Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2666 Ye Xinghe’s Extreme Crisis

Chapter 2666 Ye Xinghe’s extreme crisis!

The red demonic fire surged out instantly.

Na Bifang couldn't wait to rush forward and sucked in his long beak.

In an instant, the red demonic fire was uprooted.

Ye Xinghe felt severe pain in his body, and something seemed to be forcefully pulled out of his body.

Then I heard a shrill scream coming from the red demonic fire.

The red demonic fire instantly revealed its true form and turned into extremely tiny red Gu worms.

It was swallowed directly by the one-legged strange bird.

It froze in place, its face full of intoxication, as if it was savoring something.

After a moment, he clicked his lips, showing an unfinished expression.

Somewhere in the Moonlight Holy Land, there is a dark and eerie building.

It's not big in scale, but it's like a ferocious beast, crouching here, giving people a powerful intimidation.

And this place is where many disciples of Yuehua Holy Land are frightened upon hearing the news.

This is where the Templar Guard is located.

The Temple Guards are in Yuehua Holy Land and have a reputation for being evil.

Not only because they are cruel to people from other sects.

He is still ruthless to his own people.

Just like a bunch of mad dogs.

But unfortunately, the backers behind them are very hard and no one can offend them.

At this time, in a small courtyard in the building complex of Temple Guard, a low roar full of excitement came.

"I did it, I finally did it!"

In a quiet room, Wu Gengxiao suddenly stood up, his face full of excitement.

His eyes were red and his face was dull, obviously exhausted.

But there was an indescribable light of excitement in his eyes.

In his right hand, he was holding something.

It looks like a puppet, about a foot tall, and has a lifelike shape.

And the weirdest thing is that the face of the puppet looks exactly like Ye Xinghe!

At this time, bursts of red light emitted from the puppet.

It looked like it had a strange spirituality, as if it had come alive.

It turned out that this treasure was the thing that Lord Shengzi had given to Wu Gengxiao before.

He asked Wu Gengxiao to refine this thing and kill Ye Xinghe with his own hands.

One is to let him take revenge and kill his enemies with his own hands.

Secondly, it is also a test for him.

Wu Gengxiao knew it very well.

If I can't fulfill the requirements of the Holy Son within a month.

Then, not only will this treasure be recovered.

He would also be killed directly by the Holy Son because of his incompetence.

The Holy Son would not want such an incompetent person.

Therefore, Wu Gengxiao spent almost no sleep this month, frantically refining this thing.

I finally succeeded in refining him!

He didn't want to be an outcast.

Following Lord Holy Son these years, he has witnessed with his own eyes the tragic fate of countless abandoned children!

At this time, he looked down at the puppet and sneered: "Ye Xinghe, you gave me such humiliation that day, I want to pay it all back now!"

"Letting you die silently is the best punishment for a genius like you!"

"I'm afraid you won't know until you die how you died and who killed you!"


He laughed wildly.

"It's a pity that I can't see your death!"

"But it doesn't matter."

As he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a huge black sword appeared.

It is his top magic weapon.

Then, he slashed at the little puppet.

It looks a bit ridiculous to kill a small puppet with a giant knife.

The giant knife fell, and immediately, the puppet's left arm was broken off at the elbow.

And almost at the same moment.

Ye Xinghe was meditating in his own hall.

His heart suddenly aroused extreme vigilance and vigilance.

At this moment, an extreme danger enveloped him.

He clearly felt the danger turning into fear and despair.

In an instant, his spiritual world was swept away.

Ye Xinghe opened his eyes suddenly and roared angrily.

"Someone wants to kill me!"

At this moment, he was running the Small Universe Technique and deducing it at extremely high speed.

The next moment, he saw a patch of red in his eyes.

Bloody and cruel.

Then he saw his end.


He saw himself dead!

At the same time, Ye Xinghe suddenly felt a pain in his elbow.

Then he saw a scar on his left hand.

The scars spread at an extremely fast speed and became huge in an instant.

In Ye Xinghe's wild roar, he circulated Xuanhuang's divine power and rushed towards this place crazily.

But it's no use.

More than 800 Xuanhuang divine powers could not stop the wound from getting bigger.

Ye Xinghe took out various elixirs, slapped them on them, or swallowed them in his mouth.

But still no use.

He couldn't stop it at all costs!

Ye Xinghe felt the danger.

He saw the danger, but he couldn't hide it, he couldn't stop it!

This kind of power is something he cannot resist or resist at all!

This power is much higher than his level!

A voice roared in Ye Xinghe's heart.

"The power of rules, this is the power of rules!"

Ye Xinghe suddenly realized that someone was using the power of rules to deal with him!

The next moment, in the severe pain, Ye Xinghe's left hand was broken at the elbow.

The fracture is extremely smooth.

It was as if his body had turned into a clay puppet.

Then it was as if someone had cut off the left arm lightly, easily and simply.

But it’s also unspeakably weird!

Severe pain came and his arm was crippled, causing great damage to Ye Xinghe.

But he was extremely awake and thinking about everything immediately.

What he is worried about now is not this, but what's next.

Sure enough, what Ye Xinghe was most worried about appeared.

The next moment, his left leg was broken at the knee, and the break was still smooth and crisp!

Then, his right hand was broken off at the elbow!

Then his right leg!

Ye Xinghe suddenly realized something in his heart.

"Then the next step is here, isn't it?"

When the thought of Ye Xinghe came up.

A wound began to appear strangely on his neck!

Ye Xinghe's face was red and extremely ugly.

He felt like he couldn't breathe.

And the crack in his neck was getting bigger and deeper.

The next moment, his body will be separated and his head will be chopped off!

Strangely enough.

There was not a drop of blood showing from his wound.

It’s like it’s all sealed inside the body!

At this time, Ye Xinghe's heart was filled with the feeling of powerlessness in a desperate situation.

"Obviously my strength is not weak, and I obviously have gains, why can't I resist this kind of power!"

He knew that he was going to die next moment.

If it were in the past, Ye Xinghe could only fight desperately on his own.

But now, he has something else to rely on.

Ye Xinghe's severed arm struck hard at the magic circle, aiming at the underground mysterious veins.

He shouted sternly: "Old man, please save me, I know you are watching, you can see these profound veins, please save me quickly!"

As he spoke, the crack on Ye Xinghe's neck became wider and wider.

His face turned red and he couldn't breathe.

At this time, in the quiet house in the bamboo forest.

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