Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2156: The mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows behind

Chapter 2156 The mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows behind!

However, Zong Yangwen was also a very decisive person and knew that he could no longer stay here.

He gritted his teeth and started to kill like crazy, trying to escape.

But it's too late!

Ye Xinghe has now entered the Martial God Realm, and has reached the peak of the Martial God Realm.

More importantly, he already possesses twenty mysterious and yellow divine powers and is at his peak.

Twenty rays of mysterious and yellow divine power, plus he was in peak condition, plus he had an extremely sharp weapon in his hand.

Facing only eighteen mysterious and yellow divine powers, and with a broken arm and body injuries, Zong Yangwen was at most 70% of his peak strength.

It’s clear who is strong and who is weak!

Ye Xinghe suppressed himself in the Half-Step Martial God Realm for too long and accumulated too much.

So much so that after breaking through at this time, there was no obstacle, and he completely controlled the twenty mysterious and yellow divine powers in his body.

The next moment, he slashed down with his nameless broken sword.

The pressure of twenty mysterious and yellow divine powers almost made Zong Yangwen breathless.

He roared fiercely, played three trump cards one after another, and used three props.

But it's no use!

Under Ye Xinghe's terrifying strength at this time, under these twenty mysterious powers.

All of this makes him look so weak and helpless.

‘Boom, boom, boom’, Ye Xinghe directly chopped these three trump cards into pieces with one strike of his sword, and landed on Zong Yangwen’s side.

There was a look of despair in Zong Yangwen's eyes, and his fists were covered with eighteen black and yellow divine powers.

With a 'boom' sound, a sword and a fist met.

At this moment, a huge vibration exploded in the passage.

Time seems to stand still.

A punch and a sword intertwined briefly for a moment.

And the next moment, Zong Yangwen's eighteen mysterious and yellow divine powers were directly shattered.

In his desperate gaze, the nameless broken sword in Ye Xinghe's hand pressed forward fiercely and cut off his fist.

Then with a wave of his hand, Zong Yangwen's head flew high into the air.

His figure froze on the spot, and fell down after a moment.

Ye Xinghe also directly reached out and took the jade box, and then took his space container.

But at this time, Ye Xinghe swayed heavily and almost fell to the ground.

He was breathing heavily and his face was pale.

It seemed that the blow just now had exhausted everything he had, and he was very seriously injured at this time.

He whispered to himself: "Fortunately, I scared him!"

"I forced myself to activate my strength, which certainly allowed me to reach an extremely strong state, but at this time, I am also running out of gas!"

Then he shook his body twice more and walked out.

But suddenly, a strange laugh came, and then a thick black mist enveloped Ye Xinghe.

So for an instant, Ye Xinghe felt as if his five senses and six consciousnesses were sealed, and he couldn't see anything around him clearly.

His spirit began to weaken and he became sleepy, as if he couldn't help but fall asleep.

He growled lowly, with a bit of panic.

"Tiancan, it's you!"

Before he finished speaking, a figure came out of the darkness of the passage ahead.

It’s really God’s fault!

He was still wearing a black robe and his face was composed of black mist.

There was still a person following him, it was Datou!

The two of them trapped Ye Xinghe in tandem.

Tian Can sneered and said: "Ye Beichen, you didn't expect it. You thought you got a big advantage and won in the end, but in fact, I am still waiting for you!"

At this time, Ye Xinghe's voice was cold: "Tiancan, you are not dead yet, but do you think you will win?"

His voice became very calm, no longer as weak as before.

But Tian Can was already convinced at this time that he was bluffing.

He laughed wildly and said: "Okay, Ye Beichen, stop pretending, I've seen how weak you were just now, I'm afraid you're vulnerable now!"

It turned out that Tiancan and Datou were sent into other passages to explore the path.

These two people were also extremely thieves, and they explored the route for a long time.

After realizing that there was no one to supervise him, he immediately began to hide his strength.

When the time was almost up, they came out quietly.

They are also veterans who have been in the world for many years and have a good understanding of people's hearts.

They also thought of a few percent of what Ye Xinghe thought of.

After the two of them met outside, they roughly knew something.

But they didn't know where the real passage was, so they took two wrong passages first.

After discovering something was wrong, I found the correct passage in the middle.

But this also caused them to arrive nearly an hour later than Ye Xinghe.

But it was precisely because of this that they just witnessed the battle between Ye Xinghe and Zong Yangwen!

The two of them were extremely horrified.

They never expected that Ye Beichen, who had been with them day and night for a long time.

It actually has such terrifying strength!

Although when Ye Xinghe killed Shi Gaomin before, they had already taken a high look at Ye Xinghe.

But it wasn't until this moment that he discovered that his strength was still far beyond the imagination of himself and others!

He was finally able to kill Zong Yangwen, who had eighteen mysterious powers and had reached the fourth level of the Martial God Realm!

It’s so scary!

But they also saw at the same time that Ye Xinghe was extremely weak at this time.

He was dying and had declined to the extreme.

In an instant, a look of greed emerged in his eyes.

Be ready to take action immediately and reap the benefits.

Tian Can sneered and waved his hands one after another, and black mist continued to pour out, strengthening his black mist prison.

This is a move he is very good at.

The emergence of black mist can not only trap the opponent's five senses and six consciousnesses, but also has a hypnotic effect, which can confuse the opponent's mind.

As long as the other party falls asleep, he will naturally be left to his own devices.

He was already convinced in his heart that Ye Xinghe was definitely no match for him.

But at this moment Ye Xinghe's cold voice came: "Really? Then let me see if I am bluffing!"

The next moment, Tiancan's whole body was shaken violently, as if he had been severely injured.

The black mist cage in front of him was shattered in an instant!

A sword blade slashed out from it, shattering his prison in an instant.

There was unspeakable astonishment in Tiancan's voice: "How could you break through my black mist prison so easily? You, you weren't seriously injured!" He then suddenly realized: "It turns out you were just faking it!"

Ye Xinghe smiled lowly.

"You got Fooled!"

It turned out that Ye Xinghe had already sensed Tiancan’s existence just now.

What he wants is for Tian Can to appear, and he doesn't want Tian Can to escape.

But Tiancan's figure is extremely fast, his speed is extremely fast, and his methods are weird.

If you force him to stay, you may not be able to keep him.

So Ye Xinghe had to pretend to show weakness and lure him out.

As long as he comes out, Ye Xinghe can kill him.

And if he doesn't come out, after learning about this, he will leave endless trouble for Ye Xinghe!

Sure enough, Tiancan was fooled, and now he can't run away even if he wants to!

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