his finger in one direction.

"Surge into the Chu clan, kill their entire family, and seize their treasure!"

"Not only will your rewards be paid in full, but each of you can choose one more item from the treasures snatched from the Chu people!"

When everyone heard this, they were all excited.

Those who can be recruited are naturally desperadoes.

They would not be so arrogant as to think that they could capture the treasure.

It would be great to get a piece of the pie.

Although the Chu family has declined now, it was still a once extremely glorious family.

The savings accumulated over ten thousand years are naturally extremely rich, and the treasures inside are also quite good.

Wang Zhihua obviously understands people's hearts very well, and his words aroused everyone's emotions.

Then he gave some orders.

Dozens of captains, each managing their own team, followed him and headed towards the Chu clan.

It can be considered well organized.

And at this moment, in the direction of the Chu people, suddenly, there was a vision in the sky.

There were dense clouds in the sky, and it seemed that a burst of sweet fairy music could be heard vaguely coming from it.

Then, a colorful ray of light penetrated the sky, shining brightly, and the surroundings could be seen clearly.

Everyone exclaimed.

"The sixth rainbow light appears. The Chu clan's treasure seems to be born now!"

"Kill him quickly, I'm afraid I won't be able to drink the soup if I'm late!"

Everyone became more and more excited.

Ye Xinghe was also horrified in his heart.

What a treasure this is, that there is such a big movement in this world!

Soon, everyone arrived in front of the Chu clan.

The Chu Clan's mansion is huge, several times larger than the royal family's.

It occupies almost half of the city, showing its glory back then.

But now it looks a little dilapidated, showing the decline of the family.

When they arrived at the square in front of the Chu Clan Gate, they encountered other groups walking from other streets.

Wang Zhihua looked at it and sneered.

"Lin Clan, Zhou Clan, you guys also come to join in the fun!"

It turned out that these arriving teams belonged to other families in Ningcheng.

These families also want to get a share of the pie.

One of them has a team of about twenty or thirty people.

The leader sneered: "Your royal family eats meat, can't we even take a sip of soup?"

It turns out that they also had the intention of taking advantage of the royal family this time.

It just so happened that the royal family wanted to destroy the Chu people and seize the treasure.

The royal family naturally rushed to the front and bore the greatest casualties.

Maybe they will be able to reap more benefits by then.

At this moment, a person in the Lin Clan team suddenly pointed at Ye Xinghe and said a few words.

The man's face was filled with anger.

Then, a middle-aged man wearing a brocade robe and appearing to be of high status came out of the Lin clan team.

He stared at Ye Xinghe and said fiercely: "You are Ye Beichen, the person who killed my brother!"

Ye Xinghe smiled lightly and said: "I have killed too many people. I don't know who your brother is. He is not worthy of my memory!"

"Boy, you are so crazy!"

The man in brocade robe said coldly.

"How dare you talk to my Lin clan like that!"

Ye Xinghe chuckled.

"If you want to fight, just fight. Why is there so much nonsense!"

Everyone in the Lin clan was immediately angered.

It turned out that the man in brocade robes who spoke just now was Lin Binhong, the head of the Lin clan.

His eyes narrowed.

At this time, seeing a conflict between the Lin clan and Ye Xinghe, many people from the royal clan came over.

Lin Binhong's eyes flashed with fear.

He said harshly: "Don't think that I don't know. Don't you just think that now that you have joined the royal family and relied on the royal family's power, you dare to be so tough with us!"

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