Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2657 Templar Guards

Chapter 2657 Temple Guard!

"I want to see who the boy who drained the profound veins is!"

The next moment, he disappeared directly.

Seeing the ruins in front of him, Ye Xinghe also had a headache.

This cannot be explained at all. Yuehua Holy Land must understand what happened.

Sure enough, it was as he expected.

Within a moment, Sun Hanrong arrived directly.

He said in horror: "Ye Xinghe, what happened to you here?"

He looked anxious.

He is responsible for Tianzi No. 9 Taoist Academy. If something happens, he will not be able to escape the involvement.

Ye Xinghe spread his hands and revealed a wry smile.

"It seems that I absorbed it too hard and sucked all the profound veins under my magic circle dry, and it became like this."

This matter must be characterized from the beginning.

He had sucked this profound vein dry.

People cannot be suspicious of the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron.

That's why he said that.

Sun Hanrong frowned and said, "I'm telling you something serious, don't be joking!"

Others also had expressions of disbelief.

Ye Xinghe spread his hands and said helplessly: "I am telling the truth. If you don't believe me, see for yourself."

Sun Hanrong frowned, came to the abyss, and looked down.

Sure enough, I couldn't feel the slightest hint of black and yellow energy inside.

And he also knew very well that this was indeed the mysterious vein.

Now he couldn't help but not believe it.

His face was filled with shock: "Did you really suck up this profound vein?"

Ye Xinghe nodded: "Yes, I said it, but you still don't believe it."

Everyone took a breath after hearing this.

For a moment, it was extremely quiet here.

Everyone looked as if they had seen a ghost.

"This Ye Xinghe is so terrifying. He can suck up a profound vein all by himself!"

"Yes, and it only took him more than a month!"

"Even if hundreds of people suck it at the same time, it will be difficult to drain one profound vein!"

"How on earth did he do it?"

"What kind of talent does this person have, and what level of magical power is he at?"

Everyone is now completely convinced of Ye Xinghe.

Sun Hanrong was secretly glad in his heart.

"Ye Xinghe is so talented and his future is limitless. Fortunately, I didn't offend him too much that day!"

At this moment, another group of disciples from Yuehua Holy Land suddenly arrived.

They wore the robes of the Moonlight Holy Land.

But unlike others.

On their robes, there was a pattern of three drops of blood, which looked quite eerie.

After seeing them arriving, a flash of fear flashed across Sun Hanrong's face.

He stepped forward and saluted respectfully: "Senior brothers who have met the temple guards!"

The words "Temple Guard" made everyone feel awe-inspiring.

They knew that this was the law enforcement agency of Yuehua Holy Land.

A certain big shot belonging to the Holy Land enforces the law harshly and without mercy.

Every year there are some people from other forces who come to practice.

Because he violated the rules of Yuehua Holy Land, he was killed by them without mercy. No one could plead for mercy.

Their strength is also extremely strong.

Ye Xinghe couldn't see through the strength of the leading temple guard.

But at least, it is still in the middle of the eleventh level of the Martial God Realm, or even higher!

Sun Hanrong hurried forward and whispered.

Hearing that Ye Xinghe drained a profound vein with one person's power.

These disciples of the Temple Guard were also shocked.

They are in Yuehua Holy Land, and they are well-informed.

But I have never heard of such a thing.

The leader, Wu Gengxiao, quickly stepped forward to check.

After seeing the abyss, the faces of all the temple guards were filled with shock.

These disciples of Yuehua Holy Land have actually seen dried up profound veins.

But that's how it all dried up.

All sects want to build large-scale magic circles, which require massive amounts of Xuanhuang Qi.

Or it may be a high-level elder in the sect who needs intensive cultivation, and several people work together to drain a mysterious vein.

Only in this way will the profound veins dry up.

And now, this Ye Xinghe is a mere disciple of Qingyang Holy Land.

I have just entered the Moonlight Holy Land, but it has only been more than a month.

With his own strength, he drained a profound vein.

It’s simply unbelievable!

Several people looked Ye Xinghe up and down.

One of the temple guards said: "Boss, let's report this matter quickly!"

"With such a character, the Holy Land will definitely take it seriously!"

Wu Gengxiao's eyes were filled with uncertainty, as if he was thinking about something.

Ye Xinghe's heart suddenly tightened and he had an ominous premonition.

At this time, someone came out of the temple guard.

Wu Gengxiao, the leader, whispered a few words in his ear.

Ye Xinghe's pupils suddenly shrank.

It turned out that when he saw this person, he was actually an acquaintance.

It turned out to be Yan Fan, the son of Yan Zhengxiu!

After hearing what he said, Wu Gengxiao's expression suddenly changed and he whispered: "Is this true?"

Yan Fanwei laughed and said, "How dare I lie to you!"

"Before he entered the sect, he was unknown and was just born into a small force."

"After entering the sect, he suddenly rose up and was out of control."

"I suspect that he may have a treasure on him!"

Wu Gengxiao suddenly became greedy.

He stared at Ye Xinghe, thoughts swirling in his mind.

Ye Xinghe was able to drain a profound vein in just over a month.

This means that he is either extremely talented, has a special physique, or possesses top-notch magical powers.

It may even be an advanced rule-based magical power.

Otherwise, there must be a treasure in him!

There are nothing more than these three possibilities.

And if he falls into his hands.

As long as it has something to do with supernatural powers or treasures, then you will be successful!

If it is really his talent, then grab it if you can.

If you can't snatch him away, just let him go.

As for the consequences of this matter, Wu Gengxiao is not afraid.

He has a very strong backer behind him, and he can withstand anything if something happens.

In the entire Yuehua Holy Land, few people can touch him!


He gritted his teeth and decided to take the risk.

Compared with this risk, the benefits are huge!

As long as Ye Xinghe can be captured, the specific reason can be found out from him.

Then, the benefits you gain will be unlimited!

Maybe you can directly change your destiny and break the current bottleneck.

Let yourself have hope of breaking into the Martial God Realm!

You know, he has been stuck in the Martial God realm for many, many years and has never made a breakthrough.

Now, this hope is before him!

After making the decision, Wu Gengxiao immediately stepped forward.

His breath exploded fiercely, and he pressed hard towards Ye Xinghe.

The aura of the eleventh level peak of the Martial God Realm exploded.

The pressure was so heavy that Ye Xinghe could hardly breathe, and he tried his best to block it.

Wu Gengxiao sneered: "Drain the earth's veins and destroy my Yuehua Holy Land magic circle. Boy, you are guilty of a lot!"

"Follow me back to the Templar Guard's prison!"

With a wave of his hand, several temple guards surrounded Ye Xinghe.

Everyone is not weaker than Ye Xinghe!

Seeing this scene, Zhao Zheyi and others were stunned.

They originally thought that Ye Xinghe would be valued by Saint Yuehua.

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