Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2676 Breaking Through the Realm

Chapter 2676 Breaking through the realm!

"So, I have to listen to what you say. If I disobey you, I will disobey the master and be disloyal and unfilial, right?"

"That's right!"

Ji Heliang Haoran said: "Here, I am the Qingyang Holy Land, and the Qingyang Holy Land is me!"

Ye Xinghe suddenly gave a high-five.

"I understand. If I am stronger than you, I can represent the entire Qingyang Holy Land here. Do you have to listen to me?"

Jie Heliang laughed wildly and said, "Are you crazy? What nonsense are you talking about?"

Ye Xinghe said coldly: "I'm asking you, right?"

Jie Heliang was so squeezed by him that he couldn't help but choked and was speechless for a moment.

But he had already said that just now, and now he could only grit his teeth and said: "Yes, that's the truth!"

"In short, this is the internal affairs of my Qingyang Holy Land. If you are really better than me, I have nothing to say!"

Ye Xinghe looked at Liang Zizhen and said with a smile: "Elder Liang, you heard it too. This is what he said himself. This is my Qingyang Holy Land. If I kill him, do you have any objection?"

Liang Zizhen had a stern face, but he did not look down on Ye Xinghe because of his low level.

He just said calmly: "You have to do your own business!"

Ye Xinghe nodded: "Okay!"

The next moment, the realm that he had suppressed for a long time suddenly shattered.

The surging black and yellow divine power poured directly into the ninth major organ in his body.

And his realm has been directly promoted to the ninth level of the Martial God Realm.

At this time, Ye Xinghe's body shimmered with light, Xuanhuang's divine power surged, and his realm improved.

Everyone can see clearly and suddenly realize.

He was temporarily improving his realm before the big battle.

However, they could only see what level Ye Xinghe had risen to and sense his current cultivation level.

But he didn't know how much mysterious power he had.

Everyone was quite surprised when they first saw it.

But if you feel it carefully, you will suddenly hear laughter one after another.

The faces of many Yuehua Holy Land disciples showed disapproval and mockery.

And those Qingyang Holy Land disciples laughed even more.

"Ye Xinghe, it turns out you are at the ninth level of the Martial God Realm, haha!"

"You've been making trouble for a long time, you're just an ant at the ninth level of the Martial God Realm!"

"A person like you is worthy of Elder Ji taking action!"

"If you hadn't had those two magic weapons to protect your body just now, I could have killed you, and even used Elder Ji!"

Several Qingyang Holy Land disciples shouted loudly.

These people have never seen Ye Xinghe take action.

He had long been quite dissatisfied with his reputation as a genius.

At this time, they saw that his cultivation was only at the ninth level of the Martial God Sword, and they all immediately laughed at him.

One of the disciples stepped forward and clasped his fists and said: "Elder, how can you kill a chicken with a bull's knife? To deal with him, why do you need to take action? I can just kill him!"

When several people around him saw it, they all regretted that they had spoken too late.

They also stepped forward to ask for a fight.

They all regard Ye Xinghe as a soft persimmon and want to step on him to get the upper hand.

Those Temple Guard disciples looked at each other and whispered: "A ninth-level Martial God Realm wants to challenge the 12th-level Martial God Realm. Is he crazy?"

"Yes, and they are both from the same sect, and the other party is his uncle's generation. Doesn't this completely suppress him?"

"He's so crazy. Who he thinks he is is three levels different!"

Jie Heliang laughed loudly: "I thought what your so-called trump card was."

"It turns out that I just broke through to the ninth level of the Martial God Realm!"

"Boy, you really embarrass me, Qingyang Holy Land!"

"After practicing for so long, I have just broken through to the ninth level of the Martial God Realm. How come we, Qingyang Holy Land, have such a loser like you!"

"With your level of cultivation, you are worthy of coming to Yuehua Holy Land for intensive cultivation, and you are worthy of occupying a precious spot!"

He looked down on Ye Xinghe at all.

Just now he launched a sneak attack, and Ye Xinghe was caught off guard.

He couldn't show his strength and didn't show much strength.

So, in Ji Heliang's view.

Ye Xinghe, the peerless genius who was boasted to be miraculous by the outside world, was nothing more than that.

Think about it, he is just a ninth level Martial God Realm.

How much stronger can you get?

He even glanced at Yan Fan next to him with some dissatisfaction.

He thought to himself: "A person like this is worthy of asking me to take action. It's too much to make a fuss about!"

When he thought about it, this kid had a rather special kind of flame just by chance.

Therefore, he was able to break free from the shackles in an instant and break the inevitable situation.

But if that fire is removed, he is nothing.

Moreover, Ji Heliang has rich experience, his eyes are very vicious, and he can see very clearly.

That kind of flame requires close proximity to exert its power.

Or use it on himself.

And if I want to kill this kid, I don't need to get close at all, it's easy.

In his eyes, except for the flame, which was quite impressive, everything else about Ye Xinghe was not worth mentioning.

Ye Xinghe said calmly: "So what if I'm at the ninth level of the Martial God Realm? If I beat you at the twelfth level of the Martial God Realm, I'll be able to capture you!"

The next moment, Ye Xinghe's figure suddenly flashed, and the Shadow Killing Ghost Step suddenly started.

In an instant, he was in the shadow in front of Jie Heliang.

Then he punched out.

More than a thousand rays of mysterious and yellow divine power suddenly surged.

It was smashed out with a powerful force like an explosion.

In the void, there seemed to be an extremely loud thunder.

The void within a hundred miles radius was shaken by it.

This power was no less powerful than the punch that Jian Heliang had just smashed into the magic circle.

And Ye Xinghe punched out, Jie Heliang's face was full of contempt, and he also slapped out with a casual palm.

However, he didn't take Ye Xinghe seriously at all.

Therefore, this palm did not use much force at all.

With a loud bang, fists and palms met.

Jie Heliang was actually shocked back a step, and his fingers twisted instantly.

His finger was actually broken off by Ye Xinghe, and he suffered a direct loss!

"What, he actually has more than a thousand mysterious powers!"

Everyone was dumbfounded and completely stunned.

A cultivator at the ninth level of the Martial God Realm actually has a thousand mysterious powers!

This completely subverted their understanding.

You know, the ordinary 12th level of the Martial God Realm.

Those who have just stepped into this realm have about a thousand mysterious and yellow divine powers.

Only at the peak of the twelfth level of the Martial God Realm can one soar to more than two thousand mysterious and yellow divine powers!

Those Qingyang Holy Land disciples who just took the initiative to challenge Ye Xinghe.

At this time, everyone suddenly became wilted, looked ugly, and quietly retreated behind everyone.

They had just provoked Ye Xinghe, but Heye Xinghe ignored them at all.

Turn around and use your actions to slap them in the face!

A thousand mysterious and yellow divine powers are simply not something they can compare to!

Ye Xinghe's strength is complete and he can crush them!

Although their realm may be higher, even if these people go together, they are no match for Ye Xinghe!

Many people looked at him strangely, with a bit of teasing.

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