Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2318 I want to see the leader

Chapter 2318 I want to see the leader!

He smiled sinisterly and said: "Boy, it seems that I underestimated you, but I can still kill you today."

Before he finished speaking, he stopped laughing.

It turned out that at this moment, Ye Xinghe in front of him disappeared in an instant.

And he had no idea where this person had gone.

It's like disappearing in this space!

But the next moment, he felt extreme danger coming from behind him!

He turned around quickly and launched his strongest attack.

But it was too late.

Ye Xinghe's figure appeared from his shadow, and the nameless broken sword in his hand fell on his neck.

Laughing softly in his ear: "You have no chance in this life!"

The next moment, the nameless broken sword fell hard, and he was about to behead him with one strike.

Now that you have broken up with each other, you should show no mercy and kill him as quickly as possible!

If you want to do it, do it!

This also makes other people fearful.

If they don't accept it, beat them until they do!

Ye Xinghe knew this very well, so he showed no mercy when he came up.

Looking at the next moment, Ye Xinghe will kill Iron Fist with one sword.

Even Iron Fist's pupils showed despair.

"This kid is so strong and weird. I'm going to die, I'm going to die!"

The onlookers also exclaimed in surprise.

"With Iron Fist's strength, he was instantly killed by Ye Beichen. It's terrible!"

"This Ye Beichen is so powerful, and his movement skills are extremely weird!"

But just when Iron Fist was about to die, Ye Xinghe suddenly felt that his body was stiff.

He was actually frozen in place, unable to move.

That’s right, it’s frozen!

It was as if his body was in an independent space, isolated from this world.

There's no way he can kill Iron Fist.

He was horrified: "Who is this person? He has such strength!"

He felt that it would be easy for this person to kill him!

The next moment, Ye Xinghe was directly knocked away.

But even so, Ye Xinghe's nameless broken sword also cut a deep scar on Iron Fist's neck, and blood flowed across it!

The person who took action was a middle-aged man wearing a red robe.

His face is as heavy as a jujube, he is quite majestic, and his mountain aura is strong.

Ye Xinghe estimated that he had at least reached the middle stage of the seventh level of the Martial God Realm.

This person looked at Ye Xinghe and said solemnly: "My name is Wu Tianheng, I am the deputy commander of this camp and the elder of the Liehuo Sect."

"Who are you and why do you want to kill me like this?"

Ye Xinghe sneered: "Why, he can kill me, but I can't kill him?"

Wu Tianheng was stunned for a moment, glanced at Iron Fist, and probably knew what was going on.

Iron Fist escaped with his life, pissed off, and quickly distanced himself from Ye Xinghe.

Looking at Ye Xinghe with a sinister face, he was very unconvinced.

He felt that his strength had not been used at all and he had just been defeated.

If there was another fight, I would definitely win!

He stared at Ye Xinghe and said fiercely: "Ye Beichen, do you dare to fight me again!"

Ye Xinghe looked at him sideways and smiled slightly.

"Are you worthy?"

"He's just a defeated general!"

This sentence made Iron Fist even more angry and roared again and again.

But Wu Tianheng's cold gaze swept over him, and he suddenly shivered and did not dare to speak anymore.

If you say who he is afraid of in this big statement.

Then Wu Tianheng, who is powerful and has always been selfless, must be one of them.

Wu Tianheng slapped him hard on the face.

He hit the iron fist directly and his face was swollen.

He said coldly: "I wanted to kill someone, but was almost killed by someone else. Now I'm still here to provoke you. It's not shameful enough!"

He glanced at everyone, and suddenly there was silence.

Wu Tianheng said in a cold voice: "Check what's going on."


Several disciples from the Liehuo Sect behind him immediately went down to interrogate someone.

After a while, the whole thing was figured out.

"This Ye Beichen brought a master of the Demon God Palace to accept the reward and defected, but was made things difficult. Then Iron Fist tried to steal his things." Wu Tianheng nodded, looked at Ye Xinghe and said in a deep voice: "You come to join me in the Five Elements Xianmen Camp, it’s our fault that you have been wronged.”

He pointed at several Five Elements Immortal Sect disciples.

They were the people who made things difficult for Ye Xinghe at the beginning.

He said calmly: "Behead them."


Several flame warriors behind him immediately took action and captured him.

The Five Elements Immortal Sect disciples looked at Ye Xinghe with despair on their faces and screamed for mercy.

"Uncle Ye, please say a kind word!"

"Uncle Ye, we will never dare again!"

"We were blinded just now"

Before he finished speaking, they were all beheaded and their blood flowed all over the ground.

Then Wu Tianheng flicked his fingers slightly, and immediately Iron Fist screamed, and his left arm was shattered to pieces.

Wu Tianheng said calmly: "This is the time to employ people. Iron Fist is a rare master. I'm going to cripple one of his arms as punishment. Do you still have any objections?"

Ye Xinghe shook his head.

Wu Tianheng did things fairly and neatly, which he didn't expect.


Wu Tianheng nodded.

"You can come to the Five Elements Immortal Gate Camp in the future and come in and out at will."

After that, he was ready to leave.

For him, this kind of thing happens every day, but he just deals with it casually.

Ye Xinghe raised his voice and said: "Wait a minute!"

Wu Tianheng turned around: "What else do you want?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "I want to see Lord Shen."

Shen Zhenkun is the person in charge of this Five Elements Immortal Sect camp.

He is the front line of this attack on Demon God Palace and the supreme commander of all disciples.

At the same time, he himself is also the head of the Fiery Sect under the Five Elements Immortal Sect.

Among the Five Elements Immortal Sect, they also belong to an extremely powerful echelon!

"You want to see the leader?"

He said a little doubtfully.

"Meet the leader, you are not qualified yet!"

Yes, the person in front of him had some strength, but in his opinion, it was just like that.

Meet the leader, is he qualified?

Ye Xinghe smiled slightly and lifted out the Blood Shadow Shura.

"You have to see him first, and then you can tell me whether I am qualified."

Seeing the Blood Shadow Shura, Wu Tianheng was first stunned and then ecstatic.

He shouted in shock: "Blood Shadow Shura!"

"The master of Demon God Palace you brought is actually Blood Shadow Shura!"

He just found out that he was a master of Demon God Palace, but he didn't know his identity.

At this time, when he saw it was Blood Shadow Shura, he was immediately horrified.

You know, he doesn't take ordinary Demon God Palace masters seriously.

But the problem is, Blood Shadow Shura is not ordinary at all!

He is the fourth protector of the Demon God Palace and is a figure at the core of power in the Demon God Palace.

Under the Lord of the Demon God Palace and the elders, they are the guardians.

The Blood Shadow Shura is particularly famous and is especially hated by people on the side of the righteous path.

This person has an extremely vicious and surly personality.

There are countless masters of the Five Elements Immortal Sect who died under his command, and they all died in miserable conditions.

Therefore, many people in the Five Elements Immortal Sect would like to eat their flesh and sleep on their skin!

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