Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2339 The First Disciple of the Five Elements Immortal Sect Wang Feng

Chapter 2339 The first disciple of the Five Elements Immortal Sect: Wang Feng!

Many people knelt down and begged for mercy.

But some strong-willed men shouted sternly: "If you fight with him, you'll just die!"

Ye Xinghe's expression suddenly changed.

Whether it's begging for mercy, or taking it hard.

To him, there is no difference.

With a cold expression on his face, he pointed his finger forward, and the long river of sword energy swept through him crazily.

In just an instant, Iron Fist and everyone else disappeared on the spot and turned into nothingness.

All that was left was dozens of bloody balls of light floating there.

This is the last thing Dark Soul and others left to this world!

Ye Xinghe took a deep breath.

Just inhale these dozens of blood-colored light balls into the body.

These blood-colored light balls are more powerful than those provided by the indigenous people of this world.

Of course, it is not as pure as the indigenous people in this world.

After all, those cultivated by the indigenous people in this world are all from the same origin as the Five Elements Immortal Sect.

As for these trial immortals, they don’t know their origins, some are good and some are evil.

Their powers are very noisy.

But Ye Xinghe accepted them all and directly inhaled the thirty or so light balls into his body.

Then, the familiar feeling of a crazy surge in power came over again.

Ye Xinghe directly condensed two black and yellow divine powers.

At this moment, he already has fifty-three mysterious powers!

After a while, Ye Xinghe broke away from this intoxicating feeling.

I couldn't help but feel secretly vigilant in my heart.

"This path is not the right path after all, so it's better not to get too obsessed!"

"And I always feel that it's not that simple, and it seems that there may be consequences."

Seventy percent of these thirty blood-colored light balls were provided by Dark Soul.

The remaining ones belong to Iron Fist and others.

After refining their strength, Ye Xinghe's eyes fell on the black sword.

Just now, he brought down his sword and killed the dark soul directly with a crushing gesture.

But the performance of this black sword made him slightly surprised.

Before, when facing his nameless broken sword and the red lotus world-destroying combination.

Whether the opponent was attacking, resisting, or using a long sword, they were all crushed to pieces.

But at this moment, this black sword was completely preserved.

There are only a few shallow gaps on it.

The nameless broken sword has always been unfavorable, but it didn't even cut off this long black sword.

It can be seen that this black sword is indeed quite extraordinary.

At the same time, in the nameless broken sword, the devouring feeling came crazily.

It seemed like it was about to swallow up the black sword.

In Ye Xinghe's hands, it kept beating and humming.

It seems that he can no longer control himself and wants to run towards the black sword.

This feeling was much more exciting than when it encountered the white ice sword before.

Obviously, this black sword is of extremely high level.

But Ye Xinghe thought for a moment.

When I have to use the Nameless Broken Sword next, there are still a lot of them, so it’s not a good time to devour them now.

He patted the nameless broken sword gently and laughed in a low voice: "Wait a moment, the thing will be yours sooner or later, don't worry, but it will be a few days later!"

The Wuming Broken Sword channeled the spirit, and seemed to hear what he said, and gradually stopped humming and became quiet.

Ye Xinghe put away the black sword,

Then he turned around, looked at the many Demon God Palace disciples, and walked toward them.

Those Demon God Palace disciples were very happy for him and cheered.

At this time, the face of the Nether Bone Vulture no longer looked as arrogant as before.

He put on a thick smile, which was very flattering.

He nodded and bowed: "Senior Brother Ye, you are really powerful, you really show off the power of my Demon God Palace!"

Ye Xinghe looked at him and smiled and said: "You change your face very quickly. Didn't you just ask me to punch you?"

"Why don't we come and show off?"

The Ghost Bone Vulture turned pale with fright, and quickly said flatteringly: "I was blind and offended my senior brother just now. I hope your senior brother will spare my life!"

After saying that, he fell to his knees and kowtowed repeatedly.

While slapping himself, he squeezed out a smile and said flatteringly: "Senior brother, you want to go back to the Demon God's Palace. From now on, I will be your senior brother's dog. I will do whatever you want me to do!"

Ye Xinghe pondered for a moment, but finally shook his head.

The Ghost Bone Vulture has surrendered and wants to be a dog.

For Ye Xinghe, it doesn't matter whether he is killed or not, the main thing is to look at the pros and cons.

Ye Xinghe could have accepted him.

But Ye Xinghe knew very well that the Nether Bone Vulture was a dog that was not well-raised.

Based on his temperament, if he was given the chance, he would definitely betray him.

Moreover, Ye Xinghe's plans for going to the Demon God's Palace this time were extremely ambitious and there was no room for error.

This Nether Bone Vulture is, after all, a destabilizing factor.

He has seen too much here, and his temperament is too cold.

Therefore, Ye Xinghe decided that it would be better not to suffer any future consequences!

As if he knew what Ye Xinghe was thinking, a deep sense of despair flashed across the eyes of the Nether Bone Vulture.

Suddenly there was a sound and he actually ran away.

Ye Xinghe shook his head and said softly: "I won't let you leave, can you leave!"

With one palm shot, fifty-three rays of black and yellow divine power surged out, directly killing the Ghost Bone Vulture.

He glanced at the other Demon God Palace disciples.

"From today on, you are under my command!"

"Now that I'm returning to the Demon God's Palace, does anyone have any objections?"

Ye Xinghe's move also directly shocked everyone in the Demon God Palace.

Let them realize that this person is not only their senior brother, but also a strong man in the Demon Palace.

He is also an extremely powerful and fierce person!

Naturally, they didn't dare to have any opinions.

Just as Ye Xinghe was about to leave, he suddenly paused slightly and looked into the distance.

Then he saw a figure walking over on the ridge in the distance.

Wearing a coarse cloth robe, he carried a medicine frame made of wicker on his back.

In his hand was a blunt knife like a woodcutter.

He walked over slowly and saw Ye Xinghe from a distance.

He stopped and grinned.

"You are Ye Beichen. I have heard your name, but I have never seen you. I am Wang Feng."

The words "Wang Feng" pierced everyone's ears, and immediately, the faces of many Demon God Palace disciples showed a look of fear.

"Wang Feng is actually the number one disciple of the Five Elements Immortal Sect!"

"I heard that his strength is extraordinary, even stronger than most of the elders. It's extremely terrifying!"

"Yes, this person is known as the future number one in the Five Elements Immortal Sect!"

"He hates our Demon God Palace deeply, and countless powerful people from the Demon God Palace died under his hands!"

"If we meet him here, I'm afraid we'll all die!"

Someone trembled and said, "I don't know if Senior Brother Ye is his opponent!"

The person next to him shook his head and said: "I think it's very surprising. Wang Feng has been famous for a long time. I'm afraid it's not something Ye Beichen can shake!"

Seeing this person, even Ye Xinghe's eyes revealed a hint of fear.

There are a few people in this entire Five Elements Immortal Sect camp that he cannot see through.

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