Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2091: If you can’t handle it, then you have to take care of it

Chapter 2091: If you can’t bear it, then take care of it!

They were all gathered into Lingyun City by the Lingyun Sword Sect, so that it would be easier for them to control!

Therefore, Lingyun City is a hundred times more prosperous than Jianqi City, but it’s just a bit less interesting!

Ye Xinghe landed in the city, handed over a Xuanhuang coin, and entered Lingyun City.

Ye Xinghe made some inquiries and found out the location of Zichen Chamber of Commerce.

The Zichen Chamber of Commerce is very famous in Lingyun City.

The scale of this chamber of commerce is not particularly large, and there are no tens of millions of branches scattered everywhere.

Zichen Chamber of Commerce only does high-end products.

Currently, there is only one general meeting and eight branches in the southern part of the Great Sumeru Mountains.

The general association is located in Lingyun City of Lingyun Sword Sect, and among the forces of the other eight major sects, there is a branch in each place.

The Zichen Chamber of Commerce only holds an auction every other month.

There are not many items in each auction, and the threshold for people to participate in the auction is extremely high.

Only those who have received an invitation letter from the Zichen Chamber of Commerce are eligible to enter.

But everything is an extremely precious treasure.

Not to mention taking pictures after entering, even if you watch the whole process inside, you will gain a lot of insights.

It can be said to be a very face-saving thing.

Therefore, within a radius of two million miles from the Lingyun Sword Sect, one can receive an invitation letter from the Zichen Chamber of Commerce.

It can be said that you have stepped into a threshold, and your identity is extraordinary!

Ye Xinghe walked towards the center of the city.

Suddenly there was a sound of yelling from behind.

"Get out of the way! Get out of here, you bunch of untouchables!"

Pedestrians on the street panicked and fled.

Ye Xinghe frowned and looked around, only to see three giant golden-armored dragons running towards this side at great speed. They were hundreds of meters long and extremely huge.

On these three golden-armored giant dragons, a carriage was built using various extremely expensive metal materials.

This carriage is as huge as a palace.

The whole body is made of various precious metals, surrounded by various precious jade and huge gems.

It looks extremely luxurious and majestic, with the light of the magic circle shining on it.

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows.

This golden-armored giant dragon is called a dragon, but it is actually a huge monster beast with four claws and a body like a dragon.

The strength has reached the seventh level of the Outer World Realm!

At this time, such a powerful monster was actually used as an animal to pull a cart.

It can be seen that the origin of the owner of this chariot is definitely extraordinary!

And on top of the huge head of the giant golden-armored dragon in the middle, sat a man in green clothes, who looked like a slave of a wealthy family.

He wielded a huge whip in his hand and whipped the people around him fiercely.

Those people who could not avoid him were beaten to pieces by him and flew out.

He laughed arrogantly, very arrogantly.

Everyone around them had expressions of indifference on their faces, but no one dared to speak.

Ye Xinghe didn't want to cause trouble and stepped aside.

"This person from the Zichen Chamber of Commerce is so arrogant!"

"Keep your voice down, if Yang Weicheng hears it, you may die!"

"That's right, just say less!"

Ye Xinghe looked around and saw, as expected, a large flag standing next to the chariot with the word "Zi Chen" written on it.

"Is this Zichen Chamber of Commerce so domineering?"

At this time, the three golden-armored giant dragons were approaching.

Suddenly, Ye Xinghe's pupils shrank.

He saw a little girl on the street, who was about sixteen or seventeen years old.

She is small and thin, but she is carrying a huge bamboo basket filled with all kinds of vegetables, which are crisp and delicious.

It seemed like a farmer outside the city was carrying the vegetables he grew on his back and selling them in the city.

The little girl had never seen such a battle before. She fell to the ground in panic.

She was small, and her thin body was unable to struggle due to the weight of the huge bamboo basket.

At this time, the huge claws of the giant golden-armored dragon had already been pressed down!

Seeing the next moment, she was about to be splashed with blood!

The people around him looked indifferent, they were used to this kind of thing.

Only Ye Xinghe's eyes flashed and he took a deep breath.

"Things in this world shouldn't be like this!"

Ye Xinghe's mouth revealed a wry smile,

"Logically speaking, as a human being in my two lives, I should no longer be so impulsive and passionate. There are things that I shouldn't care about, so I shouldn't care about them anymore."


He suddenly raised his head and straightened his body, looking at the vast sky, the rising sun, and the scorching sun.

"Being born under this sky, I will complain when there is injustice. There are some things that I can't handle, so I have to take care of them!"

Facing the huge claw that was as big as a house, it stepped down.

The girl selling vegetables had a look of despair on her face, and she closed her eyes and waited for death.

But a moment later, she realized that she had seen a scene that she would never forget in her life!

A tall figure stood in front of her. He raised one hand and directly blocked the huge claw!

It seems like an understatement, but no matter how hard I press the claw, I can't get it down!

The girl was stunned and stared at this scene.

At this time, the person who took action was naturally Ye Xinghe!

He turned around and said softly: "Are you okay?"

The girl selling vegetables felt that the dark world seemed to become brighter at this moment.

A hand reached out in front of her and helped her up.

The girl's lips moved a few times, wanting to say something, but nothing came out.

At this time, the giant golden-armored dragon roared and stepped down hard with its claws again.

Those giant golden-armored dragons are of a high level and understand human nature. They have always been arrogant and domineering in Lingyun City.

Originally, with a vicious light shining in its eyes, it wanted to crush the girl with one claw.

In fact, this evil beast has killed countless people under its claws, and it enjoys this feeling very much.

But at this moment, it found that its claws were blocked by this tiny human and could not step on it at all!

This immediately made it furious, roaring, and the claws pressed down hard again.

A cold look flashed in Ye Xinghe's eyes.

"The beast deserves to be killed!"

If only I could barely cover it up just now by not seeing it.

This time, this evil beast is clearly trying to kill people!

Seeing this scene, everyone around them had different expressions, with unbearable expressions on their faces.

"It's over, this person will be trampled to death with a claw!"

"Yes, he just took advantage of the giant golden-armored dragon being caught off guard and blocked the claw."

"When the giant golden-armored dragon accumulates power, its power increases at least three times. How can he possibly block it?"

Some people said disapprovingly: "You deserve it! You are still trying to be brave. It would be better if this kind of person dies!"

But the next moment, everyone let out a burst of exclamations.

It turned out that when the huge claw stepped down, Ye Xinghe punched out.

With a 'bang', the claws of the giant golden-armored dragon were swung away, and it was knocked back several steps.

The golden-armored giant dragon actually let out a whining sound of pain.

At this time, Ye Xinghe didn't want to make things worse, so he only used a little strength.

But this scene was alarming, the evil servant in green sitting on the head of the golden-armored giant dragon.

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