Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2103: Chasing

Chapter 2103 Chase! escape!

But when he opened the door, his pupils shrank instantly and his whole body shivered.

In the courtyard, it was completely different from what he thought.

There was only one body there, that of Xin Junsheng!

He froze in place for a long time, and suddenly, a cold air penetrated Tianling Gai!

"Something is wrong!"

Of course, it wasn't Ye Beichen that he was afraid of.

In his opinion, as long as he doesn't deal with Dongmen Daiyun.

With these strong men under his command, it was easy to deal with Ye Beichen.

What he was afraid of was that Ye Beichen would leak the matter to his father!

Then you're done!

But he was an outstanding figure after all, and he soon stabilized his mind.

He searched the entire courtyard, but of course, could not find any trace of Ye Xinghe.

But when he pushed open the door of the main room, he saw a piece of paper staring at the wall.

There are a few lines written on it.

After reading these lines, Dongmen Jinyan was first stunned, then sighed, and then his face was filled with bitterness.

"Ye Beichen, you fooled me this time, completely!"

It turned out that the words Ye Xinghe left on it were:

"If you don't want your father to know the truth about this matter, then send experts into the pursuit team to contact me, Ye Beichen, sincerely!"

There are only a few numbers, but there is a strong sense of threat in them.

But Dongmen Jinyan didn't dare to ignore this threat.

Because if this matter is leaked, he believes that his furious father will definitely kill him!

After all, he still has a son who can inherit the inheritance!

Dongmen Jinyan took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and then called Lin Binhong.

Lin Binhong is his most capable confidant. Although he is not the strongest, he is still at the first level of the Martial God Realm.

He lowered his voice and gave a few instructions, and Lin Binhong understood.

After a while, he took several other people with him and left Lingyun City.

That's right, this is the penultimate link of Ye Xinghe's chain plan!

In fact, he not only calculated all Dongmen Jinyan's reactions.

Moreover, Dongmen Jinyan was also included in his plan for his own use.

He is not afraid that Dongmen Jin Yan will not take the bait.

After all, for this young master of the Zichen Chamber of Commerce, nothing is more important than the foundation of the City Chamber of Commerce!

The flying boat slid rapidly across the sky, far away from Lingyun City, and seemed to be out of danger at this time.

But Ye Xinghe didn't dare to relax in any way.

He always remembered the blood curse.

Although this bloodline curse has not yet occurred, since it is an extremely special existence, it cannot be ignored.

Sure enough, eleven hours after he left Lingyun City, twelve hours after he killed Dongmen Daiyun.

Suddenly, Ye Xinghe felt unspeakable pain in his body.

It had no effect on his strength, but he felt extremely disgusted.

It was as if the remnant soul of another person had entered his body at this moment.

This remnant soul entered his bloodline.

So the next moment, Ye Xinghe's blood boiled, and a column of blood shot straight into the sky.

There seemed to be a figure in the blood column, smiling with a malicious face.

It is Dongmen Daiyun!

Ye Xinghe suddenly realized.

"It turns out that this is the so-called blood curse."

Chu Shuangqiu said softly: "That's it! That's it!"

He said excitedly: "This blood curse is actually caused by the remnant soul of Dongmen Daiyun invading your body and then stimulating that drop of blood essence!"

"Now that we know this key, then you and I can work together to refine it. It will take less than twenty-one days, probably shorten the time by half, and we can remove your blood curse in about ten days!"

Ye Xinghe nodded, he had already expected this scene.

He immediately caught the gold-seeking rat and pressed it onto the magic circle that controlled the flying boat.

He said in a deep voice: "You know how to control, right?"

The gold-seeking mouse nodded repeatedly.

Ye Xinghe patted Jiang Xiaomi next to him.

"I'll leave her to you. You control this flying boat and must bring her to the Divine Sword Sect!"

"Remember, nothing will happen if you fly in a densely populated area!"

The gold-seeking rat blinked its big eyes, seeming to understand.

Ye Xinghe said angrily: "As long as you can bring her back to the Divine Sword Sect safely, I will find you five thousand kilograms of rare metals and I will feed you as much as you like!"

This time, the gold-seeking mouse nodded repeatedly.

Jiang Xiaomi looked at Ye Xinghe, a little worried, but she bit her lip and didn't say anything.

Ye Xinghe glanced at her with relief.

This little girl is very sensible.

Ye Xinghe patted her little head and said with a smile: "Wait for me back in the Divine Sword Sect!"

After that, he jumped off the flying boat.

The flying boat's control array is actually very simple.

You just need to input some Xuanhuang Qi into it regularly. The gold-seeking rat is not weak and is more than enough.

The flying boat sailed across the sky and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Ye Xinghe took a deep breath and flew towards the deep mountains!

Ye Xinghe's bloodline curse, that bloody light beam reaching the sky, could not be seen by others at all.

In fact, right next to his flying boat, it was only hundreds of thousands of miles away.

The hyena that was searching in the dense forest north of Lingyun City suddenly raised its head.

He looked in the direction of the blood column and licked his lips.

He has been waiting for this moment for a long time!

In fact, this hyena is also the parent of the president of the Zichen Chamber of Commerce.

It's just that the relationship is huge and relatively distant.

But after all, they are from the same family, so he naturally knows about the blood curse.

This is also the reason why Dongmen Jun also asked him to lead the team to chase him.

He also knew that the blood curse would occur at this time, and he had been waiting for it for a long time!

After identifying the direction, he immediately shouted: "Chase!"

And almost at the same time.

In another place, a red light flashed on a jade talisman in Lin Binhong's hand, pointing to a certain place.

He also growled: "Follow me!"

Just kill him quietly!

When the blood curse first broke out, the hyena recognized the traces of Ye Xinghe.

Twelve hours later, the blood curse broke out for the second time.

At this time, Ye Xinghe had already sneaked into the deep mountains to the north.

What the hyena was pursuing was still the direction due west where he originally went.

So he found that he was chasing in the wrong direction and killed him again!

Ye Xinghe already has experience at this time.

This blood curse occurs every twelve hours, that is, once a day.

So he also had experience. Whenever the blood curse broke out, he would immediately start running away.

But he only spent two hours to escape, and the remaining ten hours were spent cultivating crazily.

He knew very well that in many cases, the longer the escape time or the farther the escape distance, the better the effect.

Sometimes, all it takes is a slight change of direction.

And I don’t know what his intention was, and he never went too deep into the mountains.

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