Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2646: Token of Mission Start

Chapter 2646: A token of the start of the mission!

How could he have the heart to abolish King Xu Ling's cultivation!

He gritted his teeth and said: "It's useless to beg me, go and beg Mr. Ye!"

"Please spare my life, Ye Xinghe, sir, please let me go!"

Ye Xinghe didn't even look at him, but said lightly: "Shopkeeper Wang, if you don't take action, do you want me to do it for you?"

It's not that Ye Xinghe is cruel.

If this person just had a temporary dispute with him, Ye Xinghe would not do anything to him.

Just give him a lesson.

But later it became clear that he wanted to kill himself, and Ye Xinghe absolutely couldn't bear it!

Keeping such people around is just a nuisance.

Hearing the solemn meaning in Ye Xinghe's voice, Shopkeeper Wang finally gritted his teeth and his eyes turned red.

Suddenly, Wang Xuling was dragged back.

Then a sword pierced his Dantian.

Wang Xuling's Dantian was destroyed, and Xuanhuang's divine power continued to escape.

The aura on his body dropped rapidly.

In an instant, his cultivation was abolished.

Shopkeeper Wang suddenly raised his head, his eyes red.

"Master Ye, is it okay now?"

Ye Xinghe nodded, and then suddenly said: "I heard that the current manager of Sleeping Dragon Valley should be replaced."

"I think you are quite knowledgeable and fair in your actions. I will tell the old shopkeeper later."

Upon hearing this, Shopkeeper Wang, who had turned around and left angrily, suddenly stopped.

There was an expression of ecstasy on his face, and he trembled: "Trapped in the Dragon Valley?"

"Is it the Sleeping Dragon Valley, which has thousands of acres of medicinal fields and is used to refine elixirs?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Where else could it be?"

Shopkeeper Wang was extremely excited.

You know, Sleeping Dragon Valley is one of the most fertile positions in Aotian Chamber of Commerce.

It's much better than here!

If you can go there, your annual income can at least double several times. This is an endless benefit!

"This, I am really grateful!"

Shopkeeper Wang didn't know what to say for a moment, so he quickly thanked her.

This pull and hit instantly made Shopkeeper Wang lose his temper.

The resentment towards Ye Xinghe just now disappeared without a trace.

After all, he values ​​his own future more than this nephew.

Can go to Sleepy Dragon Valley and serve as the steward there.

For him, it was a direct upgrade several levels.

Moreover, you can get endless oil and water benefits in the future!

He was only grateful to Ye Xinghe, so how could he feel any resentment?

At this time, he had a smile on his face and bowed repeatedly.

"Thank you for your support, sir!"

Ye Xinghe waved his hand, signaling for him to retreat.

At this time, Quan Jian'an was standing by, dazzled by the sight, his eyes full of admiration.

He sighed in his heart: "This Mr. Ye is really powerful. Not only does he have a strong background, but his skills are also powerful!"

"With just a few words, Shopkeeper Wang will be grateful to him!"

The boat sailed above the sky, and its speed was indeed much faster than other flying boats.

Like a black light, it is almost impossible to catch it.

In two days, we will arrive at the Moonlight Holy Land.

The cabin was quiet, and everyone was practicing individually.

The eyes that occasionally glanced at Ye Xinghe were filled with awe.

Ye Xinghe walked to the back of the cabin.

This is the stern of the ship. Everyone is busy, but no one comes to the stern of the ship. It is very quiet.

Ye Xinghe looked at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance and made sure there was no one around.

He reached into his arms and held the token left by the Qinglian Sword Immortal with a thought in his mind.

The next moment, his figure quietly disappeared.

When he opened his eyes again, he had returned to his own Fangcun Mountain No. 75910.

Fangcun Mountain is suspended in the universe, and there is only endless void in the distance.

Ye Xinghe originally thought that he could only stay in Fangcun Mountain before entering the mission.

I found out after Wang Feng explained.

Every time you complete a mission, you can get one hour to stay in Fangcun Mountain.

It can be used at any time at this time.

You can choose to enter Fangcun Mountain an hour in advance before the mission starts to prepare early.

You can also choose to enter Fangcun Mountain at any time.

Of course, it has great limitations.

The owner of Fangcun Mountain must be in a calm mood without any disturbance.

At the same time, you can only enter when there is no fighting or other people around.

If you are in battle, you cannot enter Fangcun Mountain.

This also makes it difficult to become a trump card to escape.

For example, if you are being chased, there is no way to escape using this method.

Returning to this place that he had not seen for a long time, Ye Xinghe felt a sense of kindness in his heart.

He walked out, sat on the steps, and looked into the distance.

The voice rang out, shouting towards the Taixu Holy Realm.

"In Taixu Holy Realm, isn't our mission once every six months at most?"

"It's been a year or two, why hasn't the second mission started yet?"

Taixu Holy Realm was silent, empty, and without response.

But Ye Xinghe knew that he was obviously unwilling to respond.

Ye Xinghe didn't care either.

He asked this as a casual question.

For him, the frequency of this task has little impact.

He asked this just as a test, and from this, he also inferred a lot of things.

First of all, there must be nothing wrong with Taixu Holy Realm.

Otherwise, he would not be able to return to Fangcun Mountain No. 75910.

Secondly, Taixu Holy Realm may have some unspeakable secrets, or it may be making preparations, so the mission has been stopped.

Moreover, not only myself, many people should have stopped.

At least, Wang Feng did not enter the mission again.

Then, Ye Xinghe raised the token left by the Qinglian Sword Immortal.

He said loudly: "You didn't answer me the first question, but you must answer me the second question!"

"What is this thing and what is it used for?"

This time, Taixu Holy Realm finally answered.

A vast and ethereal voice sounded

"This is a token of the start of a mission."

"Oh, a token of the start of the mission?"

Ye Xinghe was stunned for a moment.

He originally thought that this thing was some kind of key to a secret realm.

But I didn't expect it to be a token to start the mission.

Ye Xinghe asked again, but Taixu Holy Realm refused to say anything.

Ye Xinghe had no choice but to withdraw from the secret realm of Fangcun Mountain.

He didn't pay attention for the time being and went back to the cabin to continue practicing.

Two days later, we arrived at Yuehua Holy Land.

The spaceship landed and everyone walked out of the cabin.

Then, there were exclamations one after another.

"Moonlight Holy Land has arrived!"

But it was beyond everyone's expectations.

This turned out to be a giant island floating in the sky!

The island is endless as far as the eye can see, just like the legendary abode of immortals.

This is how terrifying top strength is in this wild world!

Those who came here for the first time took a breath of cold air.

His eyes were filled with shock and awe.

But Ye Xinghe looked calm.

He has never seen any big scenes.

In his opinion, this is just ordinary.

The fairy mountain island is dotted with white clouds.

It almost enveloped a large circle around it.

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