Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2159 The Raging Sea Lion

Chapter 2159: Angry Sea Lion!

He let out an extremely shrill scream and disappeared into the portal, blood splattering in the void.

In an instant, the portal closed and his figure disappeared.

But before leaving, a trace of malice in his eyes penetrated deep into his bones.

Ye Xinghe put his sword into its sheath and sneered coldly: "You are being called so many fucking nonsense!"

Since this person dared to threaten him, Ye Xinghe would naturally make him pay some price.

During this process, the Raging Sea Lion has been standing in the lava ocean.

Watching this scene quietly without any movement.

Seeing Ye Xinghe's actions, a flash of approval flashed in his eyes.

Then his eyes were focused on Qinglian's world-destroying move.

There seemed to be two blue lotus flowers blooming slowly in his eyes.

There was silence for a moment, actually feeling a little sad.

After a while, it looked at Ye Xinghe and its voice was low, like thunder.

"Are you the master's descendant?"

If it were anyone else, I'm afraid that I would be embarrassed to speak loudly at this time.

Ye Xinghe shook his head and said honestly: "You can't be considered a descendant, I just got his inheritance occasionally."

"But I see that you have gained quite a lot from practicing the first Qinglian Sword Technique, Qinglian Destroy the World."

The Raging Sea Lion then asked.

Ye Xinghe nodded.

"Maybe it's because my temperament is more compatible, and I understand it quite quickly."

The Raging Sea Lion suddenly showed an expression similar to a smile on his face.

"You're honest, that's great!"

It has a long voice.

"I have asked this question to no less than twenty people. Without exception, they all answered that they are the descendants of the master."

"Seven of them wanted to use this as an excuse to make me their mount."

It raised its paws and flicked its sharp nails.

"What do you think happened to them?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "I guess the end will not be too good."

The angry sea lion roared.

"That's right, I slapped them all to death with my paw and then ate them!"

"Not to mention, any strong human being who can get a glimpse of the master's inheritance during his lifetime and has achieved some success in cultivation has extraordinary talents, blood, muscles and bones, and the taste is very delicious!"

It expresses the taste of the bar, as if still recalling the taste at that time.

But it really made Ye Xinghe's hair stand on end.

"This angry sea lion doesn't look like a good person!"

He was thinking of ways in his mind.

If this angry sea lion turns its face, Ye Xinghe thinks he has no power to fight back.

With the opponent's strength, he felt that the sect master had arrived in person, so he was probably far from his opponent.

Fortunately, it doesn't seem to have any malicious intent.

Then it moved its gaze downwards and focused on Ye Xinghe.

"You are very good. You are different from them. It seems that you are not only in love with the master, but also with me. In this case," he said lightly: "I will designate you as the heir of the master!"

And the moment it said this, Ye Xinghe saw something strange in the jade box.

It turned out that there were two yellow runes affixed to the jade box as a seal.

He has been unresponsive since he got it.

At this moment, the two runes above suddenly shattered, the light lit up, and fell into Ye Xinghe's body.

Then, the jade box felt connected to him mentally.

Even Ye Xinghe could vaguely feel the contents of the jade box.

Ye Xinghe couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

He suddenly realized the significance of being recognized by the Raging Sea Lion and recognized as the owner of this thing.

That is, not only can he open the jade box, but he can also understand the inheritance of the Qinglian Sword Immortal inside.

I'm afraid it will also increase the speed a lot and get twice the result with half the effort!

And if you don't get this recognition, I'm afraid it will be a lot of hard work just to open the first level of this jade box.

It is quite difficult to understand it after opening it.

Ye Xinghe put away the jade box and asked tentatively: "Why did you so hastily designate me as your successor?"

"Aren't you going to take this thing back?"

"I think you have been guarding this thing for many years, and you even put it into the vital part of your heart to protect it."

The angry sea maniac had a look of distress on his face.

"Speaking of which, I was seriously harmed by this thing!"

"Before the master died, I promised him that I would protect this thing for him for 50,000 years until he finds the right person."

"But it's a pity that everyone who comes is a piece of shit, let alone a destined person. Now that I finally found you, I feel relieved!"

Having said that, it didn't give Ye Xinghe time to refuse, and turned around and ran away.

It seemed like I was finally freed from the constraints, and I was extremely happy.

As he ran, his muscles squirmed, his hair flew, and he let out a cheerful roar.

It seems that I have finally completed my mission and am going to pursue my new life.

It just drops a sentence.

"Boy, my mission has been completed. I'll leave the rest to you. Don't embarrass the master, or I'll find you later and devour you!"

Looking at it like that, apart from being free and free, there is actually a sense of running away.

As if he was afraid that Ye Xinghe would not agree, he disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Ye Xinghe stood there, unable to help laughing, and left after a moment.

What Ye Xinghe didn't know was that at this moment, he was millions of miles away.

In another hidden cave in the Xuanming Forbidden Land, a group of people are surrounding themselves here.

In front of them was a water basin, the most common celadon water basin.

It looks like an utensil used by everyday people, with a pool of water inside.

But the more you look at it, the more you find that there seems to be a deep meaning and mystery in it that cannot be explained.

Including the celadon basin, every pattern seems to be the pattern of the magic circle.

There are about seven or eight people here. If Ye Xinghe were here, he would be able to recognize them.

What they were wearing were actually the robes of the Lingyun Sword Sect.

But Ye Xinghe’s old acquaintance!

Surrounded by everyone was a young man who looked very gentle.

His face was calm and his skin was as white as jade.

One look at it makes people feel that it is indescribably gentle, and this aura also makes people very comfortable.

And beside the basin, there were three people with blood dripping from their wrists.

Drops of blood fell into it and disappeared quickly.

But they still gritted their teeth and persisted, even though their faces were pale.

The gentle young man seemed not to notice that the three of them had reached their limit, and just stared at the basin.

After a while, one of the disciples seemed to be unable to bear it any longer.

I just feel that my soul seems to be drained out, and my strength is constantly being lost along with the essence and blood.

He felt that if he continued like this, his strength would be permanently reduced.

Even after a while, you will have to regress the level.

It took a lot of effort for him to achieve his current strength, and he would never allow himself to go back!

He suddenly raised his head and gritted his teeth and said, "Senior brother, I can't bear it any longer. We've been holding on for an hour and there's still no movement. Is there something wrong with your calculation?"

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