Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2320 Three Conditions

Chapter 2320 Three Conditions!

He said in a deep voice: "Little guy, what do you mean?"

Ye Xinghe smiled slightly.

"Since this man is my trophy, have I done a great service by bringing him here?"

Shen Zhenkun nodded.

"That's right, it's a great contribution. It can be said to be the first achievement in this battle!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Then am I qualified? A few conditions?"

Upon hearing this, Wu Tianheng was furious.

He said sternly: "Boy, you are arrogant, how dare you talk to the leader like this!"

Shen Zhenkun saw that he was neither humble nor arrogant when facing him, and he dared to stop him and even dare to make conditions.

Suddenly, the curiosity in his eyes became even more intense.

He laughed, stretched out his hand to stop Wu Tianheng, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, you say it."

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "The first condition is about contribution."

He paused.

"I saw it was mentioned on the contribution list outside that killing a level six master would result in a contribution of 10,000."

"Kill a seventh-level master and contribute 100,000 yuan."

"I brought back the seventh-level master Blood Shadow Shura. How should this contribution be calculated?"

Shen Zhenkun obviously won't be stingy on this kind of thing.

Especially now that he feels that Ye Beichen has great win-over value.

Therefore, he said directly and neatly: "Then the increase will be another 50%, and it will be calculated directly for you based on the contribution value of 150,000!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Okay, then it's settled!"

"The second condition is"

He looked at Shen Zhenkun and asked softly: "I heard that the reason why the Five Elements Immortal Sect was able to be established and the righteous path was able to flourish was because of an extraterrestrial treasure."

"I don't know, has the master ever seen that extraordinary treasure?"

Shen Zhenkun nodded solemnly and said: "Among the Five Elements Immortal Sect, only five people are qualified to see the treasure, and I am one of them!"

Ye Xinghe perked up.

"Sure enough, we came to the right place!"

He said softly: "I dare to ask the leader, what does that treasure look like? Can you describe it to me?"

Shen Zhenkun's eyes were blurred, as if he was caught in memories.

After a long time, he slowly said something.

After listening, Ye Xinghe stood there and was stunned.

After Wu Tianheng heard this, he frowned and thought deeply.

It was as if those words were beyond his comprehension.

Then, the look of doubt on his face became heavier and heavier.

In the end, it turned into deep pain, and his brows furrowed completely.

Even the aura on his body has become unstable, and his strength is running wildly.

The expression on his face was extremely uncomfortable, but there was also a hint of excitement, fear and panic.

All kinds of emotions condensed on his face, and his breath collapsed.

For a moment, it was almost like being possessed.

I don’t know what Shen Zhenkun was talking about.

Just a description of the treasure outside that day actually put Wu Tianheng into such a situation!

Seeing his expression, Shen Zhenkun was not surprised and just let out a light chuckle.

Suddenly, Wu Tianheng felt as if he had been struck by lightning, his whole body shivered, and then he calmed down.

He was breathing heavily, and his whole body was soaked with sweat.

But Ye Xinghe was safe and sound.

Seeing this scene, Shen Zhenkun was even more surprised.

After a long time, Ye Xinghe sighed softly and said in his heart: "I see, that's it!"

However, the expression on his face showed nothing.

Ye Xinghe just looked at Shen Zhenkun and said lightly: "I have a third condition."

Shen Zhenkun frowned slightly and said solemnly: "The last condition."

To be honest, the three conditions he gave Ye Xinghe were already extremely generous treatment.

If it weren't for his considerable talent, if it were anyone else, the first condition would be enough to offset his merit.

Ye Xinghe nodded and said: "Of course!"

He looked at Blood Shadow Shura and smiled: "My third condition is that you, the leader, cannot kill him."


This time, Shen Zhenkun finally couldn't keep calm, and a sharp look flashed on his face.

Blood Shadow Shura is the enemy he must kill quickly.

And he was preparing to kill the Blood Shadow Shura and hang it above the camp to shock the Demon God Palace.

As a result, Ye Xinghe said at this moment that he could not be killed!

This directly made Shen Zhenkun angry.

Ye Xinghe did not panic, he just smiled and said: "Sir, don't worry, I have a plan."

After that, he stepped forward and spoke in detail.

Shen Zhenkun's brows wrinkled at first, and then relaxed.

Then, he showed a surprised expression.

By the end, his expression turned into one of deep shock, and he couldn't even control his emotions.

He shouted in shock: "You, what you are planning is actually this!"

Ye Xinghe nodded slightly and looked at him calmly.

Shen Zhenkun pondered for a long time and then laughed.

He looked at Ye Xinghe with admiration on his face and patted his shoulder heavily.

"Heroes come out of young people, heroes come out of young people, they are really amazing!"

"An old man like me doesn't have the ambition you have!"

"Okay, I promise you!"

Wu Tianheng looked astonished next to him.

He didn't know what Ye Xinghe was talking about just now.

But being able to make Shen Zhenkun change his mind shows how crazy and powerful his plan is, which is irresistible!

Ye Xinghe suddenly felt enlightened at this moment.

He finally knew why he felt so weird after meeting Shen Zhenkun.

That's why he, an eighth-level master, is stronger than the eighth-level warrior of the Martial God Realm in the Xuanhuang World at the same level.

The reason for this feeling is precisely because the upper limit of this world is relatively low!

Precisely because the upper limit of this world is relatively low, the ninth level master is at the end.

Even an eighth-level master can touch a trace of the origin of the world.

It should be noted that no matter how low the level of a world is, it still has its world origin.

No matter how weak the origin of the world is, it is still the origin of the world!

The power involving a trace of rules is indescribable, yet extremely powerful!

That is a higher level, a higher level of power.

And precisely because of this, they came into contact with this trace of the origin of the world.

That's why they are stronger than the eighth-level warriors of the Martial God Realm in the Xuanhuang World who are at the same level as them!

And the original power of the world that Shen Zhenkun came into contact with was the power of space!

Therefore, he was able to carve out a unique space of his own in this big tent.

Therefore, he was able to cross the distance of ten miles in one step and come to Ye Xinghe.

That's why he has such mysterious and inexplicable movement skills and attack methods at this moment!

Shen Zhenkun raised his eyebrows.

"This demon is extremely powerful. Even if he is injured, it will be extremely difficult for you to capture him!"

You know, it is much more difficult to capture it than to kill it.

Even if he takes action himself, it will take a lot of effort to capture Blood Shadow Shura.

Wu Tianheng frowned at the side and asked suspiciously: "Do you have that strength?"

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