Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2394: If you want to beat me, I will do it for you

Chapter 2394 If you want to fight, I will help you!

As soon as the words "Singing Dragon Squad" came out, there was a commotion in the crowd.

"I heard that the Singing Dragon Team is quite a famous team in Taixu Shengjing!"

"Yes, I heard that they have seven or eight core staff and thirty or forty peripheral staff. They have already spent at least five mission worlds!"

"It turns out they are members of the Minglong Team. No wonder they are so strong. This should not be underestimated!"

"With them joining us, tomorrow's mission will be easier!"

Many people had a burning look in their eyes.

Some people are even rolling their eyes, thinking about how to hug their thighs and build a good relationship with them.

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows.

He had also heard of the reputation of the Crying Dragon Team.

They entered the world of the Demon Lord very early.

However, he has been obsessed with various tasks and collecting contribution points.

So they are rarely in the main city of the Demon God.

This is the first time I have dealt with them since I came here.

Ye Xinghe nodded and said: "No problem, there are eight of you, one hundred and sixty Taixu Jade Slips, please hand them over first."

"Then sign a contract and I will take 30% of all contribution value."

After that, the contract was slapped in front of them.

The middle-aged man in black robe smiled slightly at this time, with a look of pride on his face.

He looked down at Ye Xinghe: "You may not have understood the situation."

"We, the Minglong Team, are joining us. It will be a huge honor for you!"

"You still care about us charging 160 Taixu Jade Slips, and you still take 30% of the contribution value from us?"

He tapped his fingers on the table in front of Ye Xinghe.

"Boy, you are a bit shameless!"

Ye Xinghe's eyes instantly narrowed.

The style of the Minglong Team is obvious.

This is about taking advantage of the situation and joining directly without paying any price.

This is something Ye Xinghe absolutely cannot tolerate.

Once the rules are set, they must be followed.

Otherwise, as long as they dare to break this rule.

Next, no one will listen to you.

My own plan cannot be carried out at all, and it will immediately go to waste!

They are here to destroy their own jobs and take their own lives.

Ye Xinghe is also rude!

He looked at the middle-aged man in black robe and said calmly: "I set the rules and gave you the tasks."

"If you don't comply, then get out of here!"

After that, he waved his hand and motioned for them to leave.

Everyone in the Minglong Team looked at each other, saw a look of astonishment on each other's faces, and roared in disbelief.

"Boy, do you know who our team is?"

"Your name is Ye Beichen, right? You're just a little-known ordinary trial immortal. You dare to compete with our Dragon Crying Team? What do you think you are?"

"We are willing to join just to give you face, to give you something shameless!"

Among the Singing Dragon team, a burly man strode out.

His eyes were cold and he sneered: "Since you are shameless, I will break your limbs and pull out your tongue. Then we will see if you still dare to speak harshly!"

He looked at the middle-aged man in black robe and asked, "Brother Wolfsbane, can I do it?"

The middle-aged man in black robes, Wolf Venom, said calmly: "Be careful with your actions, don't kill anyone."

The burly man chuckled: "Don't worry, brother, I'm measured!"

After that, he killed directly towards Ye Beichen.

At this time everyone was in an uproar.

"You, the Minglong Team, are really overbearing, but you still want to take action against Ye Beichen!"

"Brothers, come on, they are going to ruin everyone's financial path, we can't let them attack Ye Beichen!"

The crowd was surging, and they were all standing in front of Ye Beichen.

But these people are of ordinary strength, and in the eyes of the Minglong Team, they are nothing more than a mob.

How to take them seriously?

The burly man sneered: "Get out of here, or I'll take care of you too!"

The middle-aged man in black robe, Wolf Venom, felt relieved at this time.

Looking at Ye Xinghe, he said with a bit of sarcasm: "I thought you had something to rely on, but it turned out that you relied on these rabble?" "Haha, just this group of people, no matter how many people there are, they are not worth mentioning!"

While he was talking, the burly man was already throwing and kicking him.

Directly clear out all the people standing in front of him.

In front of him, there was only Ye Xinghe.

He rubbed his fists and said with a ferocious smile: "You know how to hide behind other people's backs, let's see how I kill you!"

Ye Xinghe also waved his hand, signaling the ordinary trial disciples to step aside.

If they go up, they will die in vain.

He took a deep breath.

It seems that I need to show some strength!

He had already expected this scene before him.

There must be some unruly people who want to take advantage but don't want to pay any price.

"In that case, then"

The black and yellow divine power in Ye Xinghe's body slowly surged.

This burly Han is at the seventh level of the Martial God Realm. Ye Xinghe can blow him up with just one punch!

He hooked his fingers: "Since you want to be beaten, I will help you!"

The burly man roared wildly and charged towards Ye Xinghe.

Wolfsbane looked calm, as if he was sure of victory.

But vaguely, Wolfsbane felt a little uneasy.

The people around him looked at him and others in a strange way.

Tested with a bit of mockery and pity.

The look in his eyes made Wolfsbane feel an indescribable discomfort in his heart.

"What do they mean?"

"What do they mean by their looks, are they mocking us?"

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Our Minglong team is so strong, how can we deal with Ye Beichen?"

"It's just a person I've never heard of. If you kill him, you'll just kill him. What kind of waves can he cause?"

The voices in his heart were echoing crazily.

Forcibly suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, he looked at the burly man.

As long as the burly man makes a move, he can test the depth of Ye Beichen!

At this moment, a lazy voice came.

"To do it in front of me would be too disrespectful to me!"

Then, a black light suddenly emerged.

With a 'bang' sound, it hit the burly man.

The tyrannical power flows like waves, one after another.

The first wave knocked back the burly man.

The second wave beat his arms to pieces, leaving them a bloody mess.

The third wave shocked him so much that he spat out blood, and his body slammed into the crowd of the Minglong Team.

After knocking over several people, he stopped.

Suddenly, the Minglong team was beaten into a state of disarray.

Wolfbane said in shock: "Who took action?"

Before he finished speaking, there was a 'pop' sound and a slap was slapped on his face.

Wolfsbane had a sinister look on his face and was about to have an attack.

But after seeing clearly the person who slapped him, he immediately changed into a smile.

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