Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2127 The River of Huangquan

Chapter 2127 The River of Hell!

But they seemed to be unconscious, banging against the light mask crazily, splattering a large amount of cyan blood.

This also puts this mask in danger.

In an instant, the three light shields were smashed until only one remained.

Everyone was frightened.

This thing is really terrible! Even a magic weapon-level light mask can't withstand it!

If the light shield is broken and they rush in, half of everyone will die in the blink of an eye!

Fortunately, after a cup of tea, these mosquitoes suddenly floated quietly in the air.

Then, with a dense sound of ‘pop, pop, pop’, everything exploded on its own.

Only then did everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Tuoba Gaohan glared at Lu Jianzhang fiercely and cursed in a low voice: "Looking at the good things you have done, next time I will throw you out and feed them!"

Lu Jianzhang's lips trembled twice and he did not dare to say more.

When he faced Tuoba Gaohan, he was very cowardly.

It turned out that he was the one who touched the tree trunk just now.

But then he gave Ye Xinghe a hard kick.

He cursed in a low voice: "Why are you laughing! Are you happy that I made a fool of myself!"

A chill flashed in Ye Xinghe's eyes.

He didn't smile at all. This Lu Jianzhang was just scolded, and he took it out on himself when he was unhappy!

After resting for a while, everyone continued on the road, passing through this strange forest without any danger.

At this time, we have reached the depths of the valley.

At the end of the valley is an extremely deep cave.

A trace of yellow mist drifted out from it.

The yellow mist Ye Xinghe felt very strange once he took a look at it.

He felt that the moment the yellow mist appeared, there seemed to be something inside, which exerted a huge attraction.

And the object of attraction is actually his own soul!

His soul was about to burst out of his body!

Ye Xinghe was shocked.

"Fortunately, I have already mastered the first level of the Void Sun Yangshen Technique, the Yin Shen Realm!"

Now the control over the soul is very strong. In an instant, this feeling is suppressed and the soul is stable.

But for others, it's not so easy.

One of the captives suddenly screamed.

Then his body froze in place, unable to move, like a clay puppet.

And above his head, green smoke suddenly appeared.

A burst of shrill screams sounded directly in the air.

Tuoba Gaohan's expression changed, and he immediately punched out a yellow talisman and pressed it on his body.

This person's soul was directly affected by the yellow mist and left his body.

And this soul, under the most ardent illumination of the four great suns, will be directly burned into a line of green smoke at this moment!

After the talisman entered his body, his soul was forcefully pushed back.

But he was also severely injured. The man screamed repeatedly, his eyes were crooked, his mouth was slanted, and tears were flowing down his face.

Seeing that his soul had been damaged, he immediately blocked it!

And many other people, including Tuoba Gaohan and his group, also experienced this kind of abnormal situation.

Tuoba Gaohan quickly distributed the talismans.

The yellow talismans were branded one after another, and the situation was immediately relieved, and the soul was stable.

And Ye Xinghe also knew very well that he could not show any abnormality.

Like everyone else, he also received a piece of yellow talisman paper.

He felt that there was a power in the talisman that warmed his soul.

It's actually somewhat beneficial to myself.

Looking at these yellow mist, Tuoba Gaohan's eyes showed a hint of excitement.

"We're finally here. What we're looking for is right there!"

The woman in the white dress said excitedly: "Is there actually a river of underworld deep inside?"

Ye Xinghe also listened attentively.

Along the way, Ye Xinghe heard them talk about it, and then Ye Xinghe knew it.

It turns out that this Ganges gold sand comes from a river called the River of Yellow Spring.

The river of underworld eats souls and destroys bones, which is extremely terrifying.

Even if you look at this true holy land, it is a very terrifying existence.

Above the river of Huangquan, no one can fly.

If you want to fly over it or use the method of spatial teleportation, you will be sucked directly into the river.

After falling into the river, no matter how strong your cultivation is, your physical body will be instantly melted.

Even the soul will be trapped in the river of hell, and will never be reincarnated, which is extremely terrifying!

This river can only be crossed, but to cross it, you need a boat.

The things used to make boats must be made of neither gold nor wood nor fire nor water nor earth.

It can’t be any one of the five elements!

As long as it does not meet its conditions, even the magic weapon is useless.

Magic weapons can still be smelted for you!

When Ye Xinghe heard this, he couldn't help but feel extremely shocked.

"No wonder this Ganges River gold sand is so precious and can have such magical effects. What kind of existence is it and what kind of method can it be obtained?"

"Why do Tuoba Gaohan and others?"

Tuoba Gaohan smiled slightly and gave it up.

"You'll find out later!"

Everyone was ready to move on.

At this time, a roar suddenly came from the mountain forest, filled with a rough and wild atmosphere.

Then, a large number of strange creatures appeared on the cave wall of the valley.

They screamed and ran forward.

In an instant, they were surrounded, numbering in the thousands.

Ye Xinghe saw this weird creature.

He is about four to five meters tall, standing on all fours, and has a body shape that looks like an evil ghost or a giant ape.

The whole body is blue in color, and on the huge head, there is a white triangular face, which looks a bit like a skeleton.

At first glance, it makes people feel ghostly and extremely strange.

And their limbs are extremely thick.

The tips of the huge blue claws were flashing with cold light, obviously very lethal.

They make shrill screams that are full of threats.

Tuoba Gaohan was not panicked, and said in a deep voice: "These beasts are called ghost mandrills, and they are the guardians of the Gate of Underworld!"

"It turns out this place is called the Gate of Underworld."

Ye Xinghe secretly wrote it down in his heart.

The next moment, without any reason, these ghost mandrills screamed wildly and rushed forward.

Tuoba Gaohan also shouted fiercely: "Kill them all!"

"The imprint deep in the souls of these ghost mandrills is to defend this place and kill all intruders."

"We have no room for relaxation with them, we can only kill them all!"

Everyone responded and fought with these ghost mandrills.

The sound of "boom, boom, boom" of various magic weapons exploding can be heard all the time.

The sword light flashed vertically and horizontally, and the sword energy overflowed.

Almost in the blink of an eye, hundreds of ghost mandrills died.

Ye Xinghe's eyelids twitched instantly.

He found that these ghost mandrills were actually not weak in strength, and the lowest ones were half-step demon gods.

Many have reached the realm of first-level demon gods.

Some of the most outstanding ones have reached the Second Demon God level, which is equivalent to the third level of the Martial God Realm.

Logically speaking, they are not weak in strength and are very numerous in number.

They should be fighting against Tuoba Gaohan and others and completely gaining the upper hand.

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