Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2182: I’m very happy if I make you unhappy

Chapter 2182 If I make you unhappy, I will be happy!

And he was a suspicious person by nature, so he immediately thought a lot more.

"He is so strong, how strong is Chu Qingqiu?"

"What secret method did Chu Qingqiu use on him to make him grow so fast? What other methods does Chu Qingqiu have?"

"If I wait any longer, will the gap in strength between them and them become wider and wider, and eventually I will have no chance of winning!"

Master Dan was hiding in the dark. When he saw this scene, he, who had always been calm in ancient times, was also moved.

"How could this kid's cultivation improve so quickly? Does the plan need to be adjusted?"

Before, Ye Xinghe had been holding Xie Yuanqiao's sword between his two fingers, but he did not move the killer.

Seeing Zhu Qingtan arriving at this moment, his eyes flashed.

"it's time!"

Immediately, Xuanhuang's divine power burst out, and with a 'pop' sound, the magic sword was directly cut off.

Then he punched out hard, and the next moment, it landed on Xie Yuanqiao's chest!

That's right, Ye Xinghe didn't activate just now, he was actually waiting for Zhu Qingtan.

Ye Xinghe just wants to kill people and punish their hearts!

In fact, he is not that stupid and impulsive person, how could he do things regardless of the consequences.

This time, he came to kill Xie Yuanqiao. In addition to venting his anger on Chu Qingqiu, he also had a profound purpose.

That is to fully demonstrate his strength in front of Zhu Qingtan and others!

Not only do you want to kill people, but you also want to kill people.

Because after they fully demonstrate their strength, they will become suspicious, jealous, and even angry!

In this way, they will panic when doing things and show their flaws.

Ye Xinghe has been guessing that Zhu Qingtan is probably brewing something.

So his move was to force them to reveal their flaws!

Xie Yuanqiao let out a shrill scream, as if he had foreseen his own end.

He shouted sharply: "Senior brother, save me!"

Zhu Qingtan would take action without him having to say anything.

How could he just watch his only junior brother die in front of him!

His expression was ferocious, and the anger surged up again.

"Boy, if you dare to come and challenge me, no matter what your strength is or what your purpose is, I will kill you!"

"Just in time to try it on you, my newly refined divine body!"

Under the robe and above the body, a divine pattern of light quietly passed through.

He slowly stretched out his right hand, then clenched it tightly.

Then, a big hand appeared directly in the void and came towards Ye Xinghe.

Suddenly, Ye Xinghe felt tremendous pressure, even stronger than when he faced Shen Qianxun!

It seemed like he would be crushed to pieces by this palm!

But at this time, not far behind Ye Xinghe, a cold and plain voice came.

"Zhu Qingtan, this is a battle between Ye Xinghe and Xie Yuanqiao, it's inappropriate for you to take action!"

As the words fell, a huge and slender hand also appeared.

As his fingers slid, dozens of thick thunderbolts fell down.

He directly chopped Zhu Qingtan's hand into pieces, and then used his strength to trick him and struck Zhu Qingtan directly.

He knocked Zhu Qingtan back a few steps, her whole body was scorched black, and she was in a miserable state!

After he was knocked back, no one could stop Ye Xinghe.

His fist also struck hard on Xie Yuanqiao's body.

There was a crisp "click" sound, and Xie Yuanqiao's chest sank directly, his bones were broken, and his heart was broken.

The power was so strong that a high fist mark bulged out on his back.

Ye Xinghe's punch directly penetrated him!

Xie Yuanqiao lowered his head, looked at the blood-stained fist, and felt that his life was cut off.

Then he was directly knocked away and landed heavily on the ground.

Ye Xinghe withdrew his fist and stood up, suddenly feeling countless emotions in his heart.

"A few years ago, when I first entered the Divine Sword Sect, people like Xie Yuanqiao still needed to look up to them, as if they were in the sky."

"At that time, he could crush himself to death countless times with one finger, but now, he is killed by his own punch, and he doesn't even have the strength to resist!"

"The amazing encounter is beyond words!"

At this time, Chu Qingqiu also appeared, looking at Zhu Qingtan lightly.

Her jade fingers were green and green, and she looked delicate and weak.

But only Zhu Qingtan knows how terrifying this hand is!

In fact, he was a little unconvinced by what Master Dan said before.

I thought to myself that both of them were stuck before that level for hundreds of years.

Isn't it just that Chu Qingqiu broke the peace a few years earlier than him? What's so great about it?

Therefore, I also thought about testing my edge with him, but unexpectedly, I was completely defeated.

At this moment, I felt extremely fearful!

It turned out that Chu Qingqiu had been secretly following Ye Xinghe.

She wanted to see what this little man of hers was saying about venting his anger on her.

At this time, there was a bit of a smile on her lips.

"So this is what you said about venting your anger. It suits me very well!"

After all, she was quite unhappy after being provoked by Zhu Qingtan before.

Now that Ye Xinghe can make Zhu Qingtan unhappy, she is very happy!

Chu Qingqiu said calmly: "Ye Xinghe and Xie Yuanqiao are planning to fight. The two of them have already made a bet."

"Although this is not the sect's life and death platform, Ye Xinghe just said that we should fight here and now, and Xie Yuanqiao also agreed, so the contract will take effect!"

She looked at Zhu Qingtan and said coldly: "What do you mean by taking action?"

"Are you trying to break the sect's rules? Are you trying to challenge the authority of me, the sect leader?"

Zhu Qingtan was blocked by her and couldn't say a word.

He had to grit his teeth and said: "Master, please forgive me, I was Meng Lang just now!"

After Ye Xinghe and the others left, Zhu Qingtan looked at the void beside him and said coldly.

"Can't wait any longer!"

In the void beside him, the voice of Dan Zhenren came, just one word.


It seems that Ye Xinghe's plan really worked!

He tried his best to let Zhu Qingtan see his threat, and the other party fell into Ye Xinghe's trap.

As he wished, he started in advance.

But unfortunately, what Ye Xinghe didn't calculate was that Dan Zhenren existed in this matter!

This is the biggest variable!

If it was just Zhu Qingtan's words according to what Ye Xinghe thought, then Zhu Qingtan's early start would be to seek death!

Ye Xinghe and Chu Qingqiu could join forces to kill him.

But it's hard to say if Dan Zhenren got involved.

It can only be said that this situation is fate, and no one can calculate everything.

After discussing with Zhu Qingtan for another hour and finalizing all the details of the plan, Dan Zhenren left.

He sneered: "Zhu Qingtan, you idiot, wait and see how I will deal with you after I have used up all the value in you!"

"I have spent a lot of resources on you, and I will take it back with interest when the time comes!"

Thinking of the medicinal materials and pills he had given Zhu Qingtan, Dan Zhenren felt a pain in his heart, and his mouth couldn't help twitching.

"My cute little thing, let you use it first, and you will be very surprised when the time comes!"

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