Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2634 You are not bringing this on yourself

Chapter 2634: Are you bringing this upon yourself?

A figure appeared in the shadow behind him.

It’s Ye Xinghe!

Another sword slashed out and killed him.

Although they were dressed like Bai Wuchang, they were not evil ghosts after all.

In this sunshine, there are shadows after all.

There is a shadow, which is Ye Xinghe’s home court!

His shadow-killing ghost steps can't go anywhere!

At the same time, a large net suddenly appeared in front of another Bai Wuchang who had fled away.

It is a hundred meters in diameter, with fine mesh, only about the size of a fist.

The entire network looks like it is made of black bark, rough and primitive, but extremely practical.

He was instantly trapped in it.

Wang Feng slashed his sword down and killed him directly.

There were only three pools of pus and blood on the spot, as well as three waist cards.

Ye Xinghe's Shadow Killing Ghost Step can only be used twice in a short period of time.

Otherwise, the burden on the body will be too great.

Therefore, he asked Wang Feng to solve one of them.

Ye Xinghe picked up the waist card in his hand and looked at it carefully.

Seven Star Tower.

These three big characters come into view.

Seeing these three words, Ye Xinghe's heart skipped a beat.

But he immediately sacrificed the God of Yangming, sensed it, and discovered it.

The soul of Bai Wuchang, who was killed last, had not yet escaped.

At this moment, Ye Xinghe suddenly looked at Wang Feng.

He smiled and said: "Yan Zhengxiu's strategy is really good."

"We set up this ambush and killed three more people from Qixing Tower."

"Collect the poisons they used later and study them carefully."

"Don't let go of their souls either!"

"I want to see how Qixing Tower controls them!"

When he said this, his expression was calm, with a bit of joy and excitement.

It was as if he thought the soul of the Seven Star Tower killer had dissipated.

So without any precautions, he directly communicated with the companion next to him about the purpose of the trip.

It looks very natural.

Wang Feng was stunned for a moment.

But he was a person who reacted very quickly, and he immediately understood what Ye Xinghe meant.

He smiled and said, "Your Excellency, your plan is good, and with Yan Zhengxiu's cooperation, everything will go smoothly!"

"Through this matter, two major mysteries of the Seven Star Tower can be revealed."

"When the time comes, it will be much easier to deal with them!"

Ye Xinghe secretly admired Wang Feng's quick reaction.

And when the two said this.

The undigested soul of the Seven-Star Tower Killer clearly flickered for a moment.

Then, it completely disappeared.

Ye Xinghe knew that his goal had been achieved!

He laughed.

"Wang Feng, good cooperation!"

Wang Feng's eyes showed awe.

"This move of yours is so cruel and poisonous, I'm afraid Yan Zhengxiu will be in big trouble!"

"Poison and mind control methods are the core secrets of the Seven Star Tower. If you dare to touch their taboos, the Seven Star Tower will be furious." Ye Xinghe said lightly: "It's just a way of repaying the other person."

"Yan Zhengxiu dares to plot against me, I will make him regret it for the rest of his life!"

He asked Wang Feng: "Have you heard of Seven Star Tower?"

Wang Feng nodded, with a bit of shock on his face.

It can make him move, which is obviously a great strength.

Ye Xinghe said: "Tell me in detail."

Seven Star Tower, he had mentioned it before when he heard the Lord of Sumeru City chatting.

But I don’t know it in detail.

It’s just that he is powerful, acts strangely, and is very scary.

Wang Feng nodded.

"Seven Star Tower is one of the strongest killer organizations in the Lieyang Dynasty and is extremely secretive."

"The characteristic is that the number of people is not very large, but every one of them is a strong and elite person."

"They are divided into three types, white clothes, green clothes, and red clothes."

"What we just encountered were three lowest-level killers in white."

Ye Xinghe's brows tightened.

Just three lowest-level white-clothed assassins almost caused the two of them to overturn.

If it's the killers in green and red, I don't know how strong they are!

Wang Feng continued: "This Seven Star Tower is extremely weird, with countless tricks and endless tricks."

Ye Xinghe nodded slightly.

The strength of these three people is not very strong, they are only at the ninth level of the Martial God Realm.

But the method is really weird and cruel.

The use of poison is very strange, the movement skills are also very strange, and the way of escaping is even more strange.

If it were anyone else, even someone with his own level of cultivation, I'd be afraid that he would be fooled.

Moreover, even if he escaped with his life, he probably wouldn't be able to catch up with them if he tried to catch them.

Originally, this strange poison was extremely hidden. Once discovered, it would be too late.

Therefore, when the master of this strange poison is used to deal with other cultivators, it is always harmful.

Even those who are one or two levels higher than him are often successfully plotted by him.

When he discovered that he was poisoned, he was already limp and weak, and his strength was at a loss, so he could only be left to his own devices.

But as luck would have it, he hit the wall today.

The opponent he picked was a fifth-grade divine pharmacist!

For the fifth-grade divine pharmacist.

It would be too easy to see through his colorless and odorless poison!

Ye Xinghe quickly realized that there was a poisonous attack and took precautions.

Then he asked Wang Feng to pretend to be poisoned after ten breaths and lure them out.

Sure enough, Wang Feng is very good at acting, and his acting is flawless.

Pretending to be deeply poisoned, he successfully lured these three people out.

Wang Feng asked: "The three of them probably didn't come for me."

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "It's for me."

He looked in the direction of Qingyang Holy Land and said leisurely: "Some people don't want me to go back."

After Ye Xinghe explained this process, everyone was shocked.

These words have already been reflected, a lot of information.

They were all human beings, and they immediately guessed what was going on.

Ye Xinghe's words have a clear meaning.

In addition, on his way back, he was intercepted by three Seven Star Tower killers.

So, who is the person who least wants him to go to Moonlight Holy Land?

And who wants to see the fifth peak suffer the most?

In an instant, many people's eyes fell on Yan Zhengxiu, the leader of the third peak.

Since Ye Xinghe arrived.

Yan Zhengxiu's face suddenly turned very ugly.

Even more so with a bit of horror and disbelief.

But he was a man with a deep mind, and soon his expression returned to normal.

At this time, facing everyone's gaze, Yan Zhengxiu's face turned cold.

He stared at Ye Xinghe and said in a cold voice: "Boy, you are so bloody!"

"What evidence do you have!"

Ye Xinghe smiled slightly.

He spread his hands and said, "Master Yan, I didn't say anything. Are you asking for it?"

Yan Zhengxiu's eyes flickered.

He knew that he was a little confused when he saw Ye Xinghe arrive alive.

When everyone saw him like this again, he immediately lost his sense of proportion and exposed something.

However, he was not panicked.

Ye Xinghe had no evidence at all, so he had no choice but to do it.

Yan Zhengxiu was completely confident.

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