Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2407 The Four Great Masters Arrive Together

Chapter 2407 The four masters arrive hand in hand!

At this time, the Demon God Palace Master coughed slightly.

She looked at Ye Xinghe with a hint of warning.

Ye Xinghe understood in his heart and laughed loudly: "Okay, eight hundred Taixu Jade Slips!"

"The honor of opening the Eight-Gate Golden Lock Formation is given to the God of Thunder!"

Everyone in Thunder Temple cheered for joy.

Soon, they arrived at the field.

Ye Xinghe collected the eight hundred Taixu Jade Slips, explained to them, and turned around to leave.

Yes, Ye Xinghe said this deliberately at this time.

Because, if he wants to ask, who is willing to open the eight-door golden lock array.

I'm afraid everyone will become suspicious and wonder what dangers there may be.

No one signed up at all.

Not to mention paying the price to open these eight golden lock formations.

However, Ye Xinghe made such a clever change of subject.

But it is a benefit that treats the opening of the Eight-door Golden Lock Formation as a rare commodity.

In this way, it will immediately attract everyone to grab it.

Ye Xinghe's purpose was to let others open the eight-door Golden Lock Formation.

As for the price it can fetch, he doesn't care.

At this time, many experts from the Thunder Temple gathered beside the eight-door golden lock formation.

In the middle is Gu Chining.

He took a deep breath, and according to what Ye Xinghe said, strength poured in.

With a 'click' sound, the eight-door golden lock array was opened.

One after another power circulates within it, and light blooms in the eight-door golden lock formation.

A figure began to appear, slowly becoming solid.

But no one noticed that at this moment, Ye Xinghe was already hiding.

He quietly hid in the crowd.

For a while, he was nowhere to be found.

When the figure in the eight-door golden lock formation became clear.

Everyone in the Thunder Temple was slightly stunned.

It turned out that according to the previous practice.

There are dozens of people who appear in the Eight Gate Golden Lock Formation every time.

But this time, only four people showed up.

There are men, women, old and young, wearing robes of different colors.

After seeing them, Gu Chining frowned in shock and said, "Why are there only four of them?"

"Why are there so few people here this time? There's not enough to share!"

The seventh hall master frowned, vaguely feeling something bad.

Everyone in the Thunder Temple was gearing up, excitedly preparing to attack them.

On the outer high platform, many trial immortals were screaming crazily.

Still unaware that a crisis is coming!

At this time, among the four people, there was a middle-aged man wearing white clothes, slender and handsome.

He looked at them and smiled and said, "Do you think the number of four of us is too small and not enough for you to share?"

But at this time, after they appeared.

Even the many masters of the Demon God Palace who had fallen into a dead silence finally came to their senses.

They gasped and shouted in shock: "It's actually them!"

It turned out that the four people who appeared were actually the four heads of the five immortal sects!

Except for Yao Yuande, who had already died before, the other four leaders actually arrived together at this time!

Four top experts appear as the first batch!

Ming Yu, the chief elder of Demon God Palace, reacted immediately.

He was trembling all over, roaring crazily with an almost hoarse voice.

"Come on, all the masters, come on!"

"Hurry up and interrupt the passage, don't let the powerful people from the Five Elements Immortal Sect come again!"

What a joke, the first batch was already the four heads of the Five Elements Immortal Sect.

These four masters are enough to overthrow the Demon God Palace.

The four of them can match the strength of the Demon God Palace.

How is it possible that other powerful people from the Five Elements Immortal Sect are allowed to appear again!

At this time, any powerful person from the Five Elements Immortal Sect appears again.

For the Demon God Palace, it is a fatal blow and a catastrophe!

But he said it was too late.

At this moment, Jian Lingtian and others looked at each other and roared loudly.

The next moment, the four of them took action.

The leader of the Platinum Sect, the leader of the Lieyan Sect, the leader of the Aoki Sect, and the leader of the Black Water Sect.

The weakest among the four top masters has also reached the middle stage of the eighth level of the Martial God Realm.

This is simply a crushing gesture!

Jian Lingtian stabbed out with his sword.

He directly pierced the throat of a strong man from the Thunder Temple who was at the eighth level of the Martial God Realm, and blood flew out.

He turned around and slashed the other man in half with his sword.

On the other side, Shen Zhenkun roared continuously, shooting out flames with his palms.

He immediately beat the two people in front of him into charcoal.

The head of the Qingmu Sect pointed forward with the long sword in his hand.

Countless giant trees appeared out of thin air and turned into giant tree men.

With one punch, the eighth-level warrior in front of him was beaten to pieces.

The head of the Black Water Sect faced the seventh hall master, but he did not fall behind, forcing him to retreat continuously.

Almost instantly, the Thunder God Palace, one of the strongest combat powers in the Demon God Palace.

He was almost beaten to a pulp.

Everyone in the Thunder Temple was dumbfounded, screaming and roaring in surprise.

"What's going on? Didn't you say that getting contribution points is as easy as picking up money?"

"Didn't you say that the strength of these people from the Five Elements Immortal Sect is very low?"

"Why are they so strong!"

"Yes, half of our brothers died in just one moment!"

"Damn it, where did these four people come from and how can they be so powerful?"

"I've been fooled. It's not what Ye Beichen said at all!"

"Where is Ye Beichen? I'm going to kill him!"

Everyone in Thunder Temple almost collapsed.

Only the Lord of the Seventh Hall is still stable at this time.

He roared continuously, and in an instant, he launched dozens of his strongest attacks to stabilize his position.

He also invited everyone to come behind him and rely on each other.

At this time, it can be considered that there are no more casualties.

At this moment, many powerful men in the Demon God Palace were already approaching.

But Jian Lingtian and others were already prepared.

He let out a long roar, and the four of them formed a formation.

Immediately, the surrounding area was guarded like an iron barrel, not even a trace was exposed.

And among them is the eight-door golden lock formation.

At this moment, the eight-door golden lock formation was filled with light.

Groups of powerful Five Elements Immortal Sects appeared one after another.

The most powerful elders, protectors, top masters, etc. of the Five Elements Immortal Sect are constantly emerging.

Jian Lingtian and others only persisted for a moment.

The number of powerful people who have appeared in the Five Elements Immortal Sect has already reached hundreds!

Moreover, there are still more to come.

This time, the Five Elements Immortal Sect has brought out all its elites and brought all the masters.

He killed everyone in the Demon Palace so much that they were stunned!

Seeing this scene, the Demon God Palace Master knew it.

Today's matter has reached a desperate situation.

She didn't have time to go to Ye Beichen to settle the score, so she yelled loudly: "Kill all the disciples of the Demon God Palace!"

"Give it your all, give it your all!"

Amidst the long roar, she flew across the sky like a black horse.

He directly met Jian Lingtian, the number one master of the righteous path.

The two of them were instantly killed, and they were evenly matched.

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