Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2397: Kneel down and kowtow to apologize.

Chapter 2397: Kneel down and kowtow, apologize!

Bai Yushuo suddenly had a layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

He looked at Ye Xinghe with a smile on his face and apologized again and again.

"It's my fault, it's my fault!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

This is Bai Yushuo!

Among the top masters in the Demon God Palace, he was so respectful to Ye Beichen!

When Ye Beichen faced him, he even acted in a condescending manner.

He even expressed his dissatisfaction to Bai Yushuo, but Bai Yushuo didn't even dare to refute!

This scene made everyone stupid.

How strong is Ye Beichen's background?

Who is supporting him?

At this moment, everyone looked at Ye Xinghe with a little more indescribable fear and fear.

At this moment, they suddenly realized that this person was still unclear.

There seem to be countless mysteries behind it.

This elder's name is Bai Yushuo, and he is a close confidant of the Demon God's Palace Master.

Although his strength and status are not as good as those of the chief elder Ming Yu.

But the relationship with the Demon God Palace Master is deeper.

He was also sent here by the Demon God Palace Master to fully cooperate with Ye Xinghe.

Therefore, what happened today was due to his dereliction of duty.

It was normal for Ye Xinghe to vent his dissatisfaction to him.

What he wants now is to quickly appease Ye Xinghe.

He must not be allowed to say this in front of the Demon God Palace Master.

In that case, he will definitely be severely criticized by the palace master.

Therefore, what Bai Yushuo is thinking about now is how to remedy the situation.

He asked Ye Xinghe: "I wonder what Mr. Ye wants?"

As a result, Ye Beichen stared at Helenxian and said coldly: "I just said, I want him to kneel down and kowtow to me and apologize!"

Helenxian said sternly: "How dare you, boy!"

"How dare you ask me to apologize to you? Who do you think you are!"

Although he had just been dealt with by Bai Yushuo.

However, the arrogance of being the elder of the Demon God Palace is still there, and he is still arrogant now.

Bai Yushuo's eyes were stunned, and he stretched out his hand directly, grabbing his back collar.

He mentioned him in front of Ye Xinghe.

Then she pressed his neck and asked him to kneel down.

Helenxian roared: "Bai Yushuo, how dare you do this to me!"

Bai Yushuo roared angrily: "You almost destroyed my Demon God Palace just now!"

"Asking you to kowtow and apologize is an understatement. If you ask me, I should kill you directly!"

The power in his hand pressed down crazily. Helenxian's strength could not compete with it and he could no longer hold it.

There was a crisp sound of 'click', and the knee broke directly.

With a 'bang' sound, he fell to his knees.

Then Bai Yushuo pressed his head and knocked it to the ground with "bang bang bang bang" several times.

The force was so great that in an instant, a deep hole was made in front of him.

He Lunxian was so embarrassed that his forehead was bleeding.

And Ye Xinghe had no intention of saving face for Heron Xian.

Helenxian just wanted to kill him and seize his own inheritance.

Then be prepared to be played to death!

Ye Xinghe stepped forward, pulled Helenxian's hair, and asked him to look up at him.

Ye Xinghe said with a ferocious smile: "You were so arrogant just now!"

With a 'pop' sound, a slap hit him on the face.

Helenxian roared: "How dare you!"

Ye Xinghe laughed: "Do you think I dare?"

Another slap on his face.

"You still want to take away my inheritance!"

Another slap.

"You still want to kill me!"

Another slap.

"Blinding your dog eyes!"

Ye Xinghe cursed and slapped him hard on the face.

Just hit his face like a pig's head.

Ye Xinghe slapped Helen Xian hard on the face one slap after another.

In other words, it was slapped on Demon God Palace's face.

Many masters of Demon God Palace felt that their faces were ugly and their face was disgraced.

But no one dared to stop it.

Bai Yushuo made it very clear just now.

Ye Beichen's words are his words.

He, the top three elders and the top powerful figure in the Demon God Palace, stood here.

Who dares to raise any questions about Ye Xinghe's behavior?

After a moment, Ye Xinghe kicked Heron Xian away.

He stared at Bai Yushuo and said coldly: "I have to be careful about his revenge. You have to keep an eye on me. If I make any mistakes, it must be Helenxian who did it!"

These words directly blocked the revenge brewing in Helenxian's heart.

Bai Yushuo said sinisterly: "Don't worry, I will keep an eye on him day and night!"

"If he dares to attack you, I will kill him directly!"

Ye Xinghe laughed: "Okay!"

Helenxian lost all face and was slapped in the face in public. He was extremely angry and hated.

But he did not dare to have any dissatisfaction with Ye Xinghe.

He turned his head sharply and turned his attention to Wolfsbane and the others.

Wolfbane immediately felt an extremely bad feeling in his heart and retreated hurriedly.

But how could Helenxian let them go?

He yelled wildly: "It's all your fault!"

"If it weren't for you, how could I have ended up in this situation!"

He immediately threw down Wolf Venom and the others, severely injuring Wolf Venom with one palm.

Then he took another move and tore the arm of another burly man alive.

Screams suddenly sounded.

The Minglong Squadron suffered a large number of casualties in an instant.

Heronxian roared angrily, and every time he made a move, someone would be killed or injured.

In the blink of an eye, the Crying Dragon team was beaten to pieces by him, with dead and wounded everywhere, and they screamed repeatedly.

It was as if he had vented his anger.

He yelled a few more times before turning around and leaving.

Only Wolfsbane and the others were left filled with regret.

Why did my group of people, deceived by lard, plot against Ye Beichen, and ended up with heavy losses?

After experiencing this incident, everyone has more confidence in Ye Xinghe.

In the end, the number of people who signed up reached almost 400.

Ye Xinghe collected a total of eight thousand from the Taixu Jade Slips alone.

Of course, he doesn't know yet.

What exactly do these eight thousand Taixu Jade Slips mean to a person who is experiencing the world of missions for the first time.

On the third day, the Devil's Square was bustling with people coming and going.

More than four hundred people were waiting here early in the morning.

After seeing Ye Xinghe appear, everyone cheered.

Ye Xinghe looked at everyone and smiled and said: "Let's go, everyone, I will take you there."

He said no nonsense and walked outside.

At the edge of the Demon God's Square, the faces of the other Trial Immortals who did not join had expressions of envy on their faces.

Either they were short of money and couldn't afford the twenty Taixu Jade Slips.

Or, he is suspicious of Ye Xinghe.

Of course, there are also some groups, such as the Tianxia Alliance and the Thunder Temple.

They are still waiting and watching.

In front of the treasure house, everyone from the Thunder Temple gathered there.

Looking at Ye Xinghe and others leaving, there was a bit of contemplation and eagerness in their eyes.

Gu Chining had already made it very clear.

If this time proves not to be a trap, then they will be allowed to join Ye Beichen's mission.

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