Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2132 Fierce Battle

Chapter 2132 Fierce battle!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then Tuoba Gaohan frantically pushed the magic circle on the hull.

The speed of the big ship immediately increased a lot, and it rowed forward.

But the evil ghost of the underworld didn't get the sacrifice he wanted, so he chased after him madly.

One wave after another was set off, hitting the ship crazily, but the ship was still in danger.

The power of this underworld evil spirit is extremely abominable, and it is blessed by the surrounding underworld water.

Gives people a feeling of invincibility.

He chased after the big ship, causing despair to appear on many people's faces.

But Tuoba Gaohan was really impressed. At this time, he still had a trump card that he had not used yet.

He turned his palm, and a palm-sized mirror appeared in his hand.

It's rusty and antique, and it's unknown how many years it has been passed down.

Xuanhuang divine power poured into the mirror, and suddenly an indescribable and vast meaning poured out of it.

Full of righteousness.

A ray of golden light shot out quickly from inside, directly hitting the body of the underworld evil spirit.

Suddenly, a line of green smoke came out of the body of the underworld evil spirit, making a "chichi" sound.

A piece of his body was directly knocked off.

Then the golden light shot out one after another, and every time it hit, the ghost of the underworld was so painful that a piece of his body was knocked off!

Ye Xinghe couldn't help but his eyelids twitched wildly.

If such a powerful underworld ghost is exposed to the golden light in this mirror, its body will be greatly damaged and a piece of it will be directly mutilated.

If this thing is used against me, I am afraid that under a golden light, my body will melt and my soul will fly away!

Fortunately, he was able to force out his trump card in advance!

Rays of golden light fell, but a moment later, the underworld evil spirit was already seriously injured.

He roared repeatedly, but there was nothing he could do.

And he is not stupid. At this moment, he also realizes that the human being in front of him is not easy to mess with, and he has already begun to think about retreating.

But Ye Xinghe was keenly aware of it at this moment.

The golden light attack in this mirror is already much weaker than before, and its speed is also decreasing.

It's obviously reaching a critical point.

Ye Xinghe knew as soon as his eyes moved that if he pressed any harder, this powerful magic weapon would be damaged immediately!

But obviously, the ghost of Huangquan can't hold on any longer!

Tuoba Gaohan stared at Ye Xinghe and said coldly: "I will stabilize the situation soon, wait until I have my hands free and see how I deal with you!"

But how could Ye Xinghe let him stabilize the situation.

What Ye Xinghe wants is for them to live and die!

It will not be completely destroyed, but at the same time it has to constantly fight with the evil spirits of the underworld outside, so it has no time to take care of itself.

Only in this state can you reap the benefits of being a fisherman!

So at this moment, Ye Xinghe started.

He held Lu Jianzhang, who had been holding it in his hand for a long time without knowing whether he was alive or dead, and suddenly threw it out.

Everyone was stunned, wondering what he was going to do.

Tuoba Gaohan suddenly thought of something and shouted sternly: "Stop him quickly!"

But it was too late, Lu Jianzhang was thrown out of the boat like a dead dog.

Just in time, it landed on the lips of the dying Ghost of the Underworld.

His instinct was to bite it. Although Lu Jianzhang was seriously injured, the blood in his body was still there.

After taking this big bite, the underworld evil spirit immediately became energetic.

A red light emanated from his body, and he had actually regained his peak strength.

The injury was also fully recovered, and once again, Tuoba Gaohan was suppressed severely.

Tuoba Gaohan was extremely angry and roared crazily at Ye Xinghe.

"Just wait for me. When I free my hand, I'll slap you to death!"

Ye Xinghe shrugged his shoulders with an indifferent expression on his face.

"Then let's wait until you have your hands free. I think it's better for you to deal with him first!"

Tuoba Gaohan turned around suddenly and saw the evil spirit of the underworld rushing towards him again!

Although he knew that the ancient bronze mirror was approaching a critical point

But at this moment, I had to endure the pain and continue to push.

Tuoba Gaohan also had a very decisive character.

If you do it, then do it!

He gritted his teeth fiercely and forced out all the remaining power in the ancient bronze mirror, as if he was trying to catch a fish.

Then, a golden light that penetrated the sky and the earth burst out.

In an instant, the area shrouded in yellow mist was slightly illuminated.

The golden light plunged directly into the body of the underworld evil spirit.

A 'boom' sound directly hit the underworld evil spirit severely.

A big hole was punched out in the body of this underworld evil spirit, and it let out a shrill scream.

The ambition that had just been ignited was lost in an instant, and he fled into the river of hell with his tail between his legs.

At this time, the ancient bronze mirror in Tuoba Gaohan's hand also made a crisp sound.

It just split into two pieces and was completely useless!

Ye Xinghe used this series of methods, and finally achieved his goal.

Tuoba Gaohan has exhausted all his trump cards, and he has no more rune trump cards to use.

The only thing you can rely on is your own strength!

At this time, Ye Xinghe saw that Wang Kangsheng was still lying on the ground and did not break free from the immortal rope.

And when he made eye contact with Ye Xinghe, a fierce and cunning light flashed in his eyes.

Obviously, he violated his previous oath with Ye Xinghe.

The two of them agreed to take action together and launch the attack together.

He wanted to pretend that he was still trapped in order to reap the benefits after the fierce battle between Ye Xinghe and Tuoba Gaohan and others.

But seeing this scene, Ye Xinghe didn't panic at all, but showed a nonchalant look.

He smiled slightly and just said one sentence, which completely shattered Wang Kangsheng's calculation.

He had a look of fear on his face and shouted loudly: "Brother Wang, I have held them back, hurry up and grab the Ganges Sands!"

Wang Kangsheng's expression changed drastically, and he cursed secretly in his heart.

Sure enough, Tuoba Gaohan was frightened at this time.

He was a little suspicious of Wang Kangsheng, but when he heard what Ye Xinghe said, he immediately slapped him indiscriminately.

If Wang Kangsheng was faking, this palm could expose him.

If he is really unjust, so what, slap him half to death!

It was just left as a sacrifice for the last ghost of the underworld.

When this palm fell, Wang Kangsheng could no longer stay still.

With a wild roar, he broke away from the immortal rope, stood up, and stared at Tuoba Gaohan with a ferocious face.

"I've been trapped and humiliated by you for so long, and now it's time to get it back!"

After that, kill him directly.

In his opinion, he and Tuoba Gaohan were worthy of a fight.

What about King Tuoba Gaohan and Sun Guizhou? What about the third level peak of the Martial God Realm?

He is in the middle stage of the third level of the Martial God Realm, and he is not much weaker than him!

Sure enough, when the two sides fought, Wang Kangsheng was not injured, and was only slightly at a disadvantage.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief.

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