Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2205 He is still alive

Chapter 2205 He is still alive!

Therefore, he could only quietly bring Zhu Qingtan into the sect.

He was even afraid that others would doubt their relationship and bring disaster to Zhu Qingtan.

He could only let Zhu Qingtan learn from others, and he could only visit him occasionally.

Therefore, I felt extremely guilty for Zhu Qingtan, so I devoted a lot of effort and resources to him.

This is why Zhu Qingtan was able to reach the top of the Divine Sword Sect and become a red-robed elder.

The reason why he almost competed for the position of sect leader.

Yun Haokun is already old. He is hundreds of years old, but he has not yet broken through the bottleneck.

He knew that he didn't have long to live, so he poured all his efforts into Zhu Qingtan.

Zhu Qingtan was able to become the sect leader, and he was also indispensable.

He was the happiest these days, even though he didn't have much time left.

But watching his son condense his spiritual body and reach the top, the future is limitless.

This was the continuation and hope of his life, and he was extremely happy.

But at this moment, all of his hopes and sustenance were shattered in this instant!

Ye Xinghe smashed him to pieces in front of him!

Finally, Haokun could no longer suppress the anger and grief in his heart.

He actually flashed and came directly to Chu Qingqiu.

With one palm strike, Ye Xinghe would be killed directly!

Chu Qingqiu screamed like a mother leopard protecting her cub.

The power of thunder blasted out fiercely, knocking him back directly.

She snapped: "What are you going to do!"

Yun Haokun, however, was determined to kill Ye Xinghe. He kept silent and used his strong-mouthed trump card to suppress Chu Qingqiu in an instant.

Chu Qingqiu was helpless. For a moment, he was beaten all over and bruised, and he almost couldn't protect Ye Xinghe.

Chu Qingqiu hissed: "Yuan Yichi, Ren Lingsong, what are you two doing standing still?"

"If Ye Xinghe dies, I will fight Yun Haokun to death, and I will pull him to die together. Can the Divine Sword Sect bear such a loss?" "Why don't you stop him quickly!"

Yuan Yichi and Ren Lingsong came to their senses and quickly stepped forward to separate Yun Haokun from Yun Haokun.

Seeing that he could not kill Ye Xinghe today, he just stared at him with extremely vicious and vicious eyes, like a poisonous snake.

Chu Qingqiu ignored him and rushed out quickly holding Ye Xinghe in his arms.

When he arrived at his residence, he immediately stuffed all kinds of elixirs from the Divine Sword Sect into his mouth as if they were free of charge.

After a while, Ye Xinghe's physical condition recovered slightly, but his vitality was still bleak.

Three days later, Chu Qingqiu's residence.

She looked haggard.

For the past three days, she had been working almost non-stop, taking care of Ye Xinghe with all her clothes on.

But unfortunately, Ye Xinghe's situation has not improved at this time.

His breath is still weak and his vitality is very low.

At this time, there was a sound outside.

"Lord Sect Master!"

A look of hope appeared on Chu Qingqiu's face.

"Your Majesty Ren, please come in!"

This Ren Lingsong is not only the Supreme Elder of the Divine Sword Sect.

But it is also recognized that the Divine Sword Sect and even among the nine sects in the southern region have the most superb medical skills!

Chu Qingqiu invited him here because he wanted to see if there was any way to solve the problem.

"He's still alive!"

The first thing Ren Lingsong said was this.

At the same time, there was a look of disbelief on his face.

After hearing this, Chu Qingqiu's heart suddenly sank.

Ren Lingsong circled Ye Xinghe several times.

Then I checked his pulse, opened his eyelids and looked again.

Then, she held his hands with both hands, feeling the fluctuations of his life.

The more he looked, the more serious the expression on his face became.

And Chu Qingqiu's heart sank very quickly.

After a long time, Ren Lingsong shook his head.

"It's a miracle!"

"Ye Xinghe is not dead yet, and he can still maintain such a weak vitality. It is simply a miracle!"

Chu Qingqiu quickly asked: "What do you mean?"

Ren Lingsong sighed: "He lost a lot of his life source in a short period of time."

"To put it simply, the life force has been drained out."

"If someone loses hundreds of years of life in an instant, there is no way they can get it back!"

"Not only will the body die, but the soul will also be destroyed. This is against nature and is the last thing God wants to see, so it is the most difficult to treat."

"And this Ye Xinghe is not dead yet. Although his vitality is weak, it can still keep him alive for a while, I guess. It should be because his bloodline is very special, which allows him to maintain this glimmer of life!"


Chu Qingqiu said in a trembling voice: "You mean, he won't live long?"

"Not only can't he be saved, but he won't live long?"

Ren Lingsong shook his head: "Forgive me for being powerless. I definitely can't save him. As far as I know, no one can save him."

He sighed: "If Master Dan is still here, maybe there is a way."

Shut up now.

He continued: "Our Great Sumeru Mountains is just a small place. The sum of the four borders of the Great Sumeru Mountains, including the east, west, north, and south, is no larger than a province of the Lieyang Dynasty."

"Perhaps, we can find a way to save him in the other three realms of the Great Sumeru Mountains, and we will definitely be able to find someone to save him in the Lieyang Dynasty!"

Chu Qingqiu said in a trembling voice, a little lost, "Then how long can he live?"

Ren Lingsong whispered: "At most three months!"

Ren Lingsong didn't know when he left, and Chu Qingqiu sat there in despair.

Chu Qingqiu seemed to have made some decision.

She suddenly took a deep breath, then walked to the depths where she was practicing and opened the door.

Inside is an antique boudoir, nothing rich or grand.

But every utensil is very elegant and made of the finest materials.

You can tell at a glance that it tastes very good.

It seems like no one has been here for a long time.

But it was spotless, and everything looked very smooth.

It seems like someone took great care of it.

There are four treasures of the study on it, a dressing table next to it, and the bookcase at the back is filled with copybooks.

This seems to be the residence of the eldest lady in a world where people are not familiar with cultivation.

But some of the utensils placed there showed that the owner here should be a middle-aged woman.

It doesn't quite match Chu Qingqiu.

Walking into it, a look of reminiscence appeared on Chu Qingqiu's face.

Then he walked to the far corner of the boudoir, lifted up the floor, and stood in

This small box is extremely beautifully crafted and made of rare metals.

It is inlaid with gems of various colors, and each of these gems is actually the same magic weapon.

The fact that it can be inlaid in this dressing box as an ornament shows the level of luxury of its owner.

She opened the dressing box and pulled out a drawer at the bottom.

Inside, there are three pieces of gold-painted plain paper.

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