Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2367 Thunder Temple’s Plan

Chapter 2367 Thunder Temple’s plan!

It is about the size of a fist, like a crystal ball, and appears translucent.

And in this crystal ball, there are three elves-like little people flying around.

But I am trapped in this crystal ball and cannot get out.

This elf-like little man is only half a finger long.

It has two transparent wings and is flying around.

They have humanoid shapes, but they have pointed green ears on their heads.

The appearance is also quite ugly.

After seeing Ye Xinghe, he immediately grinned with a ferocious look on his face.

He rushed towards him crazily.

With a 'pop', it hit the crystal barrier and was bounced back.

His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his face looked embarrassed.

The boss said from the side: "This thing is called a cross cursor. You only need to drop blood to identify its owner."

"Now it's ownerless and there are three little things inside."

"Whenever you want to mark someone, you only need to think silently in your mind, send a small thing to jump on him, and then you can sense his location."

"Of course, it's not that precise, but it's roughly a hundred meters in radius, so there's no problem."

Ye Xinghe nodded, this thing is quite practical.

It can also be used in his next plan.

He put the object away, glanced at the boss, and swung the Broken Sword of Ignorance in his hand.

He was not prepared to leave this man alive.

The boss suddenly said sternly: "Spare my life, I have an extremely important clue that I can tell you!"

"This secret is enough to buy my life!"

The nameless broken sword in Ye Xinghe's hand suddenly stopped.

It was only an inch away from his throat.

His eyes were stern, his expression was calm, and he said in a deep voice: "Now tell me this clue."

The boss swallowed hard.

"After I tell you, you have to let me go!"

Ye Xinghe smiled slightly.

"You have no room for bargaining. If you don't tell me, you will die now!"

"Tell me, I might spare you."

The boss said sternly: "Okay, then don't even think about knowing this secret. I won't tell you even if I die!"

Ye Xinghe nodded solemnly.

"Okay, then I'll make it happen for you!"

The next moment, the Wuming Broken Sword slashed towards his throat without hesitation.

The boss was scared to death.

He originally thought that the bait he threw out, coupled with the threat, would be enough to make the people in front of him flutter.

Unexpectedly, he acted so fiercely and decisively!

He was about to be killed immediately after a disagreement.

This is completely different from what I expected!

He was so frightened that he shouted repeatedly: "Stop, stop, I say, I will say anything!"

At this moment, he felt that the edge of the sword was cold.

A deep wound had been cut into his throat, and blood was pouring out.

Ye Xinghe's mouth revealed a touch of sarcasm: "Why ask for trouble?"

The boss was so frightened that he no longer dared to play any tricks.

Only then did he realize the tricks and tricks of his past experiences.

In front of this young man, it has no effect!

I regretted even more in my heart: "Why did you provoke him!"

He turned the dead blade over and over again and cursed it dozens of times.

But he didn't dare to stop talking, and said quickly: "This secret is about the Thunder Temple!"

"Thunder Temple?"

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows.

This was the second time he heard this name.

The last time, I heard it from Bloody Fang.

"That's right, Thunder Temple!"

The boss quickly said: "This Thunder Temple is currently the strongest force in this world, except for the Tianxia Alliance!"

"However, the Tianxia Alliance only wants to do business and is not very interested in anything else."

"So, the Thunder Temple is already the strongest combat power!"

The boss continued: "In just ten days, there will be a big operation in the Thunder Temple!"

"What big move?"

The boss said word by word: "They want to hunt down a big shot in the Five Elements Immortal Sect for an extremely precious magic weapon in his hand!"

When Ye Xinghe heard this, his heart was slightly shocked.

This piece of information is indeed very valuable and can be worth his life.

He can be considered by the Thunder Temple as a big shot in the Five Elements Immortal Sect.

I'm afraid it won't be lower than the level of the master of the Five Elements Immortal Sect.

But, who could it be?

And he is at the level of the leader of the Five Elements Immortal Sect. At the same time, the magic weapon in his hand is favored by the Thunder God Temple.

The level of the magic weapon in his hand is probably extremely high, and will definitely surpass the ninth-grade magic weapon.

It may even be related to the origin of this world!

Ye Xinghe suddenly thought of the ancient legend in this world.

The treasure that fell from the sky.

Could it be that the magic weapon in this person's hand is related to that treasure?

Ye Xinghe looked at the boss and suddenly asked: "What do you call him?"

The boss took a deep breath and felt relieved, knowing that his life was saved.

He said solemnly: "Just call me Morinda."

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "How did you know about the plan of Thunder Temple?"

Logically speaking, the Thunder God's move should be extremely concealed.

Morinda smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about this. The team of three of us is quite strong and has some reputations."

"Thunder God wants to do this big thing, but is afraid that something will happen if we don't have enough strength."

"So we have roped in some of the more powerful peripheral teams like us."

Ye Xinghe nodded.

Suddenly he turned his hand and a green pill appeared in his hand.

Around the green pill, light shines, and the light and shadow change.

One moment it transformed into a small tree, and the next moment it transformed into the shape of tree roots.

The roots of the tree were densely packed, with hundreds of them.

On each tree root, there are barbs, shining with blue light.

This pill is obviously emerald green, a color full of life.

But when people look at it, they feel shuddering.

The next moment, Ye Xinghe directly stuffed the object into Morinda's mouth.

In an instant, the object entered the throat and turned into a green light, which directly entered Morinda's body.

Morinda's expression changed.

"You, what did you give me to eat?"

He dug hard with his hands, wanting to retching.

But no matter what, I couldn't spit it out.

At this time, he felt a green light penetrate into his body and take root in his internal organs.

It was as if countless dense tree roots sprouted instantly and pierced his own internal organs.

His internal organs couldn't help but tighten.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "This thing is called Wood Spirit Gu. I wonder if you have heard of it?"

Morinda's face even turned pale with a 'swish' expression.

"It turns out to be the Gu of the Wood Spirit!"

He has naturally heard of this thing's evil reputation.

Even if he has never been to the Five Elements Immortal Sect, he still knows.

This wood spirit poison is a famous poison in the world of the Demon Lord.

It is refined from the Qingmu Gate of the Five Elements Immortal Sect.

It is said that it is made from the essence contained in the roots of ninety-nine kinds of different trees.

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