Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2640 The Mastermind Behind the Scenes

Chapter 2640 The person behind it!

At this time, Si Qingchen's medicinal effect had reached its peak.

She only felt extremely hot all over her body, and every breath she took out was burning.

His eyes were full of lust, and his eyes were confused.

She felt her vision blurred.

Vaguely, I saw a tall and handsome man walking in.

But it was a familiar face.

She said tremblingly: "Junior brother, you are here!"

"Am I dreaming?"

She thought she had mistaken Zhang Lingchao for her junior brother.

The next moment, she felt.

There is a pair of big hands that embrace me.

Feeling the familiar temperature and breath, a voice sounded in my ears.

"Sister, it's me, it's okay, I'm here!"

At this moment, Si Qingchen suddenly woke up and saw clearly that it was really Ye Xinghe.

In an instant, she was so happy that her whole body was trembling.

With a 'swish', tears flowed down.

She trembled: "Junior brother, it's really you!"

"I thought you were dead, but it's really you, so great!"

She hugged Ye Xinghe and cried loudly.

Ye Xinghe patted her back gently and whispered: "Don't worry, I will take care of everything."

Si Qingchen cried for a while before calming down.

However, the effect of the aphrodisiac came back again.

Making her twist unnaturally.

Ye Xinghe felt the burning heat in his arms and roughly guessed what was going on.

Si Qingchen's head was buried in his arms, his face as red as blood.

Her voice was like a gnat: "This poison can only be cured by two people having sex."

"If it were you."

She bit her lip, her voice almost inaudible.

"I do!"

The words "I do" were printed in his mind, and Ye Xinghe's heart was shaking.

It has to be said that Si Qingchen looks absolutely beautiful and has a slim figure.

She has always been an iceberg beauty, very cold and stunning.

At this moment, his face is red, and it is placed in front of him for you to pick.

It would be a lie to say that you are not moved.

As if sensing Ye Xinghe's emotions, Si Qingchen started to pester him again.

She whispered in his ear: "Junior brother, please have mercy."

At this time, Ye Xinghe gritted his teeth and drove Qi Nian out of his mind.

The mind regains some clarity.

He first took out a pill and handed it to Si Qingchen.

"Swallow it and you can temporarily restrain yourself."

"Then I will make medicine for you immediately after I take you back."

"Don't worry, I can definitely save you!"

Si Qingchen was stunned for a moment, bit his lip gently and nodded.

But there was a bit of disappointment in his eyes.

Si Qingchen swallowed the pill.

Sure enough, the lust has gone down quite a bit.

Thinking of his performance just now, his face turned red.

She huddled in Ye Xinghe's arms, not daring to look at him.

Ye Xinghe took out a large black cloak and covered her body.

He held her in his arms and strode outside.

As he walked out, he saw.

Yan Fan was still standing outside, looking at himself leisurely.

Ye Xinghe frowned slightly.

In fact, there was another reason why Ye Xinghe allowed Zhang Lingchao to invite Yan Fan over.

That is.

His eyes were sharp and cold, staring at Yan Fan.

This is Ye Xinghe's true goal!

This is the person behind it!

Ye Xinghe wanted to take this opportunity to directly anger him.

As long as he dares to take action, Ye Xinghe can justifiably fight back without breaking the sect's rules.

Ye Xinghe wants to kill him directly here without leaving any further trouble!

But unexpectedly, Yan Fan was very cautious and would not be fooled at all.

He actually watched helplessly as Zhang Lingchao was beheaded by him without taking any action.

This made Ye Xinghe even more fearful.

It shows that Yan Fan is scheming enough and can endure it!

This kind of enemy is the most terrifying!


Yan Fan suddenly smiled and said: "Ye Xinghe, maybe the two of us can meet again in the Moonlight Holy Land."

Ye Xinghe frowned slightly and said nothing.

Yan Fan smiled particularly brightly.

"Just now, there was a disciple who was preparing to go to Moonlight Holy Land, but he took the initiative to withdraw and gave up this spot to me."


He stared at Ye Xinghe and smiled: "I can also enter the Moonlight Holy Land!"

"I don't know, after we enter Yuehua Holy Land, who can get more resources and more opportunities?"

His brows were full of provocation.

Ye Xinghe quickly returned to the fifth peak and immediately started the furnace to refine the elixir for Si Qingchen.

This kind of aphrodisiac is easy to solve.

He refined a fourth-grade magic medicine, but it only took him an hour.

Give it to Si Qingchen to drink.

Si Qingchen immediately knelt down on the ground and vomited.

Soon, she recovered after spitting out a pool of black and green venom.

She took a deep look at Ye Xinghe, but said nothing. She just ran away as if running away.

At this time, the White Lotus Sword Immortal also knew what happened.

Ye Xinghe has already dealt with it, so naturally there is no need for him to take action again.

In the quiet house made of bamboo, the two people sat opposite each other.

Ye Xinghe said word by word: "Uncle, I have a question, please answer me!"

He came back to find the truth from the White Lotus Sword Immortal.

The White Lotus Sword Immortal nodded and looked into the distance with melodious eyes.

Ye Xinghe said in a deep voice: "My master, Qinglian Sword Immortal, is he dead or not?"

"Did he die in the hands of Qingyang Holy Land, or did he die in that place that he has never wanted to mention?"

Hearing this, the White Lotus Sword Immortal was shocked, stood up suddenly, and looked down at Ye Xinghe.

Indescribable shock flashed in his eyes.

"You, you know that place!"

"Is it possible, you too?"

Ye Xinghe nodded and said: "Of course I know, because I have already entered there!"

"So, uncle, there is no need to lie to protect me."

"I know everything I need to know!"

The White Lotus Sword Immortal was obviously very excited and walked back and forth in the room several times.

"I knew you would ask this question sooner or later, but I didn't expect it to happen so soon."

He looked at Ye Xinghe and said: "Back then, junior brother had an unexpected encounter and his strength increased by leaps and bounds. There are a few people who know the inside story, including the Lord."

"But junior brother refuses to say, and cannot reveal it no matter what."

"For this reason, the Lord hates him and annoys him, and even wants to kill him!"

"But even so, he couldn't find any clues that would give Junior Brother an opportunity."

He looked at Ye Xinghe and frowned: "Can you tell me?"

Ye Xinghe shook his head. "I will die if I tell you, even if I don't reveal anything!"

"As expected!"

White Lotus Sword Immortal nodded and said: "I guessed that there should be such a taboo."

"Otherwise, junior brother will not hide anything from me."

"If he doesn't tell others, he will tell me."

He continued: "Your Majesty, I have been checking it all these years."

"He has probably guessed that junior brother may have encountered some opportunity."

"So, the Lord has been looking for a way to enter there."

Ye Xinghe nodded and suddenly realized.

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