Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2349 Arrival at the Demon God’s Main City

Chapter 2349: Arriving at the Demon God's Main City!

It seemed to be covered by a thin layer of black mist.

This black mist, like a piercing sky and earth, went from the ground to the highest point.

Ye Xinghe was delighted, knowing that he had reached the range of the Demon God Palace.

At this point, Yao Yuande did not dare to catch up.

Otherwise, he would be sensed by the top masters of the Demon God Palace.

He went deep into the depths alone, and if he was surrounded by many masters of the Demon God Palace, the consequences would be worrying.

Sure enough, when Ye Xinghe stepped into the mist.

Yao Yuande just caught up with him, a hundred meters behind him.

But at this moment, he looked at the mist, with a hint of hesitation on his face, but did not dare to move forward.

Ye Xinghe stared at him, with murderous intent in his eyes.

His right hand slowly slashed out, making a gesture of cutting his throat.

Ye Xinghe pointed at him and said coldly: "Yao Yuande, I will kill you!"

Yao Yuande roared furiously: "Boy, you are arrogant!"

At this time, Ye Xinghe had already disappeared in the black mist.

Entering this black mist means officially entering the periphery of the Demon God Palace.

Ye Xinghe couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At this time, the black mist, like a living thing, suddenly penetrated into his body.

Ye Xinghe's heart moved, completely let go, and did not stop.

At the same time, the Yin-Yang compass in his body quietly operated, and the black and white colors changed.

So these black objects shuttled through his body.

But he did not sense any abnormality.

And Ye Xinghe knew.

If those righteous disciples entered this place, this black mist would be enough for them to eat a pot.

This black mist is actually a protective magic circle.

If non-Demon God Palace disciples enter it, the black mist will penetrate into the body and directly form the most violent toxin.

The power in the bodies of these righteous disciples began to boil.

The stronger the strength, the more it boiled, and the death was horrible.

This was also the most direct reason why Yao Yuande did not dare to chase in just now.

The black mist swirled in his body.

Ye Xinghe felt that his injuries had recovered a little.

These tools sprinkled into his body like sweet rain.

At this time, the Blood Shadow Shura held in his hand greedily absorbed the black mist.

Healing his body full of holes.

Ye Xinghe continued to move forward.

Soon, they met the disciples of the Demon God Palace who had escaped before.

The group was very grateful to Ye Xinghe.

Three hours later, they finally saw a slender tower that was tens of thousands of meters high and made of black stone.

At the top of the tower, there was a black light shining, forming a black light ball.

Space cracks continued to appear around.

On both sides of the black tower, there were huge walls thousands of meters high.

The city wall was also built of black stone, with the light of the magic circle flashing on it.

On the city wall, there were countless black-clad warriors patrolling.

Everyone was excited.

"We finally arrived at the Demon God City, we are safe!"

"Don't worry about those righteous dogs chasing us!"

Soon, the group came under the high wall.

On the city wall that was thousands of miles long, there was only one city gate in the south direction of where they came from.

The light of the magic circle was shrouded above and below the city wall.

The magic circle vaguely formed a huge light shield, locking it inside.

It went down deep into the ground to prevent people from infiltrating.

The only entrance was this city gate.

On the stone tablet next to it, there were four big characters written, Demon God Main City!

When the Demon God Palace was the most powerful, in addition to this Demon God Main City.

In this world, there are seventeen such Demon God Cities, controlling the entire world.

But now, their power has been extremely weak, and the other seventeen Demon God Cities have been breached.

Now there is only this one left.

"We have arrived at my destination!"

"I wonder how much benefit I can get here, and how much I can improve my cultivation!"

Ye Xinghe thought secretly, and strode to the city gate.

In front of the city gate, there were guards wearing black armor, checking the passers-by.

They were average in strength, about level three or four.

In front of Ye Xinghe, there were many disciples of the Demon God Palace, and they all entered smoothly.

When it was Ye Xinghe's turn, several people looked him up and down.

Suddenly frowned and said, "A new face, why haven't I seen it before?"

Ye Xinghe said, "I just joined the Demon God Palace not long ago. A senior took me as a disciple and then left, so this is my first time here."

"It turns out to be a newcomer."

After hearing what he said, several guards of the Demon God Palace looked at each other.

They all saw a bit of pride in each other's eyes.

Then, several people changed their faces.

They looked at the huge box behind Ye Xinghe and said coldly: "What's inside? Open it and see."

Ye Xinghe frowned.

It was Blood Shadow Shura inside. It would ruin his plan if he could open it now.

He said calmly: "What do you mean?"

"You checked it just now. I am a disciple of the Demon God Palace. My aura is correct."

"There is nothing unusual in the things inside. Why did you stop me suddenly?"

He didn't want to cause trouble. He still wanted to pass through here safely.

Unexpectedly, the guard of the Demon Palace scolded him harshly: "Who do you think you are? How dare you tell us so much!"

"Open it if you want, there's so much nonsense!"

Ye Xinghe frowned.

These people really don’t know how to praise!

The Demon God Palace guard who spoke just now grabbed the box behind him with one hand.

"We now suspect that you are harboring evil intentions, and now we want to confiscate this thing from you. Do you have any objections?"

Ye Xinghe smiled.

It turns out that these people thought that there was a treasure in their box.

So I became greedy and wanted to snatch it away!

Ye Xinghe took a deep breath.

"In this case, let me teach you a painful lesson!"

He was about to take action when suddenly, a Demon God Palace disciple came towards this side.

He shouted loudly: "What's going on?"

After seeing him, several Demon God Palace guards quickly bowed and saluted, their faces full of respect.

"I've met Lord Wolf Slayer!"

Obviously, this Demon God Palace disciple killed the wolf, and he had quite a lot of status here.

He didn't frown and asked, "What's going on?"

The Demon God Palace guard who had just embarrassed Ye Xinghe pointed at Ye Xinghe and said: "This kid has something weird hidden in him. We suspect that he has evil intentions and wants to sneak into the city to cause trouble."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the wolf-slaying master suddenly changed his expression.

The guard of the Demon Palace was secretly proud and thought: "If I offend Lord Wolf Slayer, I will die!"

But the next moment, a scene that made these guards stunned appeared.

In their eyes, they saw the arrogant Lord Wolf Killer.

But they quickly walked up to the young man who they had made things difficult for them just now.

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