Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2326: You think I can’t do anything to you

Chapter 2326 Do you think there is nothing I can do against you? !

At the same time, a palm shot came out.

Suddenly, the sky was filled with yellow sand, blocking everyone's sight.

They couldn't see clearly what kind of magical power Ye Xinghe used.

Successfully covered Ye Xinghe's Shadow Killing Ghost Step.

The next moment, they heard a scream coming from the yellow sand.

When the wind and sand dispersed, Ye Xinghe slowly let go of Li Lingao's body, clapped his hands and spoke lightly.

The air at the scene immediately solidified.

The next moment, exclamations sounded one after another.

"Ye Beichen is so brave, he dares to kill several of them!"

"Yes, they are Liu Jingzhi's disciples!"

"The members of the law enforcement team have always been domineering and fierce in this camp, and no one dares to provoke them!"

"Ye Beichen dared to kill them, he was really impatient!"

Behind Liu Jingzhi, Dark Soul and Iron Fist looked at each other.

They all saw a look of joy in each other's eyes.

They didn't care about Ye Xinghe taking action at all.

On the contrary, the more Ye Xinghe takes action, the more he plays into their hands!

As long as Ye Xinghe takes action and Liu Jingzhi is angered, Ye Xinghe will definitely die!

It turns out that this is what Dark Soul thought of yesterday.

He himself knew that he could not do anything in the camp.

But others can.

Therefore, he went to find Liu Jingzhi early.

Upon hearing that Ye Xinghe had a contribution value of 150,000 yuan, Liu Jingzhi immediately became energetic.

You must know that among the Five Elements Immortal Sect camp, it is the most fair.

Even as Liu Jingzhi, he had to go out and earn contribution points by himself before he could enter the Immortal Sect's treasure house.

And even with his strength, there are quite a lot of things in the Immortal Sect's treasure house that he is extremely coveted.

Therefore, he did not hesitate and took action directly.

That 150,000 contribution value. He is determined to win!

When the time comes, there will naturally be some inside, which he will reward to the dark souls.

After all, Dark Soul is also his right-hand man.

The scene before him was unexpected.

Liu Jingzhi's face was instantly filled with evil aura.

All he wanted was to let his apprentice stimulate Ye Beichen.

It would be best if he could be captured.

If you can't, then you have to take action yourself.

But what he wanted was not to let his disciples die!

These disciples were also carefully trained by him.

Unexpectedly, in an instant, he was instantly killed by Ye Beichen in front of him!

How could this not make him furious!

He yelled crazily: "If you dare to kill my people, I will cut you into pieces!"

Ye Xinghe sneered: "You can kill me, but I can't kill you?"

Liu Jingzhi said angrily: "Die!"

His figure flashed and he arrived in front of Ye Xinghe in an instant.

With a palm shot, green light splashed out, covering Ye Xinghe in an instant.

Ye Xinghe felt the ultimate threat from it.

In an instant, he discovered that this long blue light was actually composed of countless extremely small blue wood thorns.

It is a hundred times smaller than the tip of a needle, so that at a glance, it looks like a ray of light!

And every tiny wood thorn is stained with extremely strong green wood poison.

It is much more powerful than the green wood poison that Li Lingao used just now!

As long as it gets stained, Ye Xinghe knows that he will definitely die, and he will even suffer pain before death!

The people around him also roared in horror.

"It seems that Mr. Liu is really angry and launched his strongest offensive!"

"I have seen Mr. Liu use this move before. With just one move, he killed nineteen masters from the Demon God Palace!"

"Haha, Ye Beichen will definitely die now!"

"He deserves it, who made him so arrogant!"

Dark Soul stared at Ye Xinghe coldly with a mocking look on his face.

"Ye Beichen, no matter how arrogant you are!"

"Weren't you dissatisfied before? Let me see if you are still convinced now!"

Iron Fist was so excited that his face flushed red.

"Ye Beichen, yesterday's shame will be returned to you today!"

"You dared to insult me ​​yesterday, and I will kill you today, hahahaha!"

In the eyes of everyone, Ye Xinghe must die!

But Ye Xinghe was not panicking at all at this moment.

He was calculating silently in his mind: "I've given you ten breaths, it's time for you to come!"

Sure enough, at the moment when Liu Jingzhi's offensive was about to fall.

A violent roar came.

"Who dares to cause trouble in the camp!"

The next moment, an offensive started from behind Ye Xinghe and turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Liu Jingzhi's intense cyan light suddenly greeted him.

The two collided hard together.

Obviously, the power of the sea of ​​fire was far less powerful than the cyan light, and more than half of it was extinguished in an instant.

However, flames naturally restrained the wood attribute, so the two actually formed a difficult stalemate.

Behind Ye Xinghe, Wu Tianheng also strode over.

He said coldly: "Master Liu, what do you mean by taking action in the camp?"

Although Wu Tianheng took action, Liu Jingzhi didn't take it seriously.

He knew that Wu Tianheng was very straightforward and always liked to meddle in other people's business.

Let alone Ye Beichen, he would still take action even if it were someone else.

He looked at Wu Tianhengbu and shouted impatiently.

"Don't mind your own business, do you have any role to speak here?"

Liu Jingzhi is the top expert in the Qingmu Sect, and his status is respected in the Qingmu Sect.

Even the head of the Aoki Sect is somewhat afraid of him.

Therefore, Wu Tianheng was indeed nothing in front of him, and his words had no weight.

The next moment, he grabbed Ye Xinghe with one hand.

He actually wanted to capture Ye Xinghe in front of Wu Tianheng.

Wu Tianheng roared: "Liu Jingzhi, you don't take me seriously!"

Liu Jingzhi laughed wildly and said: "If you dare to stop me again, I will kill you too!"

Liu Jingzhi had no worries at all.

Before he came, he had already heard Dark Soul mention it.

This Ye Beichen is just an ordinary cultivator, with no family or sect and no influence.

Its strength is not strong either, just at level three or four.

This kind of person looks like an ant in front of Liu Jing.

How could you be afraid of him?

Liu Jingzhi himself was also an extremely thoughtful person and did not listen to Dark Soul's words.

So I asked about it specifically.

When Ye Beichen was taken out of Shen Zhenkun's tent by Wu Tianheng yesterday, Wu Tianheng looked ugly.

Then comparing the two and connecting the relationship, it is easy to explain.

This person must have taken advantage of him. Somehow, he captured Blood Shadow Shura alive and brought him here.

And he, a freeloader, has no strength.

Shen Zhenkun was naturally unwilling to give him any benefits.

But in the end, he was still given 150,000 contribution points, which can only mean one thing.

It was Shen Zhenkun who was forced to admit it!

At this time, he was quite dissatisfied with him, so Wu Tianheng had such an attitude towards him.

Since it was confirmed that Shen Zhenkun was dissatisfied with Ye Beichen, Liu Jingzhi naturally had no scruples.

The only person he fears in this camp is Shen Zhenkun.

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