Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2353 The treasure is at Ten Thousand Demons Peak

Chapter 2353 The treasure is in Ten Thousand Demons Peak!

So Blood Shadow Shura accepted him as his disciple.

Then, he originally wanted to take Blood Shadow Shura back to the Demon God Palace.

As a result, Blood Shadow Shura refused.

Instead, he saw that his strength was not weak, so he took himself into the Five Elements Immortal Sect camp.

Blood Shadow Shura used himself as bait in exchange for the opportunity to enter the Five Elements Immortal Sect's camp.

Then the two masters and apprentices gained Shen Zhenkun's trust.

Suddenly broke out and wanted to assassinate Shen Zhenkun.

But Shen Zhenkun saw through it.

As a result, Blood Shadow Shura was killed on the spot.

And he was seriously injured by Shen Zhenkun and escaped all the way.

Ming Yu continued to nod, which also matched the death time of Blood Shadow Shura.

Moreover, with his understanding of Blood Shadow Shura, he could come up with such a crazy plan.

After all, this person has always been known as a madman in the Demon God's Palace.

But for him, these things are not important.

He himself has played against Shen Zhenkun many times.

In his opinion, both Blood Shadow Shura and Ye Beichen's actions were nothing more than a small fight.

In the end, it still comes down to strength.

With his height, he would naturally not take this kind of thing seriously.

What he was more concerned about was another thing.

He turned over the body of Blood Shadow Shura and looked at it many times.

Another careful exploration.

It seems like he is looking for something.

When Ye Xinghe saw this scene, his heart moved slightly.

Then, Ming Yu asked: "What are Blood Shadow Shura's last words?"

Ye Xinghe lowered his voice, stepped forward, and whispered: "Master's last words are only six words."


Upon hearing this, Ming Yu suddenly became interested.

"Say it!"

Ye Xinghe said word by word: "The treasure is in Ten Thousand Demons Peak!"

The treasure is in Ten Thousand Demons Peak!

Upon hearing this, Ming Yu was slightly shocked.

Ten Thousand Demons Peak has already left the scope of the Demon God Palace.

It is an extremely steep and inaccessible mountain peak in the Demonic Mountains.

If you're not from the Demon God's Palace, you don't know where it is.

Not to mention that few people from the righteous path went there, not even many people from the Demon God Palace went there.

He whispered to himself: "Since you know about Ten Thousand Demons Peak, you must be from Demon God Palace!"

"I remembered that Junior Brother Blood Shadow Shura once practiced at Ten Thousand Demons Peak in his early years. He is naturally very familiar with it!"

He gave a high-five, with a bit of excitement in his eyes.

"Okay, it's Ten Thousand Demons Peak!"

When he said these words, Xueya's ears twitched slightly next to him, and he remembered them firmly.

Ye Xinghe, on the other hand, had his eyelids lowered and his eyes were calm, without any disturbance.

But in his heart, he let out a roar of joy.

"The plan is done!"

The matter of Blood Shadow Shura's last words was not what Ye Xinghe and Shen Zhenkun had agreed upon before.

But he thought of adding it after he got the treasure from Blood Shadow Shura.

Because, I didn’t know before that Blood Shadow Shura had such a treasure on his body.

Obviously, judging from Ming Yu's current reaction, they probably know that there is a treasure on Blood Shadow Shura.

But they don't know what treasure is hidden where.

Therefore, Ye Xinghe immediately made a decision.

Add this link to the plan to make it more perfect.

And create a fierce killing situation!

This killing round is not aimed at a certain person, but at the entire Demon God Palace!

Seeing that Ming Yu seemed to believe Ye Xinghe's words, the black-armored young man Xueya next to him had a cold look in his eyes.

He didn't know where the person in front of him came from.

Those in his organization have been planning and operating in this Demon Palace for many years.

For, it is a huge goal!

Absolutely no one is allowed to show up to disrupt the plan.

He suddenly sneered and said: "Boy, make it up, keep making it up, let me see what other tricks you can come up with!"

Ye Xinghe frowned and glanced at him.

He didn't really want to provoke this person, after all, he wasn't familiar with the situation yet.

He said solemnly: "Everything I said is true!"

"If you don't believe it, you can go to the Five Elements Immortal Gate Camp and you will be able to distinguish the authenticity!"

Xueya sneered: "I don't know how long it has been since I finished identifying the authenticity."

"Don't think I can't see that there is a huge flaw in your words!"

He looked arrogant and smug.

"With this flaw, it's useless no matter how extravagant your talk is!"

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "Oh, please tell me, where is the flaw?"

Xueya laughed and said: "The flaw is your strength!"

He stared at Ye Xinghe, his words full of ridicule.

"You just said that you attacked Shen Zhenkun sneakily and even injured him!"

"But what a master Shen Zhenkun is, he is a top expert who has reached level eight!"

"As for you, you are just a fourth-level cultivator. You hurt Shen Zhenkun, and you deserve it!"

His eyes were full of disdain.

"You're bragging and you don't even make a draft, so you still want to deceive the elders. You're really stupid!"

"Oh, so this is the flaw you mentioned?"

Ye Xinghe said calmly.

"What else?"

Xueya said: "You said you injured Shen Zhenkun, do you have evidence? Can you show it?"

This scene made Ming Yu frown slightly.

Just now, he focused on the treasure that Blood Shadow Shura might have left behind.

So he ignored this point.

At this moment, his face gradually turned cold, and a breath was slowly suppressed.

If Ye Xinghe gave a wrong answer, he would be killed directly!

Ye Xinghe was not panicked at all, looking at Xue Ya and said lightly: "If I can produce evidence, what can you do?"

Xue Ya sneered.

He was too familiar with the style of these trial immortals, most of whom were cunning.

Therefore, he was sure that Ye Xinghe was bluffing.

He sneered: "If you can produce evidence, I will kneel down and kowtow to you, and call you daddy!"

When he said this, Ye Xinghe was stunned for a moment.

Then he couldn't help laughing and pointed at him.

"Okay, today, I'll take your son!"

Blood Fang said coldly: "If you can't take it out."

He looked at Ming Yu and bowed: "Master, you don't have to do it, I will kill him directly, and kill him with my own hands!"

He did this for a reason.

Because only those who were killed by themselves can get the blood-colored light ball.

He now clearly regarded Ye Xinghe as his own possession.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Then please let the elder be a witness!"

At this time, seeing that Ye Xinghe still looked calm, Blood Fang couldn't help but panic.

Then, he comforted himself: "It's impossible, he can't take it out!"

But the next moment, a bloody thing appeared in Ye Xinghe's hand.

It made Blood Fang's breathing pause.

This thing is about the size of a palm, with skin and flesh.

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