Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2375 The phantom array rises to lure you into the urn

Chapter 2375 The phantom formation rises to lure you into the urn!

For others, he can easily complete tasks that are difficult to achieve.

And just when Ye Xinghe guessed that even if the opponent got the formation map, they would not be able to launch a counterattack.

In other words, although I intervened, it would not change the final outcome.

So, what is there to hesitate about?

Naturally, he is unscrupulous and wants to complete this task!

Because this contribution value is like falling from the sky for free!

If it would change the final situation, Ye Xinghe would not do it.

Because that is absolutely intolerable to him.

What he wants is to continue this situation according to his ideas!

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Of course I know, otherwise, I wouldn't come to you."

"Although this is extremely confidential, if anyone can get it, Senior Brother Wang, you must be one of them!"

Wang Feng frowned and said: "Is it possible that the Demon Palace is going to attack the frontline camp in a large scale, so does it need this formation map?"

Ye Xinghe felt happy.

Since he asked this, it meant that he could indeed get it.

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "Do you think there is still enough energy left to attack the Demon God Palace now?"

"Don't worry, even if they get it, it's absolutely impossible for them to go."

Wang Feng felt slightly reassured and said calmly: "I can get it, but what can I get?"

He frowned and said: "I think you will get a lot of benefits from the Demon God Palace in this matter."

"But for you, I threw away a task worth 10,000 contribution points and wasted five days going back and forth."

A smile appeared on Ye Xinghe's mouth.

He could naturally sense Wang Feng's dissatisfaction.

In fact, it is normal.

After all, the two people only had a verbal contract, not even allies.

And I called him all the way here, letting him waste these few days.

For him, it was definitely a very big loss.

What's more, it would put him in danger.

It's normal for him to be dissatisfied.

The relationship between the two has not reached that level yet.

However, Ye Xinghe was already prepared.

He smiled and said: "Senior Brother Wang, this is not in vain for you to help me."

"I brought you a meeting gift!"

"Oh, a meeting gift?"

Wang Feng's eyes suddenly lit up.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "I wonder, how much contribution points can you get after hunting an eighth-level master of the Demon God Palace?"

Wang Feng suddenly breathed heavily, with a look of horror on his face.

The price of an eighth-level master at the Five Elements Immortal Sect is 100,000 contribution points.

For him, 100,000 contribution points is also a huge amount.

He usually works for ten days and a half, but he has never earned so much contribution value!

But he was also an extremely cautious person and said in a deep voice: "Where is this person and what is his strength?"

Ye Xinghe smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, his strength should be comparable to yours, but if you add me, it will be different!"

Wang Feng was a little anxious: "Where is he?"

Ye Xinghe felt it carefully, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly.


"He has now entered within a radius of twenty miles and will be there in a moment!"

"How about Senior Brother Wang, are you satisfied with this meeting gift?"

Wang Feng nodded and said in a deep voice: "That's it, it's a deal!"

"You help me hunt it down today, and I will hand over the formation map to you later."

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows.

"You actually carry the formation chart with you?"

Wang Feng said proudly: "When this camp was built, I was beside my mentor and participated in the whole process. I know everything about it!" "If you want it now, I can do it for you directly, and I guarantee there will be no mistakes!"

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but look surprised.

He originally thought that he already knew Wang Feng well enough.

Only now do I realize that it’s still not enough.

This person turned out to be an extremely skilled formation mage!

You know, the magic circle is not something that can be drawn just by looking at it and understanding it by ordinary people.

If you want to draw it, you need to study the formation carefully.

This can only be done by integrating your body into the magic circle and becoming an extremely powerful magician.

He nodded silently, and the two figures quietly disappeared.

After a while, the purple robe figure arrived.

He frowned and whispered to himself: "Why did that boy disappear?"

But he clearly felt that the aura representing that boy was here.

It even overlaps somewhat with myself.

He immediately lowered his head and looked into the pitch-black abyss below.

A knowing smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It seems that they discovered me and wanted to escape."

"Unfortunately, it's too late to escape now!"

The next moment, his figure plummeted towards the black abyss.

Ye Beichen is under this abyss!

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

The moment he stepped into the entrance of the abyss.

This space suddenly experienced violent fluctuations.

The space in front of me is shattered.

He suddenly discovered that there was an abyss in front of him.

When this space is shattered, there is nothing but a deep pit with a radius of several hundred meters and a depth of about three or four meters above the ground.

The figure in purple robe was suddenly shocked.

"This is actually an extremely brilliant formation illusion, and even my perception has been blocked!"

But he didn't care either.

It's just a deep pit of just a few meters, how can it trap anyone?

But the next moment, his expression changed drastically.

At the bottom of the pit, the fallen leaves used as cover exploded to pieces.

The magic circle below was revealed.

In the magic circle, countless rays of light rise brightly.

These rays of light form lines that rise directly into the sky.

In an instant, it enveloped him and turned into a large formation.

This large formation has a radius of 100 meters.

Countless golden lines formed like a cage, trapping him inside.

Moreover, these threads are not limited to the entire array.

But suddenly, like poisonous snakes, they wrapped themselves around his limbs.

And it pierced directly into his body.

In an instant, the purple-robed man felt severe pain all over his body, as if he was being torn apart.

He was shocked.

"I didn't expect that Ye Beichen turned out to be a powerful formation master!"

"He actually has this hidden identity!"

He realized at this moment that this guy was someone he had never considered.

I'm afraid that if it's hidden, it's a tough one!

However, he was not afraid.

He is also an eighth-level master of the Martial God Realm.

Since this pursuit, he has been assassinated one after another, and his anger has exploded in his heart.

He roared wildly: "Baby, I'm an eighth-level master. With this little trick, do you think you can plot against me?"

Instantly, purple light surged out of his body, sweeping through his limbs and bones.

Like a purple fire dragon.

All the threads that penetrated deep into his body were immediately shattered.

The purple fire dragon rolled up and spread outwards along the thread, burning away.

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