Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2399 The Seventh Lord of the Thunder Temple

Chapter 2399: The Seventh Lord of the Thunder Temple!

They saw that there was blood everywhere, and the traces of the battle were extremely tragic.

At this time, a person was lying on the ground, apparently dead.

The other person, although bruised and bruised, still stood proudly.

It was Ye Beichen!

He held the nameless broken sword in his hand, breathing heavily, but his face was full of smiles.

A voice roared in Ye Xinghe's heart.

"I did it!"

“I have completely mastered the breakthroughs I have made during this period!”

"Now even if I face a strong person in the middle stage of the eighth level of the Martial God Realm, I can still fight!"

"And if I use the Seven-Colored Divine Dragon Body, I can even kill the mid-eighth level of the Martial God Realm!"

However, Ye Xinghe can also feel it.

This is your limit.

At most, you can just buy some props and magic weapons to slightly improve your combat effectiveness.

At critical moments, it has the ability to turn the tide of the war.

But it would be difficult for him to do more.

And at the same moment, on the Devil's Square.

Those trial immortals who stayed there and did not participate in this mission suddenly let out exclamations one after another.

"Look, the rankings have changed!"

"White Monkey, this kid White Monkey has never been very powerful. He has always only had a contribution value of 20,000 or 30,000. Now he actually has a contribution value of 80,000, and he has reached the top dozens!"

"Yes, Tie Ying is the one who has the best relationship with me and knows his strength best. This guy is not even as good as me. He now has a contribution value of 100,000!"

"God, how is this possible!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, looking at the earth-shaking changes on the list of contribution values.

Countless names that were unfamiliar to them rushed up from the bottom.

Keep rushing to the top thirty, the top twenty, or even the top ten!

And there are many veteran strong men who have always made a lot of contributions, but they were directly overthrown and suppressed to death.

This scene that happened made everyone stunned at first, then in an uproar, and then almost crazy.

These people basically all know about Ye Xinghe.

However, due to various reasons, I couldn't go.

At this time, waiting in the Demon God's Square is also to witness whether Ye Xinghe lied.

I also want to see how much contribution everyone has received.

Now, they were directly stimulated by this scene and almost went crazy!

Especially when they see some people who are far less powerful than themselves and whose contribution value is far less than their own.

After receiving the high contribution value at this moment, their eyes were all red.

"No matter what, I will participate in the next mission!"

"That's right, even if Ye Beichen is asked to hand over a thousand Taixu jade slips this time, I have to participate, damn it!"

"That's right, you have to participate even if you lose all your money!"

"This is a contribution worth tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands!"

The crowd seemed to be going crazy, roaring again and again.

Some people's eyes were even red with jealousy written all over them.

"Damn it, Tie Ying can get 100,000 contribution points, but if I go, I can get at least 200,000 contribution points!"

"Yes, oh, what a pity, we hesitated before and they took advantage of us!"

Many people beat their chests and regretted extremely.

It's not just them.

At this moment, in the distance, Thunder God Temple and everyone from the Tianxia Alliance were watching this scene.

Their faces all darkened.

Especially everyone in the Thunder Temple, their eyes fell on Gu Chining, and they were quite unkind.

Many people before them proposed that they want to participate in Ye Beichen's mission.

As a result, Gu Chining stopped him abruptly, insisting that everyone wait and watch again.

At this moment, many people are filled with anger.

A man with a sinister look finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He shouted coldly: "Gu Chining, look at the good things you have done!"

"Damn it, these losers whose names I haven't even heard of can get a contribution value of thirty-five thousand."

"You can all ride on me now, but I let them compete with each other. Who are they?"

He roared madly, feeling extremely angry.

And what he said also resonated with everyone.

This is what everyone thinks.

The average strength of these Thunder Temple masters is at the eighth level of the Martial God Realm.

He has always been arrogant and looked down upon the ordinary trial immortals.

As a result, at this time, their ranking in the contribution list was surpassed one by one by those who looked down upon them at all.

Watching these people frantically collecting contribution points.

How could they endure it?

Another expert, who was thin and hiding in the darkness, also said coldly: "Gu Chining, you have to give everyone an explanation!" Gu Chining said coldly: "What's the explanation?"

"I'll make the decision here. If you have any questions, I'll tell you after I return."

"When the time comes, whether it's killing or beheading, I will naturally bear the responsibility!"

"Can you afford it?"

The person who spoke first sneered: "You acted too cautiously, causing us to lose hundreds of thousands or millions of contribution points. Can you afford it?"

"Are you going to compensate us for the contribution value we have lost?"

These words left Gu Chining speechless.

Gu Chining also felt extremely regretful.

But at this moment, I can only hold on.

The two sides were arguing fiercely, and it seemed that Gu Chi Ning was about to lose control of these Thunder God Temple masters.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind them.

"Have you all argued enough?"

The voice was calm, but it carried an indescribable majesty.

When everyone heard it, they were all shocked, half-knelt on the ground, and said respectfully: "Meet the Seventh Palace Master!"

A figure appeared from behind everyone.

He didn't know when he came, just appeared out of thin air.

If this scene was seen by other trial immortals, they would be scared to death.

But if you want to enter the mission world, you need to accept the mission and be teleported in by the Taixu Lord.

And he, as if he was strolling in his own back garden, came here as he said, very easily.

This is a rather majestic middle-aged man in a purple robe, with a green thunder pattern embroidered on his robe.

And from the way others addressed him, we can know.

This person turned out to be the Seventh Palace Master of the Thunder God Temple.

It is said that there are seven masters in the Thunder God Temple, each of whom is extremely powerful.

The Thunder God Temple has been passed down in the Taixu Holy Land for many years and has a huge influence.

There are many disciples in the Thunder God Temple, from newcomers who have just entered the Taixu Holy Land to seniors who have experienced many worlds.

Among these endless masters, the seven masters are the well-deserved core.

This seventh master is definitely an extremely terrifying strong man.

After his arrival, everyone suddenly became quiet.

He frowned and said, "How come the people of my Thunder God Temple have become a mob?"

"What are you making so much noise about? What's going on!"

Several people answered his question in unison.

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