Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2621 You were fooled

Chapter 2621 You were fooled!

It was so smooth that both of them were a little surprised.

During this process, the black-robed strongman only used a few attacks.

It was quite slight and was easily blocked.

There was a hint of ecstasy in E Hua Zang's eyes.

He laughed wildly and said: "Ye Xinghe, I can kill him without you!"

"This bitch is much weaker than we thought. As long as you get close, it is vulnerable to a hit!"

At this time, he was extremely arrogant

Moreover, it felt like victory was imminent and Ye Xinghe was no longer needed.

His attitude towards him returned to contempt and disdain again.

Ye Xinghe frowned, feeling deeply uneasy in his heart.

"Is it really that easy to kill this strong man in black robe?"

Suddenly his heart moved and he shouted sternly: "Get back quickly!"

But Ehua Zang simply ignored his words and continued to fight forward.

And in the next moment, when E Huazang pounced on the black-robed strong man.

A hint of teasing flashed in the eyes of the black-robed strong man.

He waved casually.

So the next moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared, blocking his way to the high platform.

He stood in front of Ehua Zang.

When that figure appeared, it was even taller than the high platform used for sacrifice!

The next moment, Ye Xinghe and E Huazang saw clearly.

This huge figure standing up turned out to be a giant zombie!

He is a hundred meters tall and his whole body is purple-gold in color.

There is an unspeakable strangeness and ferocity in the brilliance.

This giant zombie directly caught all the offensives from Ehua Zang.

These offensives of Ehua Zang were originally aimed at the strong men in black robes.

It can be said that he used all his strength to unleash his strongest attack.

But when it fell on this purple-gold zombie, it didn't hurt its core at all.

It's just a scar on the body surface.

Not even blood was seen.

For it, it can be said to have only scratched the surface.

The next moment, the purple-gold zombie let out a low roar.

A slap hit E Huazang.

Just like hitting a mosquito, he was swatted away.

Ehua Zang was beaten so hard that countless bones in his body were broken, and his internal organs were bleeding wildly.

Ehua Zang collapsed on the ground, like a puddle of mud, he was seriously injured and on the verge of death!

The strong man in black robe laughed wildly, his eyes filled with amusement.

"You two are so naive!"

"Do you really think I'm so easy to kill?"

"Hahaha, you didn't expect that there is a purple and gold zombie guarding me!"

"He killed you two easily!"

"How about it, this feeling of thinking that you are about to succeed, but then being knocked down from the top to the bottom, isn't it extremely painful?"

He looked at the two of them as if they were playing.

"I feel the changes in your emotions. You are now depressed, desperate, and scared!"

"At this time, your soul is the most delicious!"

Ye Xinghe was extremely angry.

He had already sensed the danger just now.

If Ehua Zang listens to himself and returns in time.

Then, with the strength of the two of them, after a cooperation.

The moment he dragged the purple-gold zombie away, he had a chance to kill the black-robed strongman.

But Ehuazang did not obey the command, which directly led to failure!

"No, there's a purple gold zombie guarding me!"

"This purple-gold zombie has already reached the eleventh level of the Martial God Realm!"

"The two of us together can't even fight!"

At this time, Ehua Zang was desperate.

Who would have thought that there would be such a powerful protection beside this black-robed strong man!

He took a pill and recovered quickly from his injuries.

Soon, it reached its peak state.

But the look on his face was extremely bitter.

This was his life-saving medicine, and it was the last one.

After using it, you will lose a life-saving trump card.

But at this critical moment, there is no other choice.

Ye Xinghe said coldly: "Do you still dare to fight?"

"When you recover, I can cooperate with you to lure away the purple and gold zombies. I'll do it!"

Ehua Zang shook his head repeatedly, with a look of fear in his eyes.

"No, I can't do it!"

"If I hold him a little longer, I'm going to die!"

He was already frightened by it and had no desire to fight at all.

Ye Xinghe shook his head.

This is really a pig teammate.

At this moment of delay, those fierce ghosts came to kill them again.

Because of Ehua Zang, the two of them had lost their best opportunity.

Once again under siege.

The plan to sneak attack on the strong man in black robe failed immediately.

The two were locked in a bitter fight.

At this time, Ye Xinghe still has not given up and is still thinking hard.

At this time, Ye Xinghe's opponent was an extremely powerful evil spirit.

This evil spirit is not big, even smaller than other evil spirits.

But he was extraordinarily condensed and his aura was even more powerful.

Other evil spirits are slow, but this one is extremely fast.

So much so that when Ye Xinghe used the Golden Light Suppression Technique before, he was unable to kill it.

And more importantly.

The moment Ye Xinghe looked at it, he realized that it was different from other evil spirits.

In the eyes of other evil spirits, they only see numbness and hollowness, like zombies.

And in its eyes, there is clearly a sense of consciousness.

Ye Xinghe suddenly realized that it was conscious.

Moreover, the eyes staring at Ye Xinghe also contained a bit of hatred and treachery.

Ye Xinghe glanced at it, his heart was slightly touched, and he thought of something,

Suddenly a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then he pretended not to see it and fought with other evil spirits.

This time, Ye Xinghe did not use the Golden Light Suppression Technique.

Soon, he was surrounded and entangled by those evil spirits.

That cold and desperate aura enveloped him.

Finally, Ye Xinghe seemed to be unable to hold on any longer and fell to the ground.

At this time, his Golden Light Suppression Technique seemed to have reached its limit and could no longer be used.

With a face full of despair, he lay on the ground, resigned to his fate.

The next moment, you will be devoured by these fierce ghosts.

Next to him, Ehua Zang was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene.

But then I thought that Ye Xinghe’s strength was not high to begin with.

It's just that some means can be used to kill these fierce ghosts.

Being beheaded is normal now.

He didn't even think about saving it.

He rolled his eyes wildly, thinking only about how to escape.

At this time, the strange evil spirit that had been watching finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Ye Xinghe's fresh flesh and blood has a strong attraction to it.

It roared and rushed forward.

And those evil spirits seemed to be afraid of it.

Seeing it rushing up, they all ducked away.

Don't blame the evil spirit for this one. He jumped directly in front of Ye Xinghe and bit his neck.

To suck his freshest flesh and blood.

But right now.

Ye Xinghe seemed to be collapsed on the ground, unable to resist anymore.

But he suddenly opened his eyes and smiled.

"You got Fooled!"

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