Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2664 The strange bird Bifang

Chapter 2664 The strange bird is complete!

Ye Xinghe saw that these light red flames were like clouds.

Distributed everywhere in Dantian, misty.

Suddenly, a cry came.

It seemed to be the chirping of a bird, but it was not as clear and sweet as the ordinary bird chirping.

Instead, it is full of hoarseness, ferocity, and violence.

Then, a figure flew out from the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron.

It's a one-legged strange bird.

It looks ferocious, with two huge eyes on its gray-black head.

At this time, he stared at Ye Xinghe without blinking.

The eyes were suddenly dull, but there was a fierceness originating from the instinct of life.

It turned out to be the one-legged strange bird that was refined by the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron before!

At this moment, the chains on it are gone.

Ye Xinghe was shocked.

"Has this one-legged strange bird been successfully refined?"

At this time, the one-legged strange bird stared at him with a crooked face and said nothing.

One person and one bird were in a stalemate.

A moment later, Weng Ming came from the Heaven Swallowing Divine Cauldron.

The flames, like clouds all over the sky, condensed in the air and turned into huge fonts.

Ye Xinghe looked quickly, and then he understood in his heart.

It turns out that this one-legged strange bird is named Bifang, and he is born to control flames.

Its flames are extremely terrifying, far exceeding those of mortal flames.

According to rumors, it can destroy heaven and earth.

With one breath, the entire world will be burned clean by flames and turned into ruins.

Of course, this Bi Fang had just been successfully smelted and the seal was broken, so it was not yet so powerful.

But it can grow.

Moreover, even now, its flames are beyond ordinary beast fire and demon fire.

The reason why the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron was chosen was to be the first to refine it.

Just use its flames to refine it for yourself.

Ye Xinghe was pleasantly surprised after reading it.

The words of the Heaven Swallowing Divine Cauldron conveyed a lot of information.

First, it is the role of this one-legged strange bird Bifang.

Second, the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron now seems to have some special uses and has added some abilities.

After all, it has regained quite a bit of its strength.

The previous Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron can shatter spiritual stones and spiritual elixirs, which can speed up the absorption ability.

Help Ye Xinghe practice.

"What new abilities do you have now?"

Ye Xinghe immediately asked what was on his mind.

The Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron did not answer.

After a long time, it condensed into a line of words.

"You'll know then!"

Ye Xinghe shook his head.

Why is this little guy so showy?

I can't find anything from the Heaven Swallowing Divine Cauldron.

Ye Xinghe's heart moved.

Suddenly he turned his attention to the one-legged strange bird Bifang next to him.

He flashed his right hand, and red demonic fire appeared in his hand.

It is the red demonic fire inherited from Master Dan.

After the red demonic fire appeared, Ye Xinghe compared it with Bi Fang's flame.

If you find that you are superior, you will be judged.

Bi Fang's flame, whether it is pure, hot or sensitive.

They are many times higher than my own red demonic fire.

Ye Xinghe felt happy.

If you can subdue Bi Fang and use Bi Fang's flames to refine it.

My level as a divine medicine master might even be improved!


He looked at Bifang, who also tilted his head and looked at him.

The two stared at each other.

Ye Xinghe tried to communicate with it and raised his fingers at it.

"come over."

But Bi Fang ignored him at all.

Ye Xinghe frowned and asked: "How should I conquer Bi Fang?"

The flames condensed into three large characters.

Conquer it!

Ye Xinghe understood immediately at this time.

If you want to control this one-legged strange bird Bifang and use it to refine magic medicine for yourself.

Well, you have to fight it first!

Just hit him, you're too scared!

Ye Xinghe was not afraid at this time.

He already has more than 640 mysterious powers.

Looking at Yuehua Holy Land, they are all considered to be quite outstanding disciples.

I can't beat this little bird!

Ye Xinghe looked around.

"Is it possible to fight here?"

A ray of light shot out from the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron.

Ye Xinghe and the one-legged strange bird Bi Fang were all covered.

The next moment, Ye Xinghe discovered.

He had arrived at an open field with no end in sight.

Underfoot is a heavy blue-black color, like metal casting.

Above the head is the misty sky.

Opposite him was the one-legged strange bird Bifang.

At this moment, Bifang's eyes when he looked at Ye Xinghe were no longer empty and numb.

Instead, it was filled with hatred and ferocity.

It suddenly made a hoarse scream and rushed towards Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe sneered.

"A flat-haired beast dares to blow his hair with me!"

He found that there was no difference between here and outside.

You can maximize your own strength.

The next moment, Bifang's strange bird was approaching.

Opening his mouth, a mouthful of extremely hot flames hit his head.

Ye Xinghe didn't dare to accept it forcefully.

This flame is extremely hot and very powerful.

Not to mention my physical body, even my divine body wouldn't be able to bear it!

He unleashed his powerful black and yellow divine power and collided with the flame.

But the next moment, Xuanhuang's divine power was burned alive by the flames.

Ye Xinghe's eyelids twitched wildly.

This flame is much more domineering than imagined!

The flames burned through Xuanhuang's divine power and rushed straight towards Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe had no choice but to quickly hide to the side.

But I didn't expect that the one-legged strange bird was also extremely cunning after all.

He had already predicted his location and was waiting there.

Its huge wings flap fiercely.

With a 'bang' sound, it hit Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe only felt that an incomparable power came from

He was thrown away and fell heavily to the ground.

Ye Xinghe turned over and revealed a wry smile.

He lost!

Failed miserably!

Even Bifang is not an enemy of this one-legged strange bird.

Now Ye Xinghe finally knows.

Why is this one-legged strange bird Bifang qualified to be bound to the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron?

This is the true strength of ancient ferocious beasts!

Ye Xinghe knew that he was not his opponent yet.

However, fighting spirit surged in his heart.

Moreover, he also regards this one-legged strange bird Bifang as an excellent sparring candidate.

The next month was uneventful.

Elder Han Yuan did not see Ye Xinghe again.

He has only one request for Ye Xinghe.

That is to practice crazily and seize the time to improve your strength.

In one month, Ye Xinghe's Xuanhuang divine power has reached 800 levels!

A month later, in the space of the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron.

The one-legged strange bird Bifang screamed and flames spurted out, forcing Ye Xinghe back.

But it was directly intercepting Ye Xinghe's retreat.

The huge wings flapped over.

But he didn't expect that Ye Xinghe's retreat just now was just a feint, and his power was completely useless.

His figure flew away directly.

Even, taking advantage of this move, it retreated far back in an instant.

The next moment, he directly launched the Shadow Killing Ghost Step.

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