Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2095: Each Has Its Own Plan

Chapter 2095 Everyone has his own agenda!

He smiled and said: "Young Master has a clever plan. My name is Lin Binhong, and he is from the Zichen Chamber of Commerce."

Ye Xinghe nodded.

"I guess it's time for you to come, but how did you find me?"

Lin Binhong lowered his voice and said: "Young Master inquired about our Zichen Chamber of Commerce when he first entered the city. He must also be quite interested in our Zichen Chamber of Commerce."

Ye Xinghe suddenly felt a slight chill in his heart.

"This Zichen Chamber of Commerce is really powerful. After I entered the city, I just found a few passers-by and asked about the Zichen Chamber of Commerce. I didn't expect that they would receive the news!"

Lin Binhong continued: "The young master is impeccable and difficult to trace. We are just following others."

When Ye Xinghe heard this, he suddenly understood.

It turned out that they had planted a tracking device on Jiang Xiaomi, so it was a bit hard to guard against.

Lin Binhong led the way, and soon, he led the two of them around seven times until they came to a house.

This courtyard is not big, and its appearance is quite ordinary, no different from the surrounding ones.

But after entering, walking through two courtyards, I found a different world.

The area is quite large, the environment is quiet, and it exudes a simple and low-key luxury.

At a glance, you can tell that the owner here is either rich or noble.

He took the two of them to the flower hall and just sat down when Jiang Xiaomi's stomach suddenly growled twice.

She held her stomach in embarrassment, her face flushed with embarrassment.

Ye Xinghe looked at Lin Binhong with a smile.

Lin Binhong immediately understood and said loudly: "I will let them serve the food right now. Don't worry, the dishes of our Zichen Chamber of Commerce are definitely the best in Lingyun City!"

He gave the order, and within a moment, a maid served more than thirty dishes like a butterfly in a flower.

The big table in front of me was covered with rare ingredients.

The aroma hit his nostrils, but Jiang Xiaomi didn't move his chopsticks.

Just as Ye Xinghe was about to ask, Jiang Xiaomi was a little embarrassed and said, "Yes, can you bring me a bowl of millet porridge?"

"I can't get used to these things."

Lin Binhong was stunned for a moment, but he was a very discerning person.

He immediately laughed and said: "Okay, right away!"

Ye Xinghe suddenly said: "Give me a bowl too!"

Soon, two bowls of millet porridge were served.

Jiang Xiaomi immediately held the bowl happily and ate happily, making a happy sound in his throat.

After a moment, she realized that it was indecent and whispered in a low voice: "Brother, have I embarrassed you?"

"There's nothing to be ashamed of."

Ye Xinghe also picked up the bowl, drank heavily, and praised: "The taste is really good, no wonder you like it!"

At this time, a voice came from outside.

"Brother, we meet again."

Ye Xinghe was not surprised at all.

The person coming is none other than Dongmen Jinyan!

Seeing Ye Xinghe's expression, he raised his eyebrows.

"You don't seem surprised it's me."

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "Not only am I not surprised that it's you, but I also know why you came to me."

Dongmen Jinyan was stunned and said with great interest: "Tell me about it."

Ye Xinghe slowly put down the porridge bowl, stared at him and said word by word: "Kill Dongmen Daiyun!"

Dongmen Jinyan was really shocked and his heart beat hard.

He thought to himself: "This person is really scheming, he can guess all this!"

There was a solemn look on his face.

"I wonder what your name is?"

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "Ye Beichen."

"Brother Ye!"

Dongmen Jinyan asked: "How did you guess it?"

Ye Xinghe said leisurely: "I just formed a grudge with Dongmen Daiyun, showed some strength, and met you again. Not long after, someone came to visit me."

"There is no such coincidence in this world, so I guessed that Lin Binhong is your man."

"And you are looking for me for two things, either to kill me to vent your brother's anger, or to ask for something from me."

"And it happened that when I was inquiring about the Zichen Chamber of Commerce, I heard that the eldest young master and the third young master of the Zichen Chamber of Commerce have always been at odds with each other." "It's just that the third young master, as the youngest son, seems to be a bit unfaithful in front of the president. More favored."

Having said this, Dongmen Jinyan's expression changed slightly.

With a 'pop' sound, he crushed the wine glass in his hand.

He asked calmly: "Then why do I have to find you?"

"As the eldest master of the Zichen Chamber of Commerce, I must have many masters at my disposal."

"First, because I am strong enough. Second, and most importantly,"

The corner of Ye Xinghe's mouth curved into an expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

"I come from the area under the jurisdiction of the Divine Sword Sect and have nothing to do with the Lingyun Sword Sect and Lingyun City."

"But Dongmen Daiyun and I have a deep grudge."

"On the streets today, everyone has seen it, and everyone can be a witness, so."

He stretched and leaned back in his seat.

"It's natural for me to kill him. No one will doubt you, right?"

Dongmen Jinyan clapped and laughed: "Awesome, Brother Ye is really awesome!"

Now that Ye Xinghe had guessed it, he no longer concealed it.

Chen Sheng said, "My younger brother is uneducated and unskilled. He is cruel and cruel, but he is also aggressive. The old man loves him very much and turns a blind eye to the bastard things he does."

"Originally, I was in charge of the Chamber of Commerce this time, but during this period, his power has expanded greatly, and many people have begun not to listen to my greetings, so."

He tapped his hand on the table.

"He must die!"

"For me, none of this is important. I'm not interested in your grudges."

Ye Xinghe stretched out a finger.

"You just need to tell me one thing, what is the reward for this kind of business?"

Dongmen Jinyan was stunned for a moment, and then looked at him with squinted eyes, looking at him with some scrutiny.

"Are you so sure that you can kill him?"

Ye Xinghe laughed and said: "If you think I don't have this ability, you won't come to me!"

Dongmen Jinyan's face froze, feeling that this person's ability to see through people's hearts was really great!

Yes, he did think so!

In fact, when Ye Xinghe and Dongmen Daiyun clashed, he was right next to them.

At first, he didn't want to worry about it. He felt that Ye Xinghe seemed to have some trump cards that he hadn't used yet, and his strength was more than that.

He laughed.

"Brother Ye, whatever reward you want, you might as well make a price."

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "I heard that your Zichen Chamber of Commerce will hold an auction once a month in a few days."

Dongmen Jinyan nodded, understanding in his heart.

I knew that Ye Xinghe must have taken a fancy to something in the auction.

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "I want something inside."

As he spoke, he uttered four words.

"Nine Death Soul Lamp."

"What, the Nine Death Soul Lamp!"

Dongmen Jin Yan's expression suddenly changed.

"You actually want this!"

Ye Xinghe nodded, and he didn't hide anything.

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